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Money In The Bank 2015

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That was a dire match. Had plenty of decent bumps and Wyatt showing up was cool but it was like a 1v1 showcase for most of it. Didn't enjoy it at all. Reckon I'll be in the minority though as crowd bumped that match up a notch.

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That was a dire match. Had plenty of decent bumps and Wyatt showing up was cool but it was like a 1v1 showcase for most of it. Didn't enjoy it at all. Reckon I'll be in the minority though as crowd bumped that match up a notch.

I'd agree that it wasn't great especially as Neville, Kingston and Ziggler are all well suited to that type of match. Wyatt turning up was cool and the winner was unexpected.

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Thought the ladder match was okay. Opener was a lot of fun, but as mentioned, could have been better with the people involved. Owens/Cena was just magnificent though, and even though there was a sloppy moment with the Sunset Bomb, it never detracted from the match even for a second. The post-match stuff was great as well. The fans are buying into Owens big time, and so are WWE.

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I feel a bit sorry for the Prime Time Players - I just can't ever see them getting over with the crowd and the folks at home. They are both competent enough in the ring and they are very funny when given mic time but when it comes to a match there is just something missing and it's something big as well, I'm just not sure what it is. Maybe its the move set, or a feeling of clunkyness - but there is no doubt it just doesn't work.

I'm amazed they have been given the belts to be honest - this stinks of a "we promise we will give you a push/run with the belts at some stage" type thing. Or possibly transitional champs for Harper and Rowan to take the belts from a face team. I'll be astounded if they go more than a month with the titles. I do like them, I just don't rate them in ring

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