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Arthurlie manager


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Na prefer to stay anonymous if that's ok , or is that no allowed

Its allowed but nonetheless it makes you a bit of a shitebag wouldn't you agree ?

I've never had a problem regarding my real name being put out there on here so you aren't really real deal on here are you whilst denying putting a real name to your thoughts . :)

Pretty much a faceless shitebag really eh ?

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Oh calm doon tiger , go take your tablets

Wish you would pop a few pills on a saturday morning , ones that comatose ya for a day or two then folk don't need to put up with ye at the fitba . Either that take early retirement like your pal .

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Another thread ripped to shreds by a couple of knobs. Grow up ffs.

Regular occurrence. A thread about the new Arthurlie manager that had widespread appeal because of the standing of a great club, with a terrific history, deteriorates into a stupid nonsensical spat about nothing. (Get drawn in at times I must admit)

I hope Robert Downs is a big success at Arthurlie, a really good opportunity for him running a big club like Arthurlie. They seem to have an adventurous committee who refuse to go down the road of giving young or new managers a chance, instead of the usual route of going for a manager who has been round the block with umpteen clubs. And, their fans seem to back them.

Need to take a trip to Barrhead this season. maybe draw Linlithgow in next round. (OK RRG Rabs permitting)

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