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The 56 in Westminster!

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Funny definition of democracy these Unionists have that they think Scotland's First Minister in 2014 can decide Scotland's constitutional arrangements for decades.

One of the most bizarre things I remember about the referendum was a poll shortly after the result asking people when the next one should be. One of the options was 'Never' and about 20% of 65+ age group had chosen that.

I found it incredible amongst these bitter Unionist that they thought people should not have the right to vote on Indepence again, even years or decades after they themselves were dead. The whole democratic deficit of that view probably never even occurred to them.

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One of the most bizarre things I remember about the referendum was a poll shortly after the result asking people when the next one should be. One of the options was 'Never' and about 20% of 65+ age group had chosen that. I found it incredible amongst these bitter Unionist that they thought people should not have the right to vote on Indepence again, even years or decades after they themselves were dead. The whole democratic deficit of that view probably never even occurred to them.

Old people should be disenfranchised, they have no stake in the future and their brains start to deteriorate at a certain age. That's why they fell for the lies of Better Together hook, line and sinker.

I saw a letter in the Courier a while ago from some bitter old fool saying that 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote as their brains aren't fully developed, okay well neither should pensioners as their brains are deteriorating and probably the equivalent of a teenager.

I know you're old and an exception so don't take offence but its fair comment.

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Old people should be disenfranchised, they have no stake in the future and their brains start to deteriorate at a certain age. That's why they fell for the lies of Better Together hook, line and sinker.

I saw a letter in the Courier a while ago from some bitter old fool saying that 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote as their brains aren't fully developed, okay well neither should pensioners as their brains are deteriorating and probably the equivalent of a teenager.

I know you're old and an exception so don't take offence but its fair comment.

Wow. Sweeping generalisations abound.

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All facts though, if you take issue with any of it lets hear it.

Old people should be disenfranchised, they have no stake in the future and their brains start to deteriorate at a certain age.

That's why they fell for the lies of Better Together hook, line and sinker.

I'm 72 years auld so I suppose I'm one of the above in the first sentence.

At whit age does the brain start deteriorating?

Mair specifically, my brain?

Your second sentence - jeez (but I think I ken whit ye mean). :thumsup2

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Old people should be disenfranchised, they have no stake in the future and their brains start to deteriorate at a certain age. That's why they fell for the lies of Better Together hook, line and sinker.

I saw a letter in the Courier a while ago from some bitter old fool saying that 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote as their brains aren't fully developed, okay well neither should pensioners as their brains are deteriorating and probably the equivalent of a teenager.

I know you're old and an exception so don't take offence but its fair comment.

At what age does someone have no stake in the future? My granny died last year just three weeks from her hundredth, so forty years of her life was spent in retirement. Her mind was sound right until the end.

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Old people should be disenfranchised, they have no stake in the future and their brains start to deteriorate at a certain age. That's why they fell for the lies of Better Together hook, line and sinker.

I saw a letter in the Courier a while ago from some bitter old fool saying that 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote as their brains aren't fully developed, okay well neither should pensioners as their brains are deteriorating and probably the equivalent of a teenager.

I know you're old and an exception so don't take offence but its fair comment.

I don't normally read your posts but I saw this reposted.

You are a cretin. I don't know if it's an attention seeking affliction you suffer from but there is something wrong with you.

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It was tongue in cheek that bit, but it is true your brain starts to deteriorate.

So in response to the pensioner that wrote to the Courier saying 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be able to vote as their brains aren't fully developed I say neither should old people, as their brains have deteriorated to about the same level.

Three quarters of pensioners voted no, most of them cited fears over their pensions. Their pensions were literally guaranteed (twice) as part of the process. There was zero threat whatsoever to their pensions.

There is no nice way to say what that says about their level of gullibility. Imagine voting no as you were worried about something that was under no threat whatsoever. Now obviously the media should have done its job and reported things accurately, but 30 seconds on google could have assauged any fears they had over their pensions.

There you go, took me even less than 30 seconds


Now imagine voting no as you were worried about your pension. Though as I say the media and Gordon Brown have a lot to answer for about that.

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I don't normally read your posts but I saw this reposted. You are a cretin. I don't know if it's an attention seeking affliction you suffer from but there is something wrong with you.

I only speak the truth, some people don't like it as sometimes the truth isn't the nicest.

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It was tongue in cheek that bit, but it is true your brain starts to deteriorate.

So in response to the pensioner that wrote to the Courier saying 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be able to vote as their brains aren't fully developed I say neither should old people, as their brains have deteriorated to about the same level.

Three quarters of pensioners voted no, most of them cited fears over their pensions. Their pensions were literally guaranteed (twice) as part of the process. There was zero threat whatsoever to their pensions.

There is no nice way to say what that says about their level of gullibility. Imagine voting no as you were worried about something that was under no threat whatsoever. Now obviously the media should have done its job and reported things accurately, but 30 seconds on google could have assauged any fears they had over their pensions.

There you go, took me even less than 30 seconds


Now imagine voting no as you were worried about your pension. Though as I say the media and Gordon Brown have a lot to answer for about that.

Still, you're failing to take mindset into account here. My granny, born five months before the outbreak of WWI, was very much a product of the Empire. This is something that will fade into history. We all know this.

Most people who get scammed online are surely either young or middle aged. No? And that's without being threatened.

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Still, you're failing to take mindset into account here. My granny, born five months before the outbreak of WWI, was very much a product of the Empire. This is something that will fade into history. We all know this.

Most people who get scammed online are surely either young or middle aged. No? And that's without being threatened.

Yeah, you get daft people of all ages no doubt.

Maybe I am, but when polled they mostly cite pensions, not attachment to the UK or empire or anything, the word that comes out of their mouths is pensions.

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Old people should be disenfranchised, they have no stake in the future and their brains start to deteriorate at a certain age. That's why they fell for the lies of Better Together hook, line and sinker.

I saw a letter in the Courier a while ago from some bitter old fool saying that 16 and 17 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote as their brains aren't fully developed, okay well neither should pensioners as their brains are deteriorating and probably the equivalent of a teenager.

I know you're old and an exception so don't take offence but its fair comment.

Are you saying because of their age they should have no views on our future ?? Maybe when they hit 60 we can stop them voting etc.

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