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Support for 2nd independence referendum


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That's from the White Paper :lol::lol: :lol: :P

The whole once in a generation thing entirely constructed by Yes; so not sure why you are getting upset at No voters. If it is shite now it was shite when it was written.

It was once in a generation, unless they lost.


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ok fair enough, but do you realy think there is any point in arguing over who exactly said once in a generation and when exactly did they say it? was it official ? it was said by sturgeon and salmond when questioned by the media. it was said by the yes campaign in their material. yes scotland and the snp would look stupid if they tried to call another referendum. you know , asking the question over and over till you get the answer you want. f**k me i'm starting to sound like a no voter

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I did know where it came from. But unless they absolutely came out and said that they will not try for another referendum, then you're talking out of your arse.

There's a difference between a dramatic statement for effect and making policy. This really shouldn't be difficult.

No one said it was official policy. It was a continual theme from the yes camp, which understandably is now recognised as a lies; it was in press releases, debates, the white paper etc. Specific and deliberate lies to scare people into thinking this was their 'one opportunity'. I don't have a big problem with politicians lying, its what they do, but losers trying to justify them to themselves is pathetic in a funny sort of way. Merry Christmas!

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I suppose you'll have proof that it's from the white paper ?

Yes I do have proof. Its called the white paper - so lets stop the outright denial and join your friends trying desperately to justify the lies :)

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Yup, it was pretty much bullshit, and fairly needless bullshit as well. Some people HAVE acted like it's some sort of thing that they need to rigidly stick to though. They did not once say that they wouldn't call another referendum.

To have any credibility they do have to stick to it.

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My point is that people acting like another referendum happening is some sort of going against some sort of promise are clutching at straws. Nothing to do with whether they SHOULD have one or not.

Which I've made clear. If you're too thick to grasp it, I'm afraid that's not my problem.

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Fancy showing me where the SNP actually said they wouldn't call another referendum Tubbs?

I've already acknowledged what they did say. Showing me it again doesn't really say much.

What are you acknowledging? That politicians and/or political movements can pretty much say what they like but should only be held to account if they specifically promise it and sign it in blood perhaps. That parties can pretty much repeat things continually and deliberately but that the electorate can't hold them to it or expect them to abide by it. Is that the new politics and the democracy that rocks? Sounds to me like the very worst of the current broken politics - perhaps even worse cos its not only politicians and parties that are spinning and misleading; its the ordinary supporters trying to sell it as well.

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Fancy showing me where the SNP actually said they wouldn't call another referendum Tubbs?

I've already acknowledged what they did say. Showing me it again doesn't really say much.

What fuckin difference does it make? youre nit picking over pishy details. this thread is about support for another referendum. we are talking about how that would be a disaster for the independance movement if it were held so soon. becuase of the edinburgh agreement to respect the result, becuase the yes camp and snp said once in a generation and most importantly becuase we will lose. who ohnestly cares if they specificaly did not rule out another referendum for x number of years in writting.

stop being pedantic you fuckin nugget

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What fuckin difference does it make? youre nit picking over pishy details. this thread is about support for another referendum. we are talking about how that would be a disaster for the independance movement if it were held so soon. becuase of the edinburgh agreement to respect the result, becuase the yes camp and snp said once in a generation and most importantly becuase we will lose. who ohnestly cares if they specificaly did not rule out another referendum for x number of years in writting.

stop being pedantic you fuckin nugget

bah humbug!!! :-)
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