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'The Snip'

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"Can be", "many". Not "is" or "all". :P

Oh, and I've had it done so ram that in your pipe. Not my pipes, obviously. Mine don't work.

Vasectomy is technically reversible, however it's not guaranteed to work and the longer after the snip it is the less likely a reversal is to be successful. You'd also have to have it done privately as the NHS won't cover it.

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Actually, did any of you guys who've had it done succumb to the pressure to have counselling beforehand?

I was pressured and pressured and one day a counsellor actually phoned me at home, despite me telling them millions of times before that I didn't want counselling.

"But what will you do if you have the op and then one of your children die?" was the question she asked me. I just replied that I wouldn't be chasing a sticking-plaster replacement. jeebus x2.

I had that same conversation with two different doctors before I had the op. I gave the same answer as you as well.

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The boys saying to tell the missus to get the rod have never had a missus.

This just isn't true. :lol: It's a far less traumatising experience than getting the snip for goodness sake.

ETA: I'm saying this from a rather youthful viewpoint; any lass that I know (including my current girlfriend) that has got the rod hasn't got any bad side effects yet. Does this change when you get older?

Edited by DonnieDarko
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Yeah, but there are far more potential side effects to the rod than with the snip. Pretty selfish stance imo.

I don't know of the side effects; near enough every girl that I know that's got the rod hasn't reported such negatives. I asked earlier on if it's to do with age.

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I think I'm the only person who doesn't know what 'the rod' is.

They're strips of plastic that are implanted under the skin of the arm which contains the hormone etonorgestrel, which of course stops you ovulating. Nothing too sinister I think.

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Actually, did any of you guys who've had it done succumb to the pressure to have counselling beforehand?

I was pressured and pressured and one day a counsellor actually phoned me at home, despite me telling them millions of times before that I didn't want counselling.

"But what will you do if you have the op and then one of your children die?" was the question she asked me. I just replied that I wouldn't be chasing a sticking-plaster replacement. jeebus x2.

I wonder how many aspiring parents are pressured to receive counseling before proceeding. After all, what if you have a kid and then change your mind later?

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I can't imagine getting a rod stuck into your arm is the same as getting your bollocks tampered with.

A one-off, half an hour procedure with some pain for a short while after or years of synthetic hormones causing all sorts of horrible side-effects in a great number of women before you've even considered the long-term potential health risks associated with it such as blood clots, stroke and increased risk of cancer.

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