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Gangs Of .....

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As I had mentioned an old Paisley gang from the 80s in another thread , thought there might be a need for a thread for reminiscences of the local gangs of our youth and their mythical doings.

Growing up in the 80s in Paisley , The Feegie Baldies* had quite an evil reputation including supposedly crucifying a rival gang member. As I remember from the time they were all skinheads and a few of them had numbered tattoos on their forehead.

*named after the wanderers film gang.

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Was never in a gang but it was common sense and good street craft to know who was who and whose territory you were traversing!

There was the Castlemilk Tay, Rutherglen Rebels, Toi ( Cambuslang I think ), the Cross from Shawlands, Shamrock from between Dalmarnock and Parkhead, Calton Tongs, Cumbie from the Gorbels, Bridgeton Derry.

Very much a " south of the river " guy

Once on holiday in Bournemouth we came across some of the Maryhill Fleet and of course being from the same city we were the best of pals?

I suspect had we met them up the town on a Saturday they would not have been so friendly!!! C*nts were spoiling for a fight with the locals. Fortunately we were the one with wheels and ditched then asap and moved on to the delights of Weymouth.

Rock N Roll lifestyle 8)

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When I were a lad we had the:

GSS - Gallatown Soccer Squad. This was my area so you were left well alone if the older boys knew your face.

DRB - Dysart Radgie b*****ds. Still my favourite casual group name.

YLTD - Young Link Town Derry. Made walking along to the San Starko that wee bit more dangerous.

SHS - Smeaton Hit Squad. Not John's assembled crew of burning terrorist baw kickers but a group of boys from the Smeaton district who'd happily hand out a wee battering if you had the cheek to walk through their 'bit'.

Can't quite remember what the Templehall casuals were called but mythology had it that all of the above mentioned groups and others that I've forgotten about used to merge to form the KSC - Kirkcaldy Soccer Casuals.

I like to imagine that they had a bat sign type thing for when the other crews were having a bit of bother.

All very sad.

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I wouldn't necessarily call it a 'gang', but I was in the Classics Crew at secondary school. There were 5 of us. We were called the Classics Crew because we all studied Classics. We occasionally shared a table at lunchtime. To tell the truth, things never really got out of hand in a violent sense. However, we certainly looked down on anyone who didn't have at least a basic knowledge of Homer's Odyssey or Virgil's Aeneid.

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Growing up near the east end of Glasgow we had loads of gangs roaming the streets. The ones with the wildest reputation was the GYTO from Garthamlock. The MBurn Hooligans from Moodiesburn were also pretty fearsome.

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That was all the gangs going about when I was in my midteens, I knew most of the boys in the GCC as that's where I grew up but tbh it was all a bit ridiculous, there was a few times that some folk got a bit of a hiding due to it all though.

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Worst ever name for a gang had to be the (short-lived?) NMJH - North Motherwell Jaw Hunters, so called because they hunted jaws.

Other notable Motherwell names I remember:

CSM (Chip Shop Mob)

EYG (Evil Young Globe)

Almost everything else was the ubiquitous "(Name of scheme)YT"

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Gangs I remember from back in the day in Perth were:

MBS - Mainline Baby Squad

Pack Rule

Young Letham Team

The Chippy Mob

Am sure there was a gang from Craigie too

Aye the CYC they were, still on the go :lol:

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The Glasgow gangs have already been catalogued in this book:


Some great names in there - my favourite being the Wee Tiny Spacemen.

You weren't in the Maryhill Fleet were you?

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