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The SNP should not back an Labour government

Mr Bairn

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I just hope Labour tell Sturgeon to go 'bile her heid'. And there is no way Labour will go into coalition with the Tories, that would be tge total disintegration of the Labour Party.

So, what happens then?

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Much as though I would like to see the SNP tested properly, with full tax raising and spending powers, I think the risk is too high of them making a c*nt of it, even if it did put demands for a 2nd referendum finally to bed.

Sounds like what everybody was saying before the SNP gained power in 2007. "They'll make an c*nt of it then everybody will go back to voting Labour like the obedient little clones that they should be".

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So, what happens then?

Absolutely. This is not a game it's serious stuff. It will be very important once the election is over for the SNP to be seen to be acting as a mature party. If Miliband lets Cameron back in or tries and fails to govern with a minority government it is important that we can lay the blame at labour's door.

One thing is certain, if the polls are close to being accurate then the Labour posturinf will disappear once the election is over.

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Because Harman is lying. This is sheer brinksmanship. If Labour can't get an overall majority, then it is going to have to work something out with the SNP or it can look forward to five years of not passing anything the SNP doesn't expressly support, which given Labour's rightward bent means basically anything.

If you're right, Labour are scoring a massive electoral own goal. As far as I'm concerned vote Labour=get Tory. I'm voting Green in a Lib/Con marginal as I don't want to waste my vote on a party which is promising to hand David Cameron the keys to number 10.

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