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Yet another US shooting

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3 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Interesting concept, this arm the teachers thing.  Police officers, whose main concern is law and order, seem to be reluctant to intervene in school shooting in case they get shot, but teachers, whose main job is education, are expected to steam in. 

It's becoming increasingly apparent that the idea is to make law enforcement a personal responsibility. For the plebs, at least. People on low incomes and minorities won't be surprised by that at all.

2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Are we looking forward to the next 'logical' step? Presumably that's the widespread arming of Priests, Ministers, Rabbis, nuns etc during religious services. 

There are popular American right-wing heroes like Ann Coulter who claim the solution to persecution of non-Christians is for them to start worshipping Jesus like proper Americans.

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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The police in Uvalde were trained that they should confront an active shooter. They actually hung back for over an hour.


9 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

The cops not responding properly is confusing me.

I here that schools and workplaces have drills for this kind of scenario.

Then why don't the police have training for this kind of scenario. Surely standing outside for an hour (holding back parents) waiting on a SWAT squad to arrive isn't in the hand book.  

ETA Sorry, for the above, all has been revealed

 Fucking hell.

Do I get paid?

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14 minutes ago, welshbairn said:


Today is day 148 of 2022. There has been an average of almost 2 school shootings per day in America. I can't be bothered doing the maths, but I'd imagine if you removed weekends and holidays, you'd be hitting over 3 per actual school day.

But the best way to stop it happening is to put more guns in schools, lads

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I wonder if anyone who is a genuine expert with no skin in the game has gone on record with the "guns for everycunt" mantra. I mean, someone who writes the tactics book for SWAT teams, or the SAS. Would they advocate for having people other than the target armed in those situations? I have my doubts.

"Guns for everycunt" just seems to be a defensive reflex for politicians who want to say something about why kiss shouldn't get murdered at school, but must do so whilst applying a "save my own political skin" filter.

It's basically Boris and his let the bodies pile high attitude. Sort of letting us see the regard we are held in here aswell as America, but thankfully people that came before that c**t at least removed deadly weapons from the balance

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Like a lot of stuff that comes out of the mouths of republicans, the "arm teachers" hogwash is just a tactic to distract from arguments for actual gun reform that the majority of Americans want.

They can't even provide them with jotters and basic equipment never mind the requisite training and a fucking gun.

I saw a good thread on this recently where a guy went through what training would mean. It takes a lot of training for a soldier to be able to kill another human being and to overcome his natural urge not to, so teachers would be having to undergo intensive and long training. I'd like to hear @Trackdaybob's tuppence (shilling, probably) worth but I imagine soldiers also have to be trained to view the world in terms of enemy or friendly. Given the somewhat troublesome psychology of some American teachers in very mixed schools this would make it an even less safe environment for young black pupils. Also, f**k living like that.

Given a lot of the school shooters are children, these teachers would have to be trained to overcome their natural urge not to shoot a child. What does that mean for their psychology on a non-threatening day? Firearms skills are also perishable, so they would have to train frequently. You'd also have to replace the doors and walls of classrooms so that a bullet can't go through them. A teacher shooting at a pupil and missing (or even passing through said pupil) could lead to further fatalities if the bullet goes through a wall or door.

The GOP is now the party of aggressive stupidity though, so them presenting simple solutions (however stupid they are) will be enough for their voter base for now, regardless of the danger it poses. 

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Regarding a stray bullet going anywhere, most people have seen the famous photo where Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. 

The bullet did not simply go into Oswald and stop.  Instead it shot around his torso like a pinball, damaging most of his internal organs and except for good fortune would have left his body and gone into the policeman standing beside him.

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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:


Where to even begin with this. Mind, blown.

That’s been a Fox News talking point for quite some time; spend the money on X instead of Ukraine - I believe last week it was petrol prices. And *specifically* Ukraine rather than just ‘we need this money at home’. See also Tucker Carlson and CPAC’s adventures in Hungary. 

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2 hours ago, velo army said:

I saw a good thread on this recently where a guy went through what training would mean. It takes a lot of training for a soldier to be able to kill another human being and to overcome his natural urge not to, so teachers would be having to undergo intensive and long training. I'd like to hear @Trackdaybob's tuppence (shilling, probably) worth but I imagine soldiers also have to be trained to view the world in terms of enemy or friendly. Given the somewhat troublesome psychology of some American teachers in very mixed schools this would make it an even less safe environment for young black pupils. Also, f**k living like that.

A while back, John Oliver ran a piece about institutional racism in the polis, and showed how there are schools still running classes to train young black kids what to say and do when they're harassed by the cops to try and avoid being shot or assaulted.

Not sure if it was in the same piece, but apparently it's common for black parents to tell their high schoolers that they can't use the family car unless they have a white friend with them.

They're probably all imagining it, but.


2 hours ago, velo army said:

I'd like to hear @Trackdaybob's tuppence


Hey man, you do you.


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9 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

Where the gym teacher conceals his glock might also be traumatic to the kids. Arming teachers is a non starter there is no support for it within the teaching community, it's just look a squirrel distraction from the GOP and NRA .

A 2019 survey of more than 2,900 teachers around the US conducted by a researcher at California State University, Northridge, found 95.3% believed teachers should not be carrying guns in the classroom.

“I went to college to become a teacher, not a law enforcement officer,” said Jourden Armstrong, a teacher for 15 years in Michigan. “Commonsense gun reform is an absolutely necessary component to curbing this uniquely American problem.”


Sorry to let you down, but this is a thing in a number of areas, with teacher support…BUT, for a very good reason. In certain remote school location, the nearest police response can easily be 20-30 minutes away. In these cases, districts have adopted a policy of allowing trained volunteer teachers to carry concealed firearms. Note these districts also have hardened their facilities with secure entry vestibules, etc.

Now, all that being said, it is still a largely bullshit distraction argument by the NRA and such. I was a parent volunteer at an elementary school with secured access (one entry point, unless you had a card key), and part of the duty was to circle the school twice a day checking all the doors, etc. You would regularly find a door propped open while someone, without a card key, ran a bag out to the trash or such…or perhaps the door they needed to use lacked a card reader. Security sounds nice in principle, but people regularly undermine it.

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17 minutes ago, BFTD said:

A while back, John Oliver ran a piece about institutional racism in the polis, and showed how there are schools still running classes to train young black kids what to say and do when they're harassed by the cops to try and avoid being shot or assaulted.

Not sure if it was in the same piece, but apparently it's common for black parents to tell their high schoolers that they can't use the family car unless they have a white friend with them.

They're probably all imagining it, but.


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Hey man, you do you.


Aye, it's euphemistically called "the talk" by Black people in America. 

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6 minutes ago, velo army said:

Aye, it's euphemistically called "the talk" by Black people in America. 

Imagine having to sit your kids down and tell them that the authorities, and plenty of random strangers, are always going to assume they're a criminal on sight.

After centuries, that's probably not a tradition that will ever be able to be retired either.

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27 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Sorry to let you down, but this is a thing in a number of areas, with teacher support…BUT, for a very good reason. In certain remote school location, the nearest police response can easily be 20-30 minutes away. In these cases, districts have adopted a policy of allowing trained volunteer teachers to carry concealed firearms. Note these districts also have hardened their facilities with secure entry vestibules, etc.

Now, all that being said, it is still a largely bullshit distraction argument by the NRA and such. I was a parent volunteer at an elementary school with secured access (one entry point, unless you had a card key), and part of the duty was to circle the school twice a day checking all the doors, etc. You would regularly find a door propped open while someone, without a card key, ran a bag out to the trash or such…or perhaps the door they needed to use lacked a card reader. Security sounds nice in principle, but people regularly undermine it.

It's so fucked up that you have to have this sort of security and protection in an education facility for weans. What does that do to the mindset of these kids when you think your basically under attack. It will more likely breed a generation of kill or be killed trigger happy citizens in a self perpetuating cycle of gun violence. I think there should be a total ban on all assault weapons and a limit of hand guns with a set limit of ammunition for "home protection" If you hunt you get your gun out of lockup in season with a limited amount of ammunition too. All else is just dick waving gun nuttery. 

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24 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Imagine having to sit your kids down and tell them that the authorities, and plenty of random strangers, are always going to assume they're a criminal on sight.

After centuries, that's probably not a tradition that will ever be able to be retired either.

What's even more fucked up is that they learn (especially black boys) early on that they're considered a threat. I was out for coffee here with a black friend from Cleveland, Ohio. It was the cafe at Duthie Park on a wet Saturday so it was hoaching with weans. Said weans were doing as they do, running about, playing and being a bit boisterous. My friend told me that in the US there is no way black children would be able to behave that way. It had actually become a perverse source of pride among black mothers that their children were much better behaved and obedient than some of their white counterparts, but it came from the knowledge that black boisterousness could (and historically was) misinterpreted as threatening. 

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