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The SNP in the Irish/Liberal corridor.


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So, now that we are the 3rd largest party we have access to our very own corridor of power! This is the corridor that was used by the Irish Parliamentary Party (a sign?) and after Labour's rise (can't believe I just wrote that!) the liberal's/lib Dems and includes what was Nick Clegg's office.

The old portraita of Liberal Prime Minister's will be removed but how else will the SNP use this power and access for the first ever time to the usual channels, where the whips disscuss business weeks in advance.

Also it will be funny to see the lib Dems scramnling for a single office beside the DUP! Even when they had 6MP's they were still 3rd largest.

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It's ironic to remove portraits of Gladstone, Rosebery, Campbell-Bannerman and Squiffy considering that the old Liberal Party were in favour of Scottish Home Rule and it might have been passed by Asquith's Government had Gavrilo Princip not had an itchy trigger finger one June afternoon in the Balkans...

I wonder if the Lib Dems will be annoyed by the sound of constant drumming from the neighbouring DUP office come July...

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So, now that we are the 3rd largest party we have access to our very own corridor of power! This is the corridor that was used by the Irish Parliamentary Party (a sign?) and after Labour's rise (can't believe I just wrote that!) the liberal's/lib Dems and includes what was Nick Clegg's office.

The old portraita of Liberal Prime Minister's will be removed but how else will the SNP use this power and access for the first ever time to the usual channels, where the whips disscuss business weeks in advance.

Also it will be funny to see the lib Dems scramnling for a single office beside the DUP! Even when they had 6MP's they were still 3rd largest.

The old portraits of Liberal Prime Ministers will be taken down.

What will the SNP put in their place?

Mel Gibson..and..?

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The old portraits of Liberal Prime Ministers will be taken down.

What will the SNP put in their place?

Mel Gibson..and..?

Aye, 'cause Scotland doesn't have any inspirational figures of its own. What a bunch of useless fuckwits we all are, and always have been! :rolleyes:

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I wonder if the Lib Dems will be annoyed by the sound of constant drumming from the neighbouring DUP office come July...

The DUPs are the 'johnny come latelies' to the drumming scene. Nare a Lambeg drum between the 8 of them.

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I wonder if the Lib Dems will be annoyed by the sound of constant drumming from the neighbouring DUP office come July...

If they're only starting in July, their drumming won't be up to much...

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