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Kez on next week. Operation: Make Labour Look Relevant in Scotland takes another faltering step. Let's see how our future First Minister makes a mark on British audiences. Will she win the rave reviews Nicole Sturgeon received after the UK leaders debate? Tune in next week to find out!

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He's seemed deflated for a good while now. Even he seems disillusioned with Labour and politics in general.

Aye, not a bad record as Health and then Education Minister! perhaps didn't have enough time as Home Sec before the 2010 election, then completely bottled it as Shadow Chancellor IIRC. A good all round politician for me though. He should have gone for leadership of the Labour Party after Milliband instead of sucking and cosying up to Andrew Neil with Portillo and Abbott, in their weekly boak fest!
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Aye, not a bad record as Health and then Education Minister! perhaps didn't have enough time as Home Sec before the 2010 election, then completely bottled it as Shadow Chancellor IIRC. A good all round politician for me though. He should have gone for leadership of the Labour Party after Milliband instead of sucking and cosying up to Andrew Neil with Portillo and Abbott, in their weekly boak fest!

Nightly, and he's been replaced by Liz Kendall. (shudder..)

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I wish they'd have a Tory MP or a UKIP MEP on when filming in Scotland.

It's almost as if they're happy to throw shite at us down south but won't come up north to justify some of the comments

Should be half decent tonight, but agreed, get John Redwood, Tim Aker & Kelvin McKenzie on for the show's next visit to Glasgow!! That would be worth tuning in to!
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Should be half decent tonight, but agreed, get John Redwood, Tim Aker & Kelvin McKenzie on for the show's next visit to Glasgow!! That would be worth tuning in to!

Michelle Mone please, I think she would have a breakdown

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Given the latest estimates as to when the Chilcott Enquiry will be made public, and the recent statements from Blair apologising for the flawed intelligence reports in the run up to the war in Iraq, I would have been happier to see more of an SNP heavyweight at the table tonight - Salmond for instance.

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Michelle Mone please, I think she would have a breakdown

Aye, it was mentioned on the MM thread last week. There's no way she would set herself up for that ridicule, perhaps the same reason she didn't want to be exposed on Dragons Den? Certainly not in Scotland anyway.
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Should be half decent tonight, but agreed, get John Redwood, Tim Aker & Kelvin McKenzie on for the show's next visit to Glasgow!! That would be worth tuning in to!

John Deadwood pretending Mr Bean style to sing the Welsh national anthem was possibly the most cringingly awful thing ever.
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The Mad Dug will be shown up as the manic, aggressive idiot that she is.

That journalist they have on is a nightmare too.

Depending on the topics can see lots of "SNP Bad" chat tonight.

Hopefully Bragg who was vocal in support of "Yes" in the lead up and aftermath last year can reel them in a bit.

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The Mad Dug will be shown up as the manic, aggressive idiot that she is.

That journalist they have on is a nightmare too.

Depending on the topics can see lots of "SNP Bad" chat tonight.

Hopefully Bragg who was vocal in support of "Yes" in the lead up and aftermath last year can reel them in a bit.

What's the script with the journalist?

I've never heard of her.

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