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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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I'd rather see the SNP argue on the merits of voting for them (which they are doing tbf) rather than playing scaremongering over the possibilities of what happens if you don't vote for them with both votes. Labour used similar tactics with success for decades, but I'd rather the SNP avoided those negative tactics.


What 'positive' campaign do you envisage that magically attracts both votes to a single party? The majority of the electorate will vote SNP with one vote. Other than mild shiting it about the threat of dodgy polls and complacency, their position is safe as houses. But they're obviously not going to just chuck the campaign and declare victory two weeks early.


There is no magical argument to gain a second vote for any party. Either you believe that the merit of your first vote carries over (this applies to the vast majority of electorate); or that it gives you a free shot to pick someone else entirely; or that it's a tactical vote for some wider cause like, I dunno, Scottish nationalism. But if the third of those options is portrayed by MSM and deluded mouthpieces like Sheridan as being a highly effective tactic when it really, really isn't, then of course the SNP are going to try to point that out. That's the centre-piece of their politics. Those are the voters that the SNP need to attract.


There seems to be a lot of knitting being ripped right now about that fact that the SNP are a professional, highly efficient, vote-gathering political outfit when an election comes around. How on earth do you think that they got to this point?

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Given that the SNP list vote gets divided by 10 before they even start assigning seats I think it's a fair shout to suggest that voting SNP on the list is as good as spooling your ballot sheet



Given that the SNP won all of North-East of Scotland seats in 2011 and a list MSP, it's a fair shout to say that you're absolutely clueless and have nothing to contribute to this thread.


Back in your box.

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Given that the SNP list vote gets divided by 10 before they even start assigning seats I think it's a fair shout to suggest that voting SNP on the list is as good as spooling your ballot sheet

Idiot found
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Given that the SNP won all of North-East of Scotland seats in 2011 and a list MSP, it's a fair shout to say that you're absolutely clueless and have nothing to contribute to this thread.

Back in your box.

That's highly unlikely to happen in other places

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I'm sorry, that just wasn't the "Okay, I made a c**t of myself; I'll slither off now" response that was required from you. Your credibility* I'm afraid has been shot to pieces; unlucky.



















* a term being very generously defined to let our little slugger think that he ever had any

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Not keen on Mhairi Blacks article in the Sunday Herald today. 'If you believe in independence you risk everything unless you give both votes to the SNP.'

Given she an SNP MP I'm not surprised she's arguing that both votes should go to the SNP. The 'risk everything' bit is, of course, hyperbole.

I'm quite encouraged by the polls. If the Greens are successful in terms of votes and seats then hopefully it will mean the further marginalisation of RISE and other such groups and the Greens solidifying their position as the left-of-centre voice within Holyrood.

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Appeal to their voters by suggesting they're taking nothing for granted and that a majority can only be assured if they get both votes. To use language like 'risk everything,' to try and appeal to the wider *sorry for this term* yes movement is a bit too much like scaremongering to me, especially considering they really don't have to delve to those measures. I missed the piece in last weeks Sunday Herald, so apologies if it was a direct response to that, but the terminology used doesn't sit right with me from a party that prides itself as a positive campaign force. If I was at home I'd be voting SNP/SNP as I find them to be the most competent party as well as sharing my constitutional ideology btw.

Who gives a fuk!

Any self respecting Scot will vote SNP/SNP.

Mhari is right.... MSM will have a field day if SNP don't increase their majority

Sorry Greens, I do like you; I really do... and I know you back independence

But in short term messages must be sent SNP/SNP

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I have to say, all the No voting heroes and Ad Lib must feel just super about themselves about their constant ganging up on Wee Willie.  Every time he posts he's met with a barrage of semantics, pedantism and abject shite.  They must all feel so proud.

Thanks for the support :thumsup2


Who gives a fuk!

Any self respecting Scot will vote SNP/SNP.

Mhari is right.... MSM will have a field day if SNP don't increase their majority

Sorry Greens, I do like you; I really do... and I know you back independence

But in short term messages must be sent SNP/SNP

This - a thousand times this :thumsup2

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Given that the SNP won all of North-East of Scotland seats in 2011 and a list MSP, it's a fair shout to say that you're absolutely clueless and have nothing to contribute to this thread.

Back in your box.

The NE of Scotland was the exception rather than the rule - you could have weighed the votes for the SNP in 2011.

That being said If it were an SNP supporter I wouldn't be doing anything other than a double SNP vote.

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Who gives a fuk!

Any self respecting Scot will vote SNP/SNP.

Mhari is right.... MSM will have a field day if SNP don't increase their majority

Sorry Greens, I do like you; I really do... and I know you back independence

But in short term messages must be sent SNP/SNP

So I'm not a 'self respecting Scot'?

Not used to this sort of response from you JLD.

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You've just suggested 55%+ of Scottish voters aren't 'self respecting Scots,' so your 'not resorting to insults' isn't going too well tbqh.

JLD has no respect for peoples democratic rights on voting unless its SNP you are voting for.

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Who gives a fuk!

Any self respecting Scot will vote SNP/SNP.

Mhari is right.... MSM will have a field day if SNP don't increase their majority

Sorry Greens, I do like you; I really do... and I know you back independence

But in short term messages must be sent SNP/SNP

So I'm not a 'self respecting Scot'?

Not used to this sort of response from you JLD.

You most certainly are GD

Ya sook :lol:


Steady on :lol:

I'm staying out of this :))

I should have added ...but his wife is :thumsup2

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The red branch have accepted they are in serious danger of getting beating by the blue branch in this election.The tone of there message seems to have changed from eessssnnppee bad to tory bad

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