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Extreme Rules 2015

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John Cena won the WWE title in a 3-way cage match with Morrison & Miz in 2011 by escaping the cage i'm sure.

Looking forward to it. Got a freebie on the Network. Off work tomorrow so may as well. No chance Rollins wins clean here sadly.

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Wouldn't normally do this, but doing blogs for my Digital Marketing module for my degree at uni. Chosen to do it on Sports and done a couple on the WWE and the one I just done is on Extreme Rules. It's not really the content that matters, it's how I've marketed it, so thought I post on here to have another source on the internet. Several others if you can be arsed looking through!


typo first paragraph, "he" instead of "the". Also not a typo but you say "off of" instead of "from".
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This will be the first live PPV I'll watch on the network tonight.

What is the live stream like on the Xbox one?

Watching this on the network. Never watched anything live on the Network before. Is it reliable?

Watched Mania on it, went a bit laggy at times but was definitely watchable.

Can't imagine there'll be as many visitors tonight as there was for WM either.

Eta - I've got an XB1, Steven.

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So what's the deal with Bryan? Can we strip him again please?

Hope BNB comes out and rips him and then issues a challenge with Neville accepting.

Oh shit, I just looked on Twitter and that's apparently already the plan. But it's on the kick off show..... So now we have 2 kick off matches? Or is the tag titles match now on the main show?

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