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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Having an opinion isn't a crime, you mentalist.


What? I have literally no idea where this conclusion has come from. I'm showing you that just because something is enshrined in law doesn't mean that it has been dealt with. 

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I get to decide what is and isn't unacceptable to me troll .

As everyone else does. That's exactly what this debate is about.

People can and will vote for scumbag bigots and shrug their shoulders. That's between them and their conscience.

They are free to do so, but will be judged on this.



I do, thanks.

Your white knighting for bigots is cute though. And amusing.



I'm terrified Peter.


Your anger, choice of language and absolute intolerance of SNP supporters shows your thinly veiled faux affrontery for what it is.  A convenient way to bash the SNP.


Now tuck your bottom lip back in before you trip over it, sunshine.

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You're terrified Peter? Odd.

My name is Gerry and I live in Ayrshire. I will provide my full address and phone number if required if it will validate things for you.

How about you?

No thanks. I have a partner.

I believe there are sites on the internet for this sort of thing though.

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Lol at strichener's "who's the real bigots?" schtick. Think the normal demographic for that patter is Trump fans and Telegraph writers. Suppose when his entire focus on LGBT rights is ensuring people can be given a public platform to spout hatred or dismiss violence against the LGBT community it shouldn't be surprising.

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Bollocks ye auld goat!

In my particular case the be all and end all of this current political process is Independence.

Everything else is subservient tae that.

If I (or you) go to a polling booth and discover that the SNP candidate is a raging (bigot adjective here) c**t.

What do you do?

Spoil your ballot paper or as someone else said "Haud yer nose" and vote for him?

Again in my case I would take a deep breath and vote accordingly.

One small step for independence and one big step for democracy (or is it the other way round?).

We can still pursue to the goal of Independence without having bigots representing the Party.

So what we need are you and your ilk making a list of the SNP candidates who you consider bigots and advising folk no tae vote for them.

That's bound tae advance the cause of Independence.

The idea that everything else should be ignored until that glorious time is a simpleton's argument

Just recently on this forum I've been called a peasant, scum and now a simpleton.

Dae I get a badge? :thumsup2

You must have absolutely no faith in Scotland or the desire for independence if you feel the movement has to give a platform to literally anybody who supports it. We should be voting for independence as a progressive movement which signals our intent to actually do things differently to down south otherwise I don't see the point.

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There are several things wrong with the Mason motion:

1. Evolution can be proved by science. Creationism not just can't be proved by science, but can be disproved by science. Any sentence that tries to give them functional equivalence in terms of validity, evidentiary support or as equal in knowledge is shite and should be shat on.

2. Children should not be aware of creationism any more than they should be aware of Jack and the Beanstalk.

3. Chaplains and religious organisations should not have input into what is taught in schools.

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You must have absolutely no faith in Scotland or the desire for independence if you feel the movement has to give a platform to literally anybody who supports it. We should be voting for independence as a progressive movement which signals our intent to actually do things differently to down south otherwise I don't see the point.

You are missing my point.

I want (more than anything else politically) an independent Scotland.

I will take votes from anyone who wants the same, irrespective of who or what they are.

I think I would call that realism.

The more people who vote for independence the merrier.

ONCE we have independence I will then line up all the bigots that GD points out and I'll shoot them.

Until then I'll accept their votes.


You must have absolutely no faith in Scotland or the desire for independence

That really hurt :thumbsdown

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He's fully got your point. You've said that you will vote blindly for candidates who want an independent Scotland, irrespective of what other views they may hold or policy they may advocate; and he's pointed out that this belies a very poor view of Scottish people as actors for progressive social change. The point being that Scotland shouldn't have to rely on homophobes/racists/sexists/whatever* to bring about independence. "ONCE we have independence" doesn't cut it if we could potentially wait several decades and you'd back people who have views that belong in the stone age, and views which can impact real people. 







*Before anyone jumps on this, this is not a direct accusation at the SNP or anyone in it

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Your anger, choice of language and absolute intolerance of SNP supporters shows your thinly veiled faux affrontery for what it is. A convenient way to bash the SNP.

Now tuck your bottom lip back in before you trip over it, sunshine.

I will be voting for the SNP in this election. The candidate in my constituency isnt known to be a scumbag bigot. As I said, you are desperately flailing here. Each post has a new inaccuracy.

Were John Mason, Fergus Ewing or one of their bigot chums to be the SNP candidate in my constituency I would not be voting for the SNP.

Until constituents send a message to the SNP that their bigot candidates are not welcome they will continue to be put forward for election by the party hierarchy.

Some prospective SNP voters are happy to send this message.

Others, like yourself, are not. You will gladly vote for, enable and validate scum. As long as they represent the SNP.

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Where the Scottish system is tricky is the party list. Its much more difficult to root out the vermin when parties can hide them on a list.

But actively ditching the known bigot scum standing directly is at least a start.

It would be magnificent it John Mason lost his seat. Unlikely though as the electorate will choose any monkey wearing a yellow rosette there.

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I will be voting for the SNP in this election. The candidate in my constituency isnt known to be a scumbag bigot. As I said, you are desperately flailing here. Each post has a new inaccuracy.

Were John Mason, Fergus Ewing or one of their bigot chums to be the SNP candidate in my constituency I would not be voting for the SNP.

Until constituents send a message to the SNP that their bigot candidates are not welcome they will continue to be put forward for election by the party hierarchy.

Some prospective SNP voters are happy to send this message.

Others, like yourself, are not. You will gladly vote for, enable and validate scum. As long as they represent the SNP.


My, you're a wee burning ball of incandescent rage aren't you?


Once again, your language highlights your intolerance.  That you don't even see the irony in being so intolerant I will attribute to your rage.


I forgive you x

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Where the Scottish system is tricky is the party list. Its much more difficult to root out the vermin when parties can hide them on a list.

But actively ditching the known bigot scum standing directly is at least a start.

It would be magnificent it John Mason lost his seat. Unlikely though as the electorate will choose any monkey wearing a yellow rosette there.

What is crystal clear to anyone on the Central Scotland list is that a vote for the SNP is a vote for someone who thinks gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt, because Alex Neil and Christina McKelvie will hold their constituency seats.

If you are registered to vote in Falkirk, Larbert, Airdrie, Motherwell, Hamilton, East Kilbride, Coatbridge, Cumbernauld, Kilsyth, Stonehouse, Wishaw, Uddingston, Bellshill, Shotts, Larkhall or Chryston, and you vote SNP on the list, you are just as culpable for the facilitation of bigotry as if you vote for John Mason in Glasgow.

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My, you're a wee burning ball of incandescent rage aren't you?

Once again, your language highlights your intolerance. That you don't even see the irony in being so intolerant I will attribute to your rage.

I forgive you x

I think the 'being against homophobic bigots makes YOU a bigot.. So there' role has already been taken.

You can be the reserve.

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What is crystal clear to anyone on the Central Scotland list is that a vote for the SNP is a vote for someone who thinks gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt, because Alex Neil and Christina McKelvie will hold their constituency seats.

If you are registered to vote in Falkirk, Larbert, Airdrie, Motherwell, Hamilton, East Kilbride, Coatbridge, Cumbernauld, Kilsyth, Stonehouse, Wishaw, Uddingston, Bellshill, Shotts, Larkhall or Chryston, and you vote SNP on the list, you are just as culpable for the facilitation of bigotry as if you vote for John Mason in Glasgow.




I think the 'being against homophobic bigots makes YOU a bigot.. So there' role has already been taken.

You can be the reserve.


Is that bottom lip of yours ever going to stop quivering? What if I go into a corner shop to buy a can of Irn Bru?  How can I be 100% sure the shopkeeper isn't a homophobe?  Should I just not buy Irn Bru just in case?


Should I just stay in the house forever in case I mistakenly interact with a vile bigot?

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He's fully got your point. You've said that you will vote blindly for candidates who want an independent Scotland, irrespective of what other views they may hold or policy they may advocate; and he's pointed out that this belies a very poor view of Scottish people as actors for progressive social change. The point being that Scotland shouldn't have to rely on homophobes/racists/sexists/whatever* to bring about independence. "ONCE we have independence" doesn't cut it if we could potentially wait several decades and you'd back people who have views that belong in the stone age, and views which can impact real people. 







*Before anyone jumps on this, this is not a direct accusation at the SNP or anyone in it

Fair do's.

What NotThePars and probably GD are wanting is to segregate the bigots from everybody else and say the SNP dinnae want your votes cos your bigots.

What I'm saying is if we want independence in the shortest possible time then we need their votes and anybody else who agree with them.

All I want for christmas is independence then in the new year we can get rid of them.

What's wrong with that ?


"ONCE we have independence"

But that's true.

When we have it we can then do the things you and others want to do just now.

This morning I was re-running several you-tube videos of Mhairi Black getting stuck intae several politicians.

She was in a committee meeting with several others asking Ian Duncan Smith questions on the Pensions & Welfare cuts.


UK's youngest MP Mhairi Black tackles the work and pensions secretary over welfare cuts


2m 12s she said, “85% of Welfare and 70% of taxation still remain reserved.â€


What can a Scottish government seriously do while that exists.

I want 100%welfare & !00% taxation in Scotland and that will only happen through Indy.

And to get Indy as quickly as we can then we will have tae embrace all these bigots that people are unearthing.

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Oh hush your sensitive wee mouth.  I have previously and clearly said I do not agree with the views of any MSP who voted against same sex marriage.


Dry your abstaining eyes.

Absolute state of this. 

My post didn't refer to same sex marriage, it was in relation to same sex adoption. Secondly, it wasn't about whether you or anybody else disagreed with MSPs who voted against it, but rather whether somebody who opposes gay couples adopting - purely because of their sexuality - is a bigot. 

I would refuse to endorse, campaign or vote for any Labour candidate who openly held such blatantly bigoted views. Would you do the same with SNP candidates? Hopefully you can respond to this without throwing your toys out of the pram about the Labour Party. 

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There are several things wrong with the Mason motion:

1. Evolution can be proved by science. Creationism not just can't be proved by science, but can be disproved by science. Any sentence that tries to give them functional equivalence in terms of validity, evidentiary support or as equal in knowledge is shite and should be shat on.

2. Children should not be aware of creationism any more than they should be aware of Jack and the Beanstalk.

3. Chaplains and religious organisations should not have input into what is taught in schools.

You're one of the most bigoted and illiberal people I've seen here so far.

Points 1 and 2 are just drivel. Point 3 is ok with the exception of private schools.

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