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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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Broadfoot, as others have said will be presumably Efe-esque cover and given how much Dougie has mentioned budget constraints in the past, would allude to a non-bank breaking contract. At least one would hope anyway.

Happy with Waters as that covers first team LB.

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4 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

If he's coming in to fill the Efe role I'd rather have just kept Efe. We could still do a lot worse for a third choice centre back though, as long as that's all he is and there's no plan to use him as full back cover which would now be a disaster at his age, but we're going to need some versatility in the remaining defensive signings.

Perhaps Efe didn't want to stay knowing the limited game time available and agreed with Dougie he'd move on to find first team football.

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2 hours ago, madton said:

Perhaps Efe didn't want to stay knowing the limited game time available and agreed with Dougie he'd move on to find first team football.

Dont think he had the option of staying......

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I'm fine with Broadfoot coming in as backup, but I'm hoping that we have someone coming in who can play left back and cover centre back when required to make sure that Broadfoot is fourth choice at CB rather than third choice. I'm hoping that, with a relatively young defensive unit at the club, Broadfoot's experience is going to help them develop. Waters is a known quantity, absolutely no issue with him staying either. 

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14 hours ago, BishopLenBrennan said:

I'm fine with Broadfoot coming in as backup, but I'm hoping that we have someone coming in who can play left back and cover centre back when required to make sure that Broadfoot is fourth choice at CB rather than third choice. I'm hoping that, with a relatively young defensive unit at the club, Broadfoot's experience is going to help them develop. Waters is a known quantity, absolutely no issue with him staying either. 

I have no issue with Waters staying but he is not a better player than Lewis Strapp. 

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4 hours ago, Mr Toon said:

I have no issue with Waters staying but he is not a better player than Lewis Strapp. 

Pointless comparison.

Lewis Strapp did well for us, but like it or not he doesn’t play for Morton any more.

Let it go.


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2 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

Pointless comparison.

Lewis Strapp did well for us, but like it or not he doesn’t play for Morton any more.

Let it go.


If we're letting go of things that are pointless, your login details would be at the top of the list. 

Don't discuss or compare players from one season to the next because this chump says so. 🤡

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2 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

Pointless comparison.

Lewis Strapp did well for us, but like it or not he doesn’t play for Morton any more.

Let it go.


It's not a pointless comparison insofar as he doesn't  play for Morton anymore because he was told he wasn't being offered a new contract. Imrie has done very well for us and his signings have done well but I think letting Strapp go is a mistake. That's all.

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5 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

Pointless comparison.

Lewis Strapp did well for us, but like it or not he doesn’t play for Morton any more.

Let it go.


It's not pointless at all.

It's fair to compare our current left back to the former.

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3 hours ago, Mr.Blue said:

It's not pointless at all.

It's fair to compare our current left back to the former.

There’s no future in the past, mate. It’s about as relevant a comparison as comparing the current squad, such as it currently is, to the squads of MacPherson’s time, Duffy’s time, Moore’s time or whoever you want to choose.

Pointless comparisons which gain us absolutely nothing in the here and now. I liked Strapp, but he’s left the club (whatever the reason) so let’s move on.


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7 hours ago, virginton said:

If we're letting go of things that are pointless, your login details would be at the top of the list. 

Don't discuss or compare players from one season to the next because this chump says so. 🤡

Oh pleeeeeeeezzz ........ you guys let it go eh?

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8 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

There’s no future in the past, mate. It’s about as relevant a comparison as comparing the current squad, such as it currently is, to the squads of MacPherson’s time, Duffy’s time, Moore’s time or whoever you want to choose.

It quite clearly isn't, unless you're a moron with no concept of time or opportunity cost - as there was in fact a quite straightforward alternative set of choices that could have been made. 

Your desperation to shut down debate is as hilarious as your 'move on from the past' line - given the complete arse of yourself you have made with your boomer recollections on another thread in this very forum.

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19 hours ago, Mr Toon said:

It's not a pointless comparison insofar as he doesn't  play for Morton anymore because he was told he wasn't being offered a new contract. Imrie has done very well for us and his signings have done well but I think letting Strapp go is a mistake. That's all.

Given the choice between Waters & Strapp (with all else being equal) I would pick Strapp.  There are however several unknowns in play here, such as

How much money Waters is on compared to what Strapps expectations would have been?

Strapp has been quoted as being disappointed not to be offered an extension - but did he actually want to stay here, or did he see us as something to fall back on if a move elsewhere didn't materialise?

Without knowing the answers to both of these questions, IMO it's impossible to say whether or not it was a mistake to let Strapp go.

e.g. if Strapp was desperate to sign up and was on similar money to Waters, yes letting go was a mistake.  If on the other hand he was on considerably more money and saw us as a safe bet/plan B option, then Imrie was absolutely right to let him go

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4 hours ago, virginton said:

It quite clearly isn't, unless you're a moron with no concept of time or opportunity cost - as there was in fact a quite straightforward alternative set of choices that could have been made. 

Your desperation to shut down debate is as hilarious as your 'move on from the past' line - given the complete arse of yourself you have made with your boomer recollections on another thread in this very forum.

😂😂😂 Keep up the personal abuse, virginchops - it gives me the occasional smile and keeps you away from SELF- abuse for a little while - but do try to freshen up the patter a bit, it's getting very very stale. 

Tell me this, though - since when did simply expressing an opinion on here qualify as "desperation"?  The correct answer, of course, is "never", apart from in your tiny mind. Swing and a miss, chump. 

The Strapp debate has been done to death on here over the last few months. Now he's gone, whether we like it or whether we don't, and the last thing I want to see is every new signing*  greeted on here with "meh, he's okay but he's no Lewis Strapp". 

Looks like that's what's likely to happen though. 


* - bar Grimshaw, God willing. 


Edited by Rudolph Hucker
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1 hour ago, Vril said:

Given the choice between Waters & Strapp (with all else being equal) I would pick Strapp.  There are however several unknowns in play here, such as

How much money Waters is on compared to what Strapps expectations would have been?

Strapp has been quoted as being disappointed not to be offered an extension - but did he actually want to stay here, or did he see us as something to fall back on if a move elsewhere didn't materialise?

Without knowing the answers to both of these questions, IMO it's impossible to say whether or not it was a mistake to let Strapp go.

e.g. if Strapp was desperate to sign up and was on similar money to Waters, yes letting go was a mistake.  If on the other hand he was on considerably more money and saw us as a safe bet/plan B option, then Imrie was absolutely right to let him go

Reading between the lines, i think its pretty obvious Strapp and Imrie didnt see eye to eye.

I think Lewis was keen to move last year but naturally the club wanted to maximise the development fee due and no one was willing to pay that, albeit he had interest from other clubs. ( DU and Inverness to name a few apparently)

Therefore Lewis was in a way "forced" to sign on again instead of sitting on the sidelines doing nothing for 6 months until he turned 23. The fact he only signed a 1 year deal last year when he had longer options tells its his story i think.

Either way, he's moved on, I'm sure he will get a good club and have a good career.

Waters is a very able replacement and improved as the season went on. I'm more than happy with him being our new LB, actually slightly disappointed it wasn't a longer deal.


On the squad in general, its shaping up nicely. I thought we might have had 1 or 2 more signings good to go as the season ended like we did last year but obviously not to be.  I'm guessing he knew he wasn't wanting/keeping Schwake for next season so hopefully he's been speaking to a new number 1 for some time. Assuming the Miller deal will be announced soon.

As long as we bring in a number 1 and RB for the start of July, i think we will be in a very good place and the last remaining few signings can drop in whenever. 



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FAO VikingT0N...


Another thread on this site has actally shown me that you are - unbelievably - not the biggest arsehole in Inverclyde.


Apologies for my previous opinion of you, you are welcome to Firhill for a free camapri anytime 😊 

Edited by baba douche
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13 minutes ago, baba douche said:

FAO VikingT0N...


Another thread on this site has actally shown me that you are - unbelievably - not the biggest arsehole in Inverclyde.


Apologies for my previous opinion of you, you are welcome to Firhill for a free camapri anytime 😊 

Can’t say for certain, but I think Molotov’s from Paisley.

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