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The SNP should not back an Labour government

Mr Bairn

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Only goes back to the polls if there's a 2/3rds majority in favour. Otherwise there will be no Government, like Belgium had (or didn't) for more than a year. Did pretty well apparently.

It's more complex than that.

Assume David Cameron gets first shot. He fails. Ed Milliband would then move that (quite specifically) "This House has no confidence in Her Majesty's Government", which should almost certainly pass. Only a simple majority is required.

At this point, Cameron resigns, taking his ministers with him, and the fuse is lit for a dissolution in 14 days. HM will then invite Ed Milliband to form a government and he'll have a crack at a Queen's speech. If it's passed, the house would then resolve that it has confidence in the government, the fuse is stopped and we all trundle along for the next 5 years.

The 2/3rds majority is required only for an early dissolution under otherwise normal circumstances. In other words, it's only required for something that was previously in the PM's hands, not Parliament's. Which is why the seethe about the Fixed Term Parliaments Act when first proposed was hilarious.

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Harriet Harman on Andrew Marr show firmly denying any "deals" will be done with the SNP and categorically stating that there will be no SNP ministers in any labour administration.

So why is Nicola still bleating on about doing a deal with them?

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Harriet Harman on Andrew Marr show firmly denying any "deals" will be done with the SNP and categorically stating that there will be no SNP ministers in any labour administration.

So why is Nicola still bleating on about doing a deal with them?

She also said they wouldn't do a deal with the Lib Dems. When have either of the big parties said they would be willing to do a deal with any party before an election? They think it makes them look like losers.

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Harriet Harman on Andrew Marr show firmly denying any "deals" will be done with the SNP and categorically stating that there will be no SNP ministers in any labour administration.

So why is Nicola still bleating on about doing a deal with them?

Because Harman is lying. This is sheer brinksmanship. If Labour can't get an overall majority, then it is going to have to work something out with the SNP or it can look forward to five years of not passing anything the SNP doesn't expressly support, which given Labour's rightward bent means basically anything.

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Harriet Harman on Andrew Marr show firmly denying any "deals" will be done with the SNP and categorically stating that there will be no SNP ministers in any labour administration.

So why is Nicola still bleating on about doing a deal with them?

Because if the labour party require the SNP's support in the event of a hung parliament, a deal will be done.

In effect she is saying that labour would rather work as a minority govt than have the SNP's support. Yeah good luck with that at Westminster

Perhaps she can point out where exactly any SNP representatives have stated they want positions in the government. It has been explicitly stated by Sturgeon that they do not want a formal coalition.

Harman is a dumbfuck. She is getting quite good at making denials is Harriet, especially surrounding her time at Liberty

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Because if the labour party require the SNP's support in the event of a hung parliament, a deal will be done.

In effect she is saying that labour would rather work as a minority govt than have the SNP's support. Yeah good luck with that at Westminster

Perhaps she can point out where exactly any SNP representatives have stated they want positions in the government. It has been explicitly stated by Sturgeon that they do not want a formal coalition.

Harman is a dumbfuck. She is getting quite good at making denials is Harriet, especially surrounding her time at Liberty

The crux of the matter is this. Labour politicians are obliged to say what they are saying before polling day. How they act after the election will be based upon the realities of the numbers of seats won by the various parties.

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I just hope Labour tell Sturgeon to go 'bile her heid'. And there is no way Labour will go into coalition with the Tories, that would be tge total disintegration of the Labour Party.

Two cheeks of the same arse, I certainly can't tell the difference between them these days

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Not sure how any party with the best interests of the whole of the UK at heart could collaborate with a party intent of destroying the Union. How does that work?

The labour party have the bests interests of the labour party at heart,they dont care about nothing else

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Not sure how any party with the best interests of the whole of the UK at heart could collaborate with a party intent of destroying the Union. How does that work?

A party voted in by the people. It's called democracy. If the numbers are right and Milliband wants to be PM then that's what will happen.

If for some weird reason all the parties demonize the SNP and trot out the undemocratic pish like they've been trying to then it will only strengthen the SNP support for Holyrood. Win win.

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Much as though I would like to see the SNP tested properly, with full tax raising and spending powers, I think the risk is too high of them making a c*nt of it, even if it did put demands for a 2nd referendum finally to bed.

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No idea why party whips are getting asked about deals. Of course they're going to tight lipped and defiant about it. As they intend to win a majority. Only once the exact seat arrangement is known will they start to do deals with other parties.

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The labour party have the bests interests of the labour party at heart,they dont care about nothing else

If they thought it would mean getting their hands on those shiny ministerial cars they'd do a deal with anyone.

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Much as though I would like to see the SNP tested properly, with full tax raising and spending powers, I think the risk is too high of them making a c*nt of it, even if it did put demands for a 2nd referendum finally to bed.

The UK government are continually making a c**t of the economy so that's a bit rich to say the least. I'd rather we fucked our own economy by spending money on our own infrastructure etc rather than let Westminster f**k it for us with no input at all. At least we would have something to show for it.

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Not sure how any party with the best interests of the whole of the UK at heart could collaborate with a party intent of destroying the Union. How does that work?

Much the same way it did in Victorian times with the Liberals and Irish nationalists. Ambitious politicians will make the deal that needs to be made to become PM. With the recent referendum victory and the Smith Comission package agreed by all the major parties the price tag that would go with it won't be anything like as problematic for Milliband.

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