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First World Problems

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Yesterday our fibre broadband and landline went offline due to a fault in the line. Sky can't send an engineer out until tomorrow to look at it. No amazon prime, Netflix or Xbox gaming, it looks like I'm going to have to actually talk to the wife and kids. Life is so unfair, why does all the bad things happen to good people like me! Those refugees from Syria don't know how lucky they are!

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2 hours ago, statts1976uk said:

Yesterday our fibre broadband and landline went offline due to a fault in the line. Sky can't send an engineer out until tomorrow to look at it. No amazon prime, Netflix or Xbox gaming, it looks like I'm going to have to actually talk to the wife and kids. Life is so unfair, why does all the bad things happen to good people like me! Those refugees from Syria don't know how lucky they are!

Last week, a mate from work asked me if I could "have a look at his broadband" - turned out Mrs Mate had gone over the router cable with the Hoover, so a replacement was needed. Ordered one from Amazon, and apologised for the lack of an instant fix.

"No worries," he said, "it'll only be a couple of days or so." Then a look of concern came over his face. "Are you all right,WRK?"

Fine, fine, just imagining TWO FÚCKING DAYS without Amazon (shopping and TV), Netflix, Net access, BT telly....

No worries? Hellfire!


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33 minutes ago, throbber said:

I had planned to put dinner on in the slow cooker for 2 o clock today when I got in from the shops but forgot, and then had an online test to do so put off putting it in the slow cooker until 4 so it won't be ready until 8. I hate being on an empty stomach.

Could you not zap it in the microwave for a few minutes to speed it up?

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35 minutes ago, throbber said:

I had planned to put dinner on in the slow cooker for 2 o clock today when I got in from the shops but forgot, and then had an online test to do so put off putting it in the slow cooker until 4 so it won't be ready until 8. I hate being on an empty stomach.

This mob don't know they're born. They don't need to remember important stuff.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I was trying to watch an episode of Bosch on Amazon Prime, but it wouldn't stream in HD for some reason and I was absolutely fizzing at having to watch it in something like 480p. I actually had a full tantrum about it, turned the iPad off and on, said some unmentionable things towards it and then just left it. I didn't want my eyes to be damaged by watching such non high definition dross.

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Decided to do my bit for the planet and get the train to work this morning. 

Got to the train station in plenty of time, only to see that all the trains were delayed. One train finally did show up and then zoomed through the station cos it was full. 

What a world. 

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It's a rental property we're in and seeing as we pay for all water use, I'd have the fuckers turned off permanently if I knew how to.

There should be a control box, usually on an outside wall. Either reset the timer, or switch off the power. Might look like one of the ones in this link. https://www.holmanindustries.com.au/products/portfolio-types/controllers-tap-timers/irrigation-controllers/
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The hire car I've got is an "hybrid", not sure what that is, I just know it's like an milk float without the rattling empties when I set off, blind people need to be a ware. 

Also it took me half an hour to reach the maximum speed limit on the A702, now I understand what the refugees must feel like stowing away at Calias etc. 


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I just had to install a piece of software on an external contractor's machine. 

I'm not a big fan of touchpads at the best of times, but this was 10 x worse. It was a touch pad with NO MOUSE BUTTONS. You had to tap the left side of the pad for a left-click and the right for a right-click. 

Except every time you tapped it you ended up moving the mouse cursor slightly before the click. And how the hell are you supposed to perform operations where you're meant to hold down a mouse button (e.g. for drag and drop). 


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6 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Some of my (work) emails are missing. Total pain in the arse trying to follow things up from last week when the email trail is gone.

They sometimes stay recoverable for a bit in the deleted folder, Hillary.

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