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Most Overrated and Underrated Movies


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Bit of a tangent but I've always though Adam Sandler was an under rated actor. I'm not talking about his shitey, money making comedies than he surges out every year or so, but when he's in a serious role, he can be pretty damn good. Always felt its a bit of a waste whats hes done with his career.

Jim Carey was the same, for years he played "wacky" characters with funny faces but when you actually give him a serious role he's pretty decent.

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Martin Scorsese's Casino. It's not underrated per se, but I think it suffers from being in the shadow of some of Scorsese's other works, the obvious one being Goodfellas. Personally, Casino is probably my favourite film, up there with The Godfather.

I couldn't disagree more. I'd say it's very overrated, I didn't like it at all. Casino and Wolf of Wall Street are the only two Scorsese films I remember not liking.

What about Scarface for an overrated film? Pacino is great fun in this but it's essentially a really stupid film.

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I couldn't disagree more. I'd say it's very overrated, I didn't like it at all. Casino and Wolf of Wall Street are the only two Scorsese films I remember not liking.

What about Scarface for an overrated film? Pacino is great fun in this but it's essentially a really stupid film.

What did you not like about it, out of interest?

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Under-rated - Reign Over Me; an Adam Sandler straight role, playing a Bob Dylan look-alike with autism. It's a fabulous film, beautifully acted. Got largely panned by the critics.

Eh? He plays a guy mentally devestated and traumatised by the loss of his wife and kids in 9/11.

Great film indeed.

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What did you not like about it, out of interest?

I may need to watch it again, but it felt like watching Goodfellas if it was set in a casino and just not as interesting. I know people can say it's unfairly compared to Goodfellas, but when it has the same director and lots of the same cast, it's the film's fault for being like an inferior version of it.

It's hard to give exact reasons for not liking it when it was a few years ago and I don't remember much about it, but I remember finding it a bit dull. The fact I remember hardly anything about despite me remembering films I watched years before that shows how uninterested I was but isn't very useful for describing what I didn't like about it.

Under-rated - Reign Over Me; an Adam Sandler straight role, playing a Bob Dylan look-alike with autism. It's a fabulous film, beautifully acted. Got largely panned by the critics.

Are you thinking of Punch-Drunk Love? Reign Over Me and Punch-Drunk Love both have excellent performances from Sandler. Unlike Reign Over Me I didn't really like Punch-Drunk Love as a film, but Sandler's performance as an awkward, mentally challenged man is superb, painfully so at times.

It's true IMO that Adam Sandler is a superb actor when he wants to be. Even some of his goofy 90's comedies like Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, Billy Madison were good for people of the right age at the time, I'm sure they're scoffed at now but for a kid at the time they were memorable parts of my childhood. His new comedies are just tragic though.

ETA: I wasn't watching 12's when I was 5 or 6, so maybe not quite "at the time".

I'm one of the few people on the planet it would seem that actually liked Only God Forgives.

As for overrated I didn't mind Fight Club but 10th on IMDB??!?

As a shameless Ryan Gosling fanboy I'd give most of his films a chance, but I had to turn that off after 20 minutes because the boredom was killing me. Maybe I'll give it another go one day, but f**k me there's slow paced and there's the start of that film.

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I still love The Waterboy and Happy Gilmore. Billy Madison and later Mr Deeds were quality too. I seem to remember The Waterboy being quite popular in high school to the extent that it was oft quoted.

I still find the bit when Bobby phones up Big Show to offer his services and ends up getting laughed at inexplicably hilarious

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I was at a gig with a guy I know that's roughly my age playing the drums. When the guy come over in between songs to give them some water the guy I know shouted "GAAAAAAAATORADE" at him.

Clearly those films have had a bit of an impact on our generation anyway, which in itself is a reason for their IMDB ratings being unfair IMO.

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As for overrated, I've never had any time for Apocalypse Now.

I agree, i thought it was utter tripe. For a film thats been lauded for decades, i thought it was far too slow and never did anything for me

As a film, i thought that Predator was a bit underrated. Maybe people thought it was another run of the mill film Arnie was churning out in the 80s rather than one of the best sci-fi films of all time IMO

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Over always easier than under.

Straight off the bat, fucking Bladerunner, awful, terrible, turgid nonsense. Withnail & I is a good shout too, only watched it once and almost fell asleep.

Sure a few more will spring to mind, not so sure about Avatar, is it really overrated? I know lots of people who thought it pretty much guff apart from the stunning 3D. Pretty much anything from Woody Allen post '89. Skyfall, best Bond ever my arse. Apocalypse Now, what a mess. Not a bad film, but definitely overrated, Lost in Translation a film to make hipsters feel all intelligent and warm inside. And yeah another I like, mainly due to Ledger, but there's some awful stuff in there, TDK.

Oh and how could I forgot about The Sixth Sense.

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Jim Carey was the same, for years he played "wacky" characters with funny faces but when you actually give him a serious role he's pretty decent.

On that note Bert, I'd offer up The Truman Show as underrated. Fabulous film with great performances and ahead of it's time.

Other Under's off the top of my head that I love;

- The Cube

- Point Break

- The Prestige

- The Fifth Element

- Jacobs Ladder

- Licence to Kill

- Children of Men

- Gremlins 2

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Over always easier than under.

Straight off the bat, fucking Bladerunner, awful, terrible, turgid nonsense. Withnail & I is a good shout too, only watched it once and almost fell asleep.

Sure a few more will spring to mind, not so sure about Avatar, is it really overrated? I know lots of people who thought it pretty much guff apart from the stunning 3D. Pretty much anything from Woody Allen post '89. Skyfall, best Bond ever my arse. Apocalypse Now, what a mess. Not a bad film, but definitely overrated, Lost in Translation a film to make hipsters feel all intelligent and warm inside. And yeah another I like, mainly due to Ledger, but there's some awful stuff in there, TDK.

Are you playing Troll Bingo or something?

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I watched The Godfather all the way through last night for the first time and I've genuinely never been so underwhelmed from a film in all my life. I absolutely love things like Goodfellas and The Sopranos. I'm actually pretty stunned at how boring I thought it was :(

Bought all 3 parts from Cex the other day so I owe it to myself and the 4 quid, or whatever it was for them, to power through.

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