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No Man's Sky


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AFAIK, there's not a thread about this yet. I genuinely cannot wait for this. It could be a turkey, but it could be an utter gamechanger.


30 facts about No Man’s Sky

  1. No Man’s Sky’s universe is infinite.
  2. You can only have one ship.
  3. You can’t customize your ship — but you can find one that you like.
  4. Earth isn’t present, but you might find something close to it.
  5. You can play with your friends (although Murray’s previously said not to think of it as a multiplayer game).
  6. You can take pictures.
  7. You can swim underwater.
  8. You can chop down a tree.
  9. You can choose to be a pacifist (although that doesn’t mean someone — or something — won’t attack you).
  10. Some planets are the size of Earth.
  11. You might visit a “dud” planet.
  12. You have a health bar.
  13. You can land on asteroids.
  14. The game features black holes.
  15. You will sometimes get bored playing it.
  16. It has no downloadable content.
  17. You can’t select the gender of your character.
  18. Not all planets can sustain life.
  19. You can’t collect plants.
  20. You can’t build a shelter.
  21. You can’t teleport to your ship.
  22. You can’t build a space station.
  23. It has a shop.
  24. It has no nonplayer characters.
  25. You can’t terraform a planet.
  26. You can’t destroy a planet.
  27. You face many objective markers.
  28. You won’t notice any gravity differences between planets — your suit compensates.
  29. You can’t reach the edge of the universe: “You can go into the darkness for as long as you want.”
  30. You can’t ride a dinosaur.


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  • 4 months later...

There are rumours flying around about this being a surprise release on 27th October... In SIX days!

I would actually shoot my muck if this were true.


I'd be surprised. Last time I heard about it it seemed to be in a pretty early state, so to be released so soon is a stretch. But would be good if it was.

It does look like a fantastic prospect if they can get it right. I can't help but feel that it's one of those that has shot too far and promised too much, and it'll all just be a bit meh. Happy to be proved wrong though.

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There are rumours flying around about this being a surprise release on 27th October... In SIX days!

I would actually shoot my muck if this were true.


Its been released! Well... a new trailer has been.


You'll have to wait until June 2016 for it :(

Edited by NorthernLights
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It could be a turkey, but it could be an utter gamechanger.

Just to go back to this point from the OP, I think that whether this game is good or bad, this will be the first game to adopt a feature which will become ever-present in games in our short to medium term future. It will be definitely be a game changer.

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I'm looking forward to it but feel it's going to be a bit marmite. Some people are quite content just exploring from planet to planet making their own story, whereas other gamers expect a storyline or more action. I fall somewhere in the middle so f**k knows how I'm going to feel about it.

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Apparently there is a base story mode to it, involving getting to the "centre" of the universe, but I also feel a lot of people won't enjoy it. The fact that there's little to no chance of encountering another player may put some off.

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The fact that there's little to no chance of encountering another player may put some off.

That's actually a positive for me. I'm not a fan of multiplayer games. Mainly because I suck at them but also because a lot of them tend to attract morons.

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What feature? Procedural generation has been in games since 1984.

perhaps feature was the wrong word

what I mean is that we're going to have games which will have a limitless amount of content whether that will be area to explore, quests to complete characters to meet, mobs to kill. we could get to a stage where we buy the same game yet the storyline and experience is completely different. Games could have unlimited re-playability.

maybe I'm the only one excited about this.

Procedural generation, as far as I'm aware, has never been the point of the game (minecraft maybe comes close,) until this game.

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They were quite sceptical of No Man's Sky on this weeks Podquistion - http://www.thejimquisition.com/category/podquisition/

Seems they're having a number of technical issues with the game which probably isn't much of a surprise given the ambition and scale they are trying to achieve.

Yet to listen to that this week, will give it a go. It's no surprise really, like you say. When they announced it, the immediate thought was "if they manage it". They still might of course, but they're being extremely ambitious.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This game is mentioned in a book I read recently, Death By Video Game by Simon Parkin, seems pretty ambitious for a development team who's previous output has included Joe Danger and.......eh.......Joe Danger 2 (both of which I enjoyed btw).

Hope they can pull it off as it does sound great albeit in a similar vein to Elite Dangerous (been out on Xbox 'exclusive' for a while now where's the PS4 release date??).

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  • 2 months later...

Is anyone else getting No mans sky for the ps4 ?

Release date june 2016


This got a lot of hype at the E3 2015, a lot of folk are still unsure what type of game it is.

It appears to be huge space explorer, with over something like 18 quintrillion planets to explorer.
The main game the objective is to get to the centre of the universe and you can play in your own style of a pirate, trade, scientist etc

It is a single player game but there is a "cloud" where any planet you visit or animal, plant you visit first you can then name, if anyone else comes along that planet they will see your names species.

The game itself boggles the mind, i cant explain it fully but it appears the code is generated with a fix point of a sequence, when another player finds the same planet the code is then generated again.

What is even more mind boggling is these 18 quintrillion planets are all planet size so you could spend a year or more walking around just one planet if you wished.

A lot of folk are getting excited about what this type of engine/coding could do for future games.

Kind of excited for this one i just hope the hype is bigger than the game (ahem) and it gets boring after a while ?




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