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Council Tax Thaw?


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The notion from VT that Councils raise council tax to make flowerbeds on central reservations is obviously nonsense and straight out of a Daily Mail handbook.

Fail; it's straight out of, erm, Inverclyde Council's own minutes (self-downloading file) here:


and their 2.5% annual tax increase conveniently scheduled here:


The idiots who opted to spunk public money on utter shite because a weak central government let third-rate losers loose with fund-raising? Liberal Democrats, naturally enough.

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I am not sure how this relates to my post regarding the validity of thr claim that the loss of revenue ftom the freeze has been covered by the SG.

You can't lose revenue from a council tax freeze: the clue is very much in that term. And from 1999, their average revenue raised from council tax has still increased by a huge sum, so spare me the sob stories.

Your assertion that the central Scottish authority is disinterested is laughable.

Civil servants in Edinburgh are much less likely to have the incestuous local relationships with companies and support for pork.barrel pet schemes than the third-rate no-marks in a local council.

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You can't lose revenue from a council tax freeze: the clue is very much in that term. And from 1999, their average revenue raised from council tax has still increased by a huge sum, so spare me the sob stories.

Civil servants in Edinburgh are much less likely to have the incestuous local relationships with companies and support for pork.barrel pet schemes than the third-rate no-marks in a local council.

Sob stories? You draw some really stupid conclusions from my post. If yoh can't lose revenue from a freeze then you also cannot ensure that the freeze is "fully funded". However we both know that councils would have increased the taxes and that the SG funding is based on assumptions that suig their fiscal agenda.

Thanks for playing, etc. etc.

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We know that councils would try to raise taxes because of their time-honoured record for taking the piss with rates. That still doesn't mean that a 'freeze' causes a loss in revenue though; swing and a miss. They've been correctly put in their box; if that annoys you so much then feel free to vote for the 'local champions' party currently circling the drain, or start your own single issue movement.

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You can't lose revenue from a council tax freeze: the clue is very much in that term. And from 1999, their average revenue raised from council tax has still increased by a huge sum, so spare me the sob stories.

Civil servants in Edinburgh are much less likely to have the incestuous local relationships with companies and support for pork.barrel pet schemes than the third-rate no-marks in a local council.

There's some interesting rumours that a Tory councillor in Helensburgh was responsible for a fair amount of the direction the recent redevelopment of Helensburgh's central square and seafront went in. He's also a director at a car showroom and garage along the seafront and may or may not have acted in his capacity as councillor that was conveniently very beneficial to said car showroom.


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We know that councils would try to raise taxes because of their time-honoured record for taking the piss with rates. That still doesn't mean that a 'freeze' causes a loss in revenue though; swing and a miss. They've been correctly put in their box; if that annoys you so much then feel free to vote for the 'local champions' party currently circling the drain, or start your own single issue movement.

I don't think it is me that has an issue here. Has the freeze been fully funded? Be very specific and show your workings.

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Given that you can't grasp what a 'freeze' is or what this metaphor means when applied to council tax revenue, I think I'll leave you to school up on primary school comprehension exercises first. Then once you're comfortable with that, feel free to look at the books of local councils and their tax rates to show the 'loss' of council tax revenue between 2007 and 2015, a 'loss' that you have been whining about The onus, as ever, is on you making that initial claim to do so.

I'll generously grant you a few years to do so though, given your clown running across a minefield display on this thread so far.

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Given that you can't grasp what a 'freeze' is or what this metaphor means when applied to council tax revenue, I think I'll leave you to school up on primary school comprehension exercises first. Then once you're comfortable with that, feel free to look at the books of local councils and their tax rates to show the 'loss' of council tax revenue between 2007 and 2015, a 'loss' that you have been whining about The onus, as ever, is on you making that initial claim to do so.

I'll generously grant you a few years to do so though, given your clown running across a minefield display on this thread so far.

Once I dumb myself down to your primary school level, you can expect a reply.

Meantime you should perhaps read back your posts and see who is the one making claims.

Your inability to understand that "the only show in town" do not have monopoly on knowledge and are quite capable of fucking up, makes your opinions as valid as kevthedee.

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  • 3 weeks later...


You're on a roll Tio.

What's next on this Wednesday afternoon seethe-a-thon? I'd suggest Gaelic on road signs.

I'm far from seething. I'm also far from being so blinded by a devotion to a cause and/or a political party that my powers of objective thought dissipate.
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Itll be in the manifesto, just like previous SNP policies on introducing a local income tax.

The snp were blocked from implementing local tax reform in the 2007 parliament and the commitment to deliver a 3p local income tax was dropped for the 2011 manifesto.

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Once I dumb myself down to your primary school level, you can expect a reply.

Meantime you should perhaps read back your posts and see who is the one making claims.

Your inability to understand that "the only show in town" do not have monopoly on knowledge and are quite capable of fucking up, makes your opinions as valid as kevthedee.

Dissent in the ranks?


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