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"I voted Conservative and now you're acting like Conservatives - SHAME ON YOU!"

I saw this and lost sympathy for her the moment she said she voted Conservative.

People KNOW what Tories are all about. Why the hell does anyone other than rich land owning millionaires think that Tories are "for them"? They're not.

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I saw this and lost sympathy for her the moment she said she voted Conservative.

People KNOW what Tories are all about. Why the hell does anyone other than rich land owning millionaires think that Tories are "for them"? They're not.

For the same reason the same dolts think that the queen is on their side and cares deeply about their welfare. There's a deep vein of deference to and faith in our "betters'" superior ability to look out for the proles in the UK.

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For the same reason the same dolts think that the queen is on their side and cares deeply about their welfare. There's a deep vein of deference to and faith in our "betters'" superior ability to look out for the proles in the UK.

Even my own mother, who's a Daily Express reading Lib Dem voter who also voted No in last year's referendum, said to my wife that she thinks the House of Lords should stay because they're our "betters" and can make "decisions for us".

Suffice to say, this didn't endear her further to my wife.

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Even my own mother, who's a Daily Express reading Lib Dem voter who also voted No in last year's referendum, said to my wife that she thinks the House of Lords should stay because they're our "betters" and can make "decisions for us".

Suffice to say, this didn't endear her further to my wife.

1830 called - they want her back.

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She's a lovely woman but she can be a right clueless weapon at times.

Not her fault to be fair - people of the older generation were pretty much raised in a rigorous class structure, and all the main parties talk a big game about equality of opportunity whilst kowtowing to Her Majesty and the aristocracy.

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I may have missed it, but from the interviews I saw of Cameron before the election he never promised not to cut tax credits at all. He gave a 'I have no plans to' or 'I don't want to' type politician answer which anyone could see meant they were going to do it once they got past the election.

Part of me has no sympathy and follows the 'What did you expect voting tory' point of view. But part of me also feels sorry, and worried, that people are too stupid to understand how politicians work and the language they use. I realise that sounds pretty patronising, and we're all more ignorant than we realise, but being conned by this government into thinking they are the party for the working people displays worrying levels of naivety.

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I'm very much in the "when the Tories said they would cut £12 billion from the welfare budget what part of that did you not understand?" camp. The electorate was very clearly warned that this would be the direct consequence of electing a majority Tory government. The Liberal Democrats, including Danny Alexander, specifically and several times said that this figure could only be achieved if the Tories were planning to cut working and child tax credits. The reason they and he knew this was because he blocked precisely those cuts when they were proposed by George Osborne in Coalition.

I also don't remember the Tories promising/pledging/saying that they would not cut tax credits. They often said they "had no plans to" do it, which was obviously a lie, but clearly harder to prove and easier to wriggle-out-of than a promise or a pledge. If the electorate fails to notice weasel-words it's not really the fault of the politicians that used them.

These changes are pretty brutal and I have every sympathy with those in that situation. Of those of them who voted Tory, though, I have little sympathy with their sense of betrayal over and above their legitimate sense of grievance at the impact of the decision on their lives.

Edited by Ad Lib
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Every journalist interviewing Tories before the election should have asked one question and repeated it, "Where are the 12 Billion Pounds of welfare cuts going to come from?" They knew exactly where but lied about it. Huge failure of the 4th estate. The truthful answer, "The working poor." would have crushed the Essex type aspirational vote instantly.

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Every journalist interviewing Tories before the election should have asked one question and repeated it, "Where are the 12 Billion Pounds of welfare cuts going to come from?" They knew exactly where but lied about it. Huge failure of the 4th estate. The truthful answer, "The working poor." would have crushed the Essex type aspirational vote instantly.

I remember John Piennar on 5live taking that line of questioning with Teresa May and she utterly fell apart.
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Line up tonight, Zahid Zahawi (Con), Alan Johnson (Lab), Nigel Farage (UKIP), writer Germaine Greer and former Apprentice winner Michelle Dewberry from Grimsby for those interested.

So that's Farage on This Week a week or two ago, on the Daily Politics for the full hour this morning, and on QT tonight. If we compiled his BBC appearances over the last year, I'd wager they amount to more than any other British politician. Now why would that be the case for an MEP who leads a party with a grand total of one MP, and who has not secured a seat despite three attempts over the course of his political career?

The coverage the BBC gives to UKIP and Farage in particular is ridiculously out of proportion. They failed to get him elected in May despite promoting him as a candidate and commentator on everything from Scotland's independence to the coalition's migration record, and yet still they persist in plastering his sweaty, piscine face with astonishing regularity on every topical and political show they broadcast.

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Dewberry seems to be trying her best to become a Hopkins-lite after her rant about refugees being infiltrated by ISIS went viral a few weeks back. Every time she's been on the Sky paper review since, she seems desperate to try and kick off about anything.

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So that's Farage on This Week a week or two ago, on the Daily Politics for the full hour this morning, and on QT tonight. If we compiled his BBC appearances over the last year, I'd wager they amount to more than any other British politician. Now why would that be the case for an MEP who leads a party with a grand total of one MP, and who has not secured a seat despite three attempts over the course of his political career?

The coverage the BBC gives to UKIP and Farage in particular is ridiculously out of proportion. They failed to get him elected in May despite promoting him as a candidate and commentator on everything from Scotland's independence to the coalition's migration record, and yet still they persist in plastering his sweaty, piscine face with astonishing regularity on every topical and political show they broadcast.

Or perhaps the opposite view that the Beeb are happy to continue its over exposure of Farage, knowing that he becomes more and more discredited amongst those with even just a passing interest in Politics? Never seems to do himself or his party any favours when appearing on this type of platform. Just a thought.
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