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Story from yesterday's Herald on why no action was taken against Coburn.

SO Nigel Farage dismisses his Scottish MEP David Coburn's comparison of a Government minister with a convicted terrorist as a "joke in poor taste" which would not result in any action against him.

However, had Mr Coburn been a UKIP elected representative from south of the border matters would have been different.

That's the view of one prominent UKIP figure who told The Herald his leader is "between a rock and a hard place" over the increasingly maverick Coburn's comparison of the SNP's Humza Yousaf with Abu Hamza.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the UKIP figure said that as the only elected figure the party had in Scotland he was afforded a degree of protection. Keen to promote its 'inclusive' credentials having an openly gay MEP was also a boon for UKIP and another shield for Mr Coburn.

The source said: "The first reflex of our lot is that we run to the defence. We get that many accusations thrown at us and so many of these are unfounded. So we hunker down, then assess the damage amongst ourselves and act accordingly.

"Having representation in all four nations is a big deal for UKIP. The fact Coburn is the representative in Scotland and is gay gives him more political capital than he otherwise would have.

"It puts the boss in an extremely difficult position. He's between a rock and hard place."

But surely Farage feels some heat given the criticism from beyond the expected mainstream political parties?

"How can a party like UKIP be seen to act because the someone in the European Parliament, a body our whole reason for being is about disengaging from, says something?"

In recent months Mr Coburn has referred to the SNP as racist party, said former leader Alex Salmond would be "hanging from a lamppost" if there had been a vote for independence and repeatedly referred to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as "Helmet Hairdo".

He also allegedly persistently mispronounced the name of an Asian rival, the SNP's Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, during last year's European elections.

UKIP Scotland was recently beset by a civil war which saw its many of its previous hierarchy dismissed or resigned. The party source does not believe that had the previous regime been in place things would have been any different.

He said: "The dye was cast when David was elected. He's intolerant of any criticism and his only form of communication is to go on the attack. Has he been racist? He's certainly intended to be offensive. And Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh would certainly have been identified as the main threat to securing a seat, that's certain.

"Scotland isn't a backwater as such but its far away from the focus of our attention and has different politics. Immigration doesn't have the same impact up there. People have concerns but it just doesn't have the same political impact.

"Because it is a different political system its almost too much to concentrate on. It was similar in the north of England and Wales a decade ago.

"What many in the party in Scotland will find its that its very difficult in transforming yourselves from court jesters to serious politicians."

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Apart from the prospect of a big SNP win in Scotland, the thing I'm most looking forward to in May is the certainty of UKIP completely flopping.

All their deluded wee ned supporters will be absolutely gutted.

If Ukip win any seats whatsoever - and particularly if Farage gets in - the media will talk about absolutely nothing else for the next month. It might be just the cover required for UDI, in fact, such will be the degree of complete absence of coverage of anything non-Ukip.

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Not turning out to be UKIP day


Janice Atkinson

Janice Atkinson was due to fight the Folkestone and Hythe seat

UKIP is facing claims it is in disarray after two election candidates were suspended and a third stood down.

MEP and general election candidate Janice Atkinson was suspended over allegations that a member of her staff tried to overcharge EU expenses.

Stephen Howd was suspended after harassment allegations were made against him, which he denies.

Jonathan Stanley quit claiming there was "open racism and sanctimonious bullying" within the party.

Mr Stanley, who was due to stand for UKIP in Westmorland and Lonsdale at the general election, told his local newspaper: "I have given my full resignation to the party because of issues happening in Scotland: open racism and sanctimonious bullying within the party.

"This sectarian racist filth in Scotland needs cleaning up. It is a great threat to the Eurosceptic cause and civil society."


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She's a former Tory candidate (then Janice Small) who stood in Batley & Spen in 2010. The Daily Mail had her at 63 on the Cameron Cutie list. The expenses vow is very ironic.


Edited by Bishop Briggs
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^^^ idiot found

Isolated incidents in the Daily Heil. :lol:

Here's some actual statistics ;


"Britain needs foreign workers." :)

Edited by AberdeenBud
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^^^ idiot found

Isolated incidents in the Daily Heil. :lol:

Here's some actual statics ;


"Britain needs foreign workers." :)

Britain needs a sensible, controlled and sane immigration policy. Two thirds of Scots agree with me, who's the idiot again? :)


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Do you not realise that posting a link to the daily mail just makes you look ridiculous? Noone with any sense will take your point seriously.

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Do you really fear Nigerian immigrants threatening 'your culture'?

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^^^ idiot found

Isolated incidents in the Daily Heil. :lol:

Here's some actual statistics ;


"Britain needs foreign workers." :)

And here's some more...


The positive net fiscal contribution of recent immigrant cohorts (those arriving since 2000) from the A10 countries amounted to almost £5bn, while the net fiscal contributions of recent European immigrants from the rest of the EU totalled £15bn. Recent non-European immigrants’ net contribution was likewise positive, at about £5bn. Over the same period, the net fiscal contribution of native UK born was negative, amounting to almost £617bn.Immigrants who arrived since 2000 were 43% less likely than natives to receive state benefits or tax credits. They were also 7% less likely to live in social housing.European immigrants who arrived since 2000 are on average better educated than natives (in 2011, 25% of immigrants from A10 countries and 62% of those from EU-15 countries had a university degree, while the comparable share is 24% among natives) and have higher employment rates (81% for A10, 70% for EU-15 and 70% for UK natives in 2011).The value of the education of immigrants in the UK labour market who arrived since 2000 and that has been paid for in the immigrants’ origin countries amounts to £6.8bn over the period between 2000 and 2011. By contributing to ‘pure’ public goods (such as defence or basic research), immigrants arriving since 2000 have saved the UK taxpayer an additional £8.5bn over the same period.Considering all immigrants who were living in the UK over the years between 1995 and 2011, a period over which the net fiscal contribution of natives was negative (and accumulated to about £591bn), EEA immigrants contributed 10% more than natives (in relative terms), while non-EEA immigrants’ contributions were almost 9% lower. Over the same period from 1995 to 2011, immigrants who lived in the UK endowed the UK labour market with human capital that would have cost about £49bn if it were produced through the UK education system, and contributed about £82bn to fixed or ‘pure’ public goods.

Have they managed to find the file that the Tories hid, titled: immigrants are good ?

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Is this democracy?


Anti UKIP protesters chase him and his wife and 2 kids out of a pub.

As embarrassing as the fucknugget protesters when he was up in Edinburgh.

By all means protest and argue with him but try to not make yourselves look worse than UKIP while you're doing it.

Unfortunately, the far left are as bad if not worse than the far right.

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