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Yet another US shooting

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1 hour ago, BillyAnchor said:

I saw a still from a video. If real it was as sickening as it gets, dead children covered in blood. Nothing much else to say.

Seen that still which is horrific and the video of the dead (armed to the teeth) shooter. The Maga Q lot already dishing out the racism and saying they need their guns  for protection and accusing the Hispanic shooter as a gang banging illegal immigrant not realising they're making an argument for tighter gun control.

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One of the 6 who were shot at the party in Chico California has died overnight, shooter is still at large. 

Nothing in comparison to the mall shooting in Texas though.

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What needs to happen is that black and Hispanic people need to buy legal firearms in droves, and go around openly carrying them. I think it's the only thing that'll prompt any action on this from Republicans.

The Black Panthers would dauner into the state capitol carrying rifles which led almost immediately to tighter gun laws in California.

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1 hour ago, velo army said:

What needs to happen is that black and Hispanic people need to buy legal firearms in droves, and go around openly carrying them. I think it's the only thing that'll prompt any action on this from Republicans.

The Black Panthers would dauner into the state capitol carrying rifles which led almost immediately to tighter gun laws in California.

You’re not completely wrong here, as you note that happened in the 60’s under Reagan in California. Similar behavior in the 00’s outside polling places in response to Reich Wingers hanging around outside polling places “checking votes” in some inner cities also caused change.

The horrific problem here is now we are reaching a point where it is rapidly becoming necessary to arm one’s self “in case” because the lawmakers won’t act and there isn’t an option to “leave” in the short-term. If I’m in the back room of a store, hiding and hoping, I’d much rather someone have a pistol rather than we are relying on a couple a people holding makeshift clubs by a makeshift barricade at the door. Of course, then you have the police potentially shooting the “good guy”, while clearing the scene, as both sides shout through a door trying to decide who is who.

Hearing there were dead children/teens was shattering, but then having to ask one’s teen daughter if her friends were all OK, and having to explain why, was even worse. I don’t know how this changes, but it must…unfortunately it hasn’t hit close enough to enough people yet.

As for tourists, the risk is still quite minor, but the increase in shootings in “public spaces” does mean that sooner or later some tourists and/or tourist locations will become involved.

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Just been reading a piece in the Washington Post regarding yer mass shooter's weapon of choice (AR-15) and the damaged it does to the body in comparison to a typical hand gun. 

It is another bit the gun lobby do not want you to know about.

I wonder what would happen if the relatives of somebody killed by one of these (or other guns) allowed the images to be made public.

I remember somebody talking about one of the kids st Sandy Hook and how their head was literally blown off by the impact.


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2 hours ago, Sugar_Army said:

Just been reading a piece in the Washington Post regarding yer mass shooter's weapon of choice (AR-15) and the damaged it does to the body in comparison to a typical hand gun. 

It is another bit the gun lobby do not want you to know about.

I wonder what would happen if the relatives of somebody killed by one of these (or other guns) allowed the images to be made public.

I remember somebody talking about one of the kids st Sandy Hook and how their head was literally blown off by the impact.


The kits they send home with students used to be simple things like a recent photo, distinguishing marks, hair and eye colour…mainly for missing kid purposes…

Then they added fingerprints, “in case of abduction”…

Now they’ve added a spot for a blood sample on some blotting paper, for DNA purposes, and they admitted it’s to help identify bodies…


Most of the dead kids at Sandy Hook and Uvalde were most easily identified by their clothes, especially their shoes. In the recent Texas shooting in Allen, an ex-Army Officer was one the first on the scene. He first spotted a young lady bending down in the bushes, and checked for a pulse and couldn’t feel one. So he rolled her over and she didn’t have a face…I can’t imagine the counseling this is gonna take…and Abbott wants to spend money on mental health ($3 billion), great…how about universal background checks, “nope, can’t do that”. I know people that love over there, and they still haven’t released the names of most victims…one family I know isn’t responding to texts from some former coworkers, but they’ve always been slow to respond, so I just don’t know.

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Latest today, the left wing are saying he was wearing a RWDS (right wing death squad)patch associated with the alt right proud boys and the right wing are saying he was an MS13 gang member. So neither want to condemn the actions of a madman as he may be a useful tool in either sides political agenda.

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22 hours ago, velo army said:

What needs to happen is that black and Hispanic people need to buy legal firearms in droves, and go around openly carrying them. I think it's the only thing that'll prompt any action on this from Republicans.

The Black Panthers would dauner into the state capitol carrying rifles which led almost immediately to tighter gun laws in California.

There was an idea many mass shootings back that was broadly similar.  The idea was Muslims forming gun clubs and posing with flags written in Arabic.  

All right and legal in the USA.

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2 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

Latest today, the left wing are saying he was wearing a RWDS (right wing death squad)patch associated with the alt right proud boys and the right wing are saying he was an MS13 gang member. So neither want to condemn the actions of a madman as he may be a useful tool in either sides political agenda.

Police are reporting the RWDS patch on his body armour. Interested in where you’ve seen the MS13 link, as no local station has said such (including the Fox local) and none of the National sources are running that, I’d like to read it if it’s not the Daily Stormer or such.

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14 hours ago, TxRover said:

Police are reporting the RWDS patch on his body armour. Interested in where you’ve seen the MS13 link, as no local station has said such (including the Fox local) and none of the National sources are running that, I’d like to read it if it’s not the Daily Stormer or such.

From twitters blue tick grifters and bible bashers who usually have this in their bios 🇺🇲🇮🇱🇺🇲🎖️⚔️✝️✝️🙏🙏

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3 hours ago, sparky88 said:

Unpopular opinion. 

USA's gun problem has little to do with availability of guns. They would be far better making changes that result in people using guns more responsibly.

Ish. While 9 out of the top 10 states for gun deaths are redder than red where you’re encouraged to get lots of guns because Jesus would have wanted that (New Mexico being the outlier), the lowest 5 are the 5 states where firearm ownership is least common. 



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3 hours ago, sparky88 said:

Unpopular opinion. 

USA's gun problem has little to do with availability of guns. They would be far better making changes that result in people using guns more responsibly.

The actual issue is a combination. Far too many guns, far too little effort spent upon mental health, a now crippling lack of opportunity and social mobility, and social services that have been stripped to the bone.

Take a young man and raise him with a father who is absent because 25% of the adult male population is incarcerated, have him hungry because the safety net has been shredded, have his environment offer no jobs in his neighbourhood and no way to get to job out side the neighbourhood due to a lack of mass transit, have him see drug dealer and criminals as the only people with money and wonder why he sells drugs and is willing to shoot people?

Take a young man who lives in the “good” area of town but who always hears that some minority will get his job because of equal opportunity, have him read about the “Great Replacement” theory, have is parents watch news channels that say how immigrants are coming to take the jobs and welfare cheats are stealing their tax dollars, have him find people on the web who will tell him he can be a warrior for his people, give him easy access to high-powered weapons and wonder why he walks around shooting people that don’t look like him?

Take a guy who is worried about his job, always had a hair trigger, has worries about his marriage and kids, and has a gun in his car to protect himself from all the crime in the country (according to these news channels, not factually correct). Then give him no access to mental health services because it’s not a core service on his health care program, and cut him off in traffic by accident and see how long before he explodes…

And so forth…

As @carpetmonster mentions, the free and easy access to guns is a key primary factor in violence.

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16 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Ish. While 9 out of the top 10 states for gun deaths are redder than red where you’re encouraged to get lots of guns because Jesus would have wanted that (New Mexico being the outlier), the lowest 5 are the 5 states where firearm ownership is least common. 



So no guns for religious nuts and then problem solved?

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1 hour ago, RuMoore said:

Interesting thread on the shooter and his insane incel type world views


Of more interest, at least from an abandon all hope point of view, is the number of people in the thread trying to divert, obsfucate or mislead from some pretty basic facts that aren’t in question. Given, in the U.S., Hispanic is NOT a racial designation, but a sub-type of “White”, the number of people arguing the shooter couldn’t be a white power fanboy is mindblowing…not to mention the fact that you don’t have to be “White” to hold such beliefs. I guess they missed the fact that one of the Proud Boys leaders is Hispanic too.

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On 09/05/2023 at 12:25, RuMoore said:

Interesting thread on the shooter and his insane incel type world views


Since this post right wing Americans have now convinced themselves this of course couldn't be some nazi right wing guy but all the evidence is actually pointing towards some conspiracy. As @TxRoverposted they seem incapable to imagine a Latino person could have these values. 

Maybe I'm just naive but I think a lot of UK people that laughed at Trump and found it all a big joke aren't aware at how ingrained and dangerous this stuff is. Elon Musk seems to be enabling this to a large extent.



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