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Celtic progressing & Rangers regressing.

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One of my best mates is a season ticket holder at Ibrox and uses that word :lol: that's not even the issue here as you know, but you're using Easdale levels of deflection...

Sweep, sweep, sweep.

Bloody hell, seriously what is wrong with you?

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I just explained how I know.

They wouldn't, It is an offensive sectarian term meaning protestant which your fans sing at Rangers, Hearts and Kilmarnock fans, they sing it because they are bigots.

There have been several documentaries which have identified this, alongside NBM a charity whose aim is to eradicate sectarianism in Scotland, on top of this some high profile celtic fans such as Paul McBride have also labelled the term as sectarian.

You defend its use because you are a bigot and wish to remain one.

Yes, you've expressed this view repeatedly Ted and although I generally disagree with both NBM and Mr McBride on this point*, you keep at it, Tiger.

Still, it strikes me as odd. The nasty old H-word is universally used by fans of almost every team in the land to describe your fans, and you see this as unacceptably sectarian. That's your right, but I notice that e.g. "Plastics" and "Greenyins", to pick only two examples of dodgy nicknames, pass entirely uncommented upon by you on a daily basis.

The derivation of both is surely clear and a lot more overt than "Hvn", which is at very least up for debate. I can see why those two might bother you less, but feel free to consider why that might be.

*Although not always. Used while committing a crime such as an assault, I'd say the sectarian element is fairly clear.

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Yes, you've expressed this view repeatedly Ted and although I generally disagree with both NBM and Mr McBride on this point*, you keep at it, Tiger.

Still, it strikes me as odd. The nasty old H-word is universally used by fans of almost every team in the land to describe your fans, and you see this as unacceptably sectarian. That's your right, but I notice that e.g. "Plastics" and "Greenyins", to pick only two examples of dodgy nicknames, pass entirely uncommented upon by you on a daily basis.

The derivation of both is surely clear and a lot more overt than "Hvn", which is at very least up for debate. I can see why those two might bother you less, but feel free to consider why that might be.

*Although not always. Used while committing a crime such as an assault, I'd say the sectarian element is fairly clear.

Greenyins, you have a problem with green ones .... The ones in Green.....

Surely you jest. .

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This debate has been done to death already , in simple terms the word when in relation to the whole Northern Irish divide which plays a huge role in the rangers/celtic rivalry -rightly or wrongly , it just does- has a political meaning which has also developed a sectarian meaning as the years developed , similar to the f word on the otherside . There it is in a nutshell really , and the reason why it is viewed as a sectarian word , and therefor on the list of banned words. It really is that simple

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You really are a stupid clown.

H** now means protestant ffs get a grip. Rangers fans once called Celtic fans H***.

The Allies in WW2 called the Germans H***

Are all Germans and Celtic fans Protestant?

Your use of plastic and Declan is more offensive that the H word.

Can you explain the kill all h*ns slogan scribbled on walls throughout republican/nationalist communities in Northern Ireland

Or maybe you could point out the rangers fans you see in this video at 5:15 this chant must have been aimed at ?

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Yet your fans sing it at Killie, Motherwell and Hearts fans, they also sing it at the police, are they all really Rangers fans? or perhaps you want to like Clonmel switch your excuse to 'enemy' they this would surely mean all opposition teams, well that one is quickly exposed as a lie.

Greenyins? surely you jest.

Celtic fans' willingness to see Rangers fans or at least sympathisers everywhere, even where none are present, is fairly well-known I reckon. I don't think we need to elaborate on it.

And "Greenyins" - come on, none of us are kids here and as the BRALT showed recently, we can all rhyme.

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The fcuk is the issue with greenyins?

While not really bothered or offended myself I reckon there is a more than decent probabilty there is a sneaky use of rhyming slang there for an offensive term for Catholics, you dont hear Aberdeen fans referred to as redyins for example do you? :rolleyes:

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I cannae see the video.

I'm really not interested in what people in the nationalist/republican in NI communities spray on their walls,it has no relevance to Scottish football.

Cannae see it? Nae bother. It's a bunch of jolly craicsters dressed in green and grey hoops shouting go home ya h#ns at the police officers at some form of IRA/republican march in castlemilk ? Funnily enough that has heehaw to do with football either but still we have that slogan making an appearance by celtic fans
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Everywhere, select teams are everywhere, just put down the shovel.

Greeyins :lol: aye come on right enough, you are taking the piss now.

For someone who's posted endlessly about the vile sectarianism in the word Hvn over the past year or so, dragging in all sorts of dubious and very debatable evidence to support your arguments, you seem quite reluctant to consider a far clearer issue. A ridiculously obvious one, in fact.

Strange, that.

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Dubious debate..

Nil By Mouth


a few other documentaries

The church of Scotland

Paul McBride

Celtic Football club

All of the above have deemed Hvn as sectarian

Now who apart from you has deemed 'Greenyin' as sectarian?

In your own time now.

Good God, I guess that's that*. Celtic and Paul McBride! :shutup I barely need to bother thinking for myself, now.

I think it's a derogatory term for "Rangers fan", not least because because I've witnessed countless fans of clubs all over the country using it as exactly that, and no more. If only there were football forums full of Scottish football fans we could ask, to see whether they'd laugh at the idea that it means e.g. "Protestant".

And of course, there is, and your argument never passes the laugh test You know that, because you've spent many hours telling P&Bers about this and taking the hump when folk laugh at you, to the point where everyone is bored to tears and only Celtic fans will bother to argue the point...But then, I suppose that is the point.

And, Greenyins. Aye, I'll be right on the phone to the Oxford English Dictionary to find out whether that one has any connotations, right enough.

*You forgot Sheriffs and judges by the way, who correctly see "Hvn" as a sectarian term if it's used in connection with a criminal offence, but with your wealth of authority, that's by the by.

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Nah if nacho was their , the jolly craicsters would probably be belting out that joyfull ditty where they "hope he dies in his sleep with a bullet from the IRA" , The true lyrics of a progressing support, Tgfitw imo

Their? there you go.

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