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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Equality is enshrined in law and is no longer a political priority. Move on.


Just because something is enshrined in law doesn't stop making it a problem or a political priority. 

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I don't think you have the moral high ground when you continue to revert to calling people vermin and scum. And the irony of you calling others a disgrace. :1eye

People who believe LGBT persons are second class citizens and deserve fewer rights than heterosexuals are scum.

I'm more than happy to label them as such.

In fact vermin and scum are fairly generous descriptors.

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Are you still flapping your wee sensitive mouth on this matter?

We get it. You think all SNP voters are disgusted, bigoted homophobe enablers.

Well done you. Now have a cup of tea before you give yourself a cerebral aneurysm.

Yet in September of 2014 he wholeheartedly endorsed the disgusting corrupt Westminster establishment and all the evil and suffering they have perpetrated. Interesting moral compass.

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This is a bit of a strawman argument as there's absolutely nothing you can do about this. If we are talking about a candidate-specific seat in a liberal democracy, such as we are now, constituents are free to vote for or against that candidate in any way they choose. There isn't a part of the ballot where you have to justify your choice. 


As Mason, for example, voted against equal marriage, wants to introduce creationism into schools and does not support equal adoption, these may be in line with his religious beliefs, true - and I'm going to vote against him based on his religious beliefs because I don't wish to see the result of them introduced into my constituency or into Scotland. I don't see how this is a particularly controversial point. 



Creationism is already in schools. I went to a non-religious primary school and we were taught about creationism.

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People who believe LGBT persons are second class citizens and deserve fewer rights than heterosexuals are scum.

I'm more than happy to label them as such.

In fact vermin and scum are fairly generous descriptors.


You've called people on here "vermin" and "scum".


Care to name anyone on here who actively believes that "LGBT persons are second class citizens" without flapping your wee gums about votes for the SNP?


For a chap who is all about equality, you're absolutely brimming over with angry intolerance.

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Is Mason's problem not that he is a fundentalist Sky fairy believer? Are we to banish people from serving in Parliament because of their beliefs?Wouldn't that be bigoted?

I think religion is for morons but unfortunately for some people they've been brainwashed from an early age. As long as it remains a minority view then it's pretty much harmless is it not?

As an example I'd be more inclined to take someone's views on assisted suicide into account because at the moment it is still a divided issue and something I feel just as strongly about as same sex marriage

I don't think we have enough time left til Earth is destroyed to go over what Mason's problems are.

But in modern society, hiding behind the robes of your sky fairy to justify your utter cuntery is no longer acceptable.

It's absolutely irrelevant why Mason, Ewing, Cunningham and co hold such disgusting mediaeval views.

Belief in a sky fairy, protesting too much, sexually repressed.. Who knows or cares really. All they should be judged on are their expressed views.

None of these people should be MSPs. Its shameful they are and more shameful still that the latter two have held and will hold ministerial positions in a 21st century government.

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Yet in September of 2014 he wholeheartedly endorsed the disgusting corrupt Westminster establishment and all the evil and suffering they have perpetrated. Interesting moral compass.


A tremendous point.  It's almost as if a few MSPs who voted against same sex marriage a few years ago is nothing more than an opportunity for some SNP-bashing to him.

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I don't think we have enough time left til Earth is destroyed to go over what Mason's problems are.

But in modern society, hiding behind the robes of your sky fairy to justify your utter cuntery is no longer acceptable.

It's absolutely irrelevant why Mason, Ewing, Cunningham and co hold such disgusting mediaeval views.

Belief in a sky fairy, protesting too much, sexually repressed.. Who knows or cares really. All they should be judged on are their expressed views.

None of these people should be MSPs. Its shameful they are and more shameful still that the latter two have held and will hold ministerial positions in a 21st century government.


And yet not a peep from you about non SNP MSPs who voted against.  What a transparent little troll you really are.

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You've called people on here "vermin" and "scum".

Care to name anyone on here who actively believes that "LGBT persons are second class citizens" without flapping your wee gums about votes for the SNP?

For a chap who is all about equality, you're absolutely brimming over with angry intolerance.

I am unashamedly intolerant of bigots. This is true.

The rest of your post is just a mess really. Much like your previous one.

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I am unashamedly intolerant of bigots. This is true.

The rest of your post is just a mess really. Much like your previous one.


So you can't back up your biased witterings then?


Bore off, little man.

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And yet not a peep from you about non SNP MSPs who voted against.

Well, that's just a lie isn't it?

You are all over the place here, desperate to find support and some backslapping, all because you were outed as someone who would happily enable and validate bigots.

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Who is being banished? We are talking about a democratic vote.

Mason should be free to stand on any platform he wishes. Progressives who vote for him on that platform may wish to take a look at what they are enabling by returning him to Holyrood.

If I was in his constituency I would abstain on the constituency vote and who have stood against him in the selection process. I'm hugely disappointed that it appears that no attempt at deselection was made.

I don't care what Labour and Tories do bit I'm embarrassed to wear the same badge as some of the people the SNP have put up and think their stance on equality is inconsistent with that of the party in a way that is more than a minor disagreement but is fundamentally at odds with what the SNP purports to stand for.

Nailed it. For me it's the fact that the SNP are allowing/enabling someone like Mason to become an SNP MSP.

There are folk on here trying to detract from the argument by focusing on the language that others are using; that's nothing but sub-standard trolling.

The 'end justifying the means' argument has no validity. We can still pursue to the goal of Independence without having bigots representing the Party. By their inclusion what message do we send out to those whose support that we seek; 'homophobia's an issue but hey guys there's worse things'. Like IA I'd rather we didn't fall to the level of the other political parties.

I'd love to see Independence in the next 5 or 10 years, but it may take 20, it may take 30 or longer. The idea that everything else should be ignored until that glorious time is a simpleton's argument and, fortunately, one that most folk will reject.

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Well, that's just a lie isn't it?

You are all over the place here, desperate to find support and some backslapping, all because you were outed as someone who would happily enable and validate bigots.



This is fiction. He specifically singled out McMahon.


Has or has not the little weirdo made this all about the SNP, or has he made this equally about each party?


You're supposed to be intelligent, Libbers.  I'm surprised you've been taken in by his SNP-hating ragefest.

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