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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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It's quite possible that the 60% regular polls for independence that Sturgeon says would be essential before calling for another referendum won't happen for another generation. I'm not going to sit watching the SNP's futile toadying to the nearly universally dedicated unionist Tory voters until then, so an equally futile gesture it is.

I understand where you're coming from but voting Labour is not the answer IMO.

It's not enough to politically tread water until the 10, 15 or 20 years when are likely to have enough support for a positive vote on Independence.

Equally I sympathise with the view that it is difficult for an SNP government to fight the worst excess of Tory austerity. I do not believe, however there is nothing they can do. The CT powers and the other tax powers coming next year offer a limited, but important, opportunity to affect change.

That is why I think the SNP should be making their position clear at this time as we are electing them for a four year term. Simply saying what they will do for the next 12 months is disingenuous.

I'm also concerned that if the SNP does not continue its engagement with those who started to support it post-Referendum that these folk may start withdrawing their support. If such support was to go to a more radical pro-independence party such as the Greens then it may not be an issue, but equally it may be that many who engaged with politics for the first time during the Independence campaign will simply disengage.

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I'm not buying the cuddly Ruth routine.  She's still a Tory and still promotes policies that actively harm poor people.


I consider myself a pretty good judge of character and having met the woman a couple of times I would say she was a good person. I'd never vote for her as a Conservative though.


It's a much different situation from Boris. Most people think Boris is entertaining, which he definitely can be. He's clearly a sleekit c**t however and plenty of people, even in England, know this.

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I consider myself a pretty good judge of character and having met the woman a couple of times I would say she was a good person. I'd never vote for her as a Conservative though.


It's a much different situation from Boris. Most people think Boris is entertaining, which he definitely can be. He's clearly a sleekit c**t however and plenty of people, even in England, know this.


I have absolutely no doubt you are a decent judge of person and I would similarly imagine that on a one on one basis, Ruth Davidson could be an affable person to have a chat with.


That said, I stand by my original point that she is still a Tory and follows political ideologies that actually do vulnerable people harm.

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I resent the fact that there are so few choices on the Constituency ballot, first time I've been eligible to vote for Holyrood so not used to the system. Voting Labour seems the only way to send a feeble message.


P.S. Labour have a lovely husband and wife team up here, what's not to like?


As said, you can spoil your constituency ballot or just leave it blank and your List vote will still count. If you're not comfortable voting SNP for whatever reason that's got to be a better option than voting Labour. That'd be the way I'd go if I was in a constituency with only the big three & the busted flush standing where the SNP candidate was unacceptable, for example Shettleston where they've put the odious cretin Mason up again.

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I have absolutely no doubt you are a decent judge of person and I would similarly imagine that on a one on one basis, Ruth Davidson could be an affable person to have a chat with.

That said, I stand by my original point that she is still a Tory and follows political ideologies that actually do vulnerable people harm.

There are many different stands of conservatism. I'd have really liked to see a Scottish conservative party (not just in name) in an independent Scotland.

I get the impression it's a long way off the Tory elite and little Englander approach of down south.

As it is Ruth needs to dae whit she's telt.

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There are many different stands of conservatism. I'd have really liked to see a Scottish conservative party (not just in name) in an independent Scotland.

I get the impression it's a long way off the Tory elite and little Englander approach of down south.

As it is Ruth needs to dae whit she's telt.

Is that no the past tense?

But I get whit ye mean.

As I've said umpteen times I would like every one of us tae vote SNP, SNP, SNP until Indy.

Then after Indy I would expect that there would be a Scottish Tory Party and a Scottish Labour Party with policies which didn't need them to look to England for approval.

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Is that no the past tense?

But I get whit ye mean.

As I've said umpteen times I would like every one of us tae vote SNP, SNP, SNP until Indy.

Then after Indy I would expect that there would be a Scottish Tory Party and a Scottish Labour Party with policies which didn't need them to look to England for approval.

My only issue is that we can't be on hold until the next referendum.

I absolutely support the snp and especially sturgeon as fm. But resounding victory after resounding victory isn't enough.

The greens need to have a stronger voice in the parliament and I'll be casting both votes (if they're running in my constituency) that way.

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My only issue is that we can't be on hold until the next referendum.

I absolutely support the snp and especially sturgeon as fm. But resounding victory after resounding victory isn't enough.

The greens need to have a stronger voice in the parliament and I'll be casting both votes (if they're running in my constituency) that way.

Fair do's. At least we're on the same side.


My only issue is that we can't be on hold until the next referendum.

I agree but I'm scared that if the SNP government lean too much one way it will upset the folk who lean the other way.

I suppose ca canny is the word.

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Fair do's. At least we're on the same side.

My only issue is that we can't be on hold until the next referendum.

I agree but I'm scared that if the SNP government lean too much one way it will upset the folk who lean the other way.

I suppose ca canny is the word.


It's a tricky balance but sturgeon knows this as well as anyone.

The key to the next referendum is going to be the economic argument. I believe something a touch more radical is needed to show people that Scotland can stand strong on her own two feet.

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It's a tricky balance but sturgeon knows this as well as anyone.

The key to the next referendum is going to be the economic argument. I believe something a touch more radical is needed to show people that Scotland can stand strong on her own two feet.

I suppose the difference between you and me is that I'm a miserable c**t.

I'm definitely a pessimist (in life) while you appear tae be an optimist.

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Whilst I'm as rabid a Nat as you will find I would rather not elect homophobes to parliament. It's a wee weird quirk I have.

Ah bit ye see ah kin only dae whit ahm able tae dae once wur a normal independent country. Until then ah dinnae really care about the gays. Ahm just someone who wants ma country back.

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Ah bit ye see ah kin only dae whit ahm able tae dae once wur a normal independent country. Until then ah dinnae really care about the gays. Ahm just someone who wants ma country back.

Be the best again, as it were.

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Ah bit ye see ah kin only dae whit ahm able tae dae once wur a normal independent country. Until then ah dinnae really care about the gays. Ahm just someone who wants ma country back.

You really are a tadger

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My only issue is that we can't be on hold until the next referendum.

I absolutely support the snp and especially sturgeon as fm. But resounding victory after resounding victory isn't enough.

The greens need to have a stronger voice in the parliament and I'll be casting both votes (if they're running in my constituency) that way.

The issue for me is that the only way to get to a referendum is for there to be one resounding victory after another for as long as it takes.

That means anyone who has independence at their core should keep voting SNP/SNP until that day arrives.

For those who are wailing about the SNP not being radical enough, you need to remember that there are SNP supporters like Pandarilla who are much more moderate and who could just as easily be turned away from the prospect of an independent Scotland if it looks like a radical left wing car crash.

I'm absolutely happy to have a fiscally competent, social democratic, independence driven party steering a path that allows it to work through attacks from the right wing media and laugh at Labour frantically trying to be radical when the machine down south is ripping the shite out of them. Now, admittedly the days of Lamont's branch office comments may not carry quite as much weight given that Corbyn is slightly to the left of Blair and Milliband but he's not going to get elected by England so there will be a shift to the right again down there before we're all much older.

So ... SNP twice.

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Whilst I'm as rabid a Nat as you will find I would rather not elect homophobes to parliament. It's a wee weird quirk I have.


Indeed. While she'll obviously still win the seat comfortably and there's never been any suggestion that she'd ever be deselected - I had my hopes up that Mason would be but unfortunately didn't happen - it's disappointing Cunningham has a place in the cabinet. If you must put forward homophobes and creationists for election, at least keep them off the frontline.

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