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Yet another US shooting

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Owen Jones is a self publicist, the most important part of him walking out of a Sky News interview is that we're now talking about him.

That's a fucking shocking post.

It's absolutely clear he was upset deeply by the attack, and as a spokesperson for the lgbt community that's not surprising.

Sky news refused to call this out as a clear homophobic terrorist attack and I can't decide whether that was deliberate or just misguided. This was not a random attack on the freedom of westerners but a clear attack on gay people.

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As with the New Year and since rapes/attacks of women in Europe by small and large groups of Muslim men, it's interesting to watch SJWs/Feminists once again jump to defend Islam before raped women and dead homosexuals.

You'd/the 'Progressive' media would be ravaging him without limit if the shooter was a white western man.


What's the problem with that?

The answer to Islamic extremism is not bigotry. Even six year olds can come to that conclusion ffs.

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In terms of ireland thats because people in america kept sending money and weapons to them.

I am aware that there's a stereotype of Boston and NYC Irish Americans funding and supplying the IRA. I have no idea if it's true or not because I've never hung out in the east coast Irish scene.

Who supplied the other side? I'd wager it wasn't their long lost cousins in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Guns exist and people bent on political violence will obtain guns. If they don't obtain guns they will build bombs, use their cars, etc.



I did already make the point that trained, funded and organised groups will get guns no matter what. Thats why I chose not bother throwing gun control about.

It should be noted that this guy bought his weapons legally however. No point trying to sweep it under the carpet.

Nobody's trying to sweep that under the rug. Which gun law would have stopped this person?

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The guy was interviewed twice by the FBI and was on their terror watch list yet he was allowed to legally own an assault rifle.

Even if you don't want a universal ban on gun surely you can admit terrorists shouldn't be allowed to buy guns.

Edited by Cerberus
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I am aware that there's a stereotype of Boston and NYC Irish Americans funding and supplying the IRA. I have no idea if it's true or not because I've never hung out in the east coast Irish scene.

Who supplied the other side? I'd wager it wasn't their long lost cousins in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Guns exist and people bent on political violence will obtain guns. If they don't obtain guns they will build bombs, use their cars, etc.

Nobody's trying to sweep that under the rug. Which gun law would have stopped this person?

The gun lobby always try and sweep these incidents under the carpet. Without exception.

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I am aware that there's a stereotype of Boston and NYC Irish Americans funding and supplying the IRA. I have no idea if it's true or not because I've never hung out in the east coast Irish scene.



Well it is. Not the only source by any stretch but money definitely went from the US to Irish Republican groups, for arms and in some cases actual arms went direct US to Ireland.




Guns exist and people bent on political violence will obtain guns. If they don't obtain guns they will build bombs, use their cars, etc.


That is absolutely no reason to make buying an assault rifle as easy as picking up a pint of milk.


If someone loses their marbles and decides he's going to murder a whole swathe of people I reckon there is a better chance he'll get stopped (in the US) if he suddenly buys 4 tons of fertilser and spends a lot more time in his garage tinkering.  If he buys 4 AR-15s and enough ammunition to start a war, he's a hobbyist.


I think Owen Jones was wrong to storm out but he was also right about the other two framing this as 'just' an attack on humanity. Not because one life is more precious than another but because it allows the media to frame the debate around terrorism, not just another US citizen with prejudices, mental health problems and ludicrously easy access to firearms.


The "if this was a synagogue" argument is a valid one, if it had been an attack specifically targeted at the jewish community we wouldn't have had wall to wall coverage of the queens piss-wet garden party yesterday and this would be an Anti-Semetic, Terrorist attack. Why did Julia Hartley Brewer and the other tube not want to called it a Homophobic, Terrorist attack?

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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That's my issue, is this a deliberate attempt to nullify the homophobic element? Or just 'not getting it'...

The vast majority of coverage is on either Islamic terrorism or gun control.

Edited by pandarilla
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Donald J. Trump Statement Regarding Tragic Terrorist Attack in Orlando, Florida

Last night, our nation was attacked by a radical Islamic terrorist. It was the worst terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11, and the second of its kind in 6 months. My deepest sympathy and support goes out to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words 'Radical Islam'. For that reason alone, he should step down. If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words 'Radical Islam' she should get out of this race for the Presidency.

If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore. Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen – and it is only going to get worse. I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can't afford to be politically correct anymore.

The terrorist, Omar Mir Saddique Mateen, is the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan who openly published his support for the Afghanistani Taliban and even tried to run for President of AfghanistanAccording to Pew, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.

We admit more than 100,000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year. Since 9/11, hundreds of migrants and their children have been implicated in terrorism in the United States.

Hillary Clinton wants to dramatically increase admissions from the Middle East, bringing in many hundreds of thousands during a first term – and we will have no way to screen them, pay for them, or prevent the second generation from radicalizing.

We need to protect all Americans, of all backgrounds and all beliefs, from Radical Islamic Terrorism - which has no place in an open and tolerant society. Radical Islam advocates hate for women, gays, Jews, Christians and all Americans. I am going to be a President for all Americans, and I am going to protect and defend all Americans. We are going to make America safe again and great again for everyone.

- Donald J. Trump

Tomorrow Mr. Trump will deliver a major speech to further address this terrorist attack, immigration, and national security. The speech will be delivered at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm's College. For more information please visit Donaldjtrump.com.



Typical statement from Trump - barbed rhetoric but with almost zero content.


I read in The Guardian this morning that the shooter was on the FBI terror watch / no fly list (or something to that effect). You would imagine that being a person who was on such a list would prevent you from buying guns but not in America. Another victory for the NRA who successfully campaigned to allow people on no fly and terror watch lists to be able to buy guns :blink:



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Just because people will find alternative weapons doesnt negate the fact its a good idea to get rid of assault rifles, to paraphrase Jim Jeffries, they arent defence rifles, theres no need to have them, no one absolutely no one is advocating getting rid of all guns, just allow their sale and supply to be properly regulated and licensed.


Absolutely. Living in the more rural and isolated parts of the States, I suppose a rifle's almost a necessity, and I can sort of understand why a lot of Americans carry a handgun on the basis that everybody else is.


Nobody in their right mind is going hunting white-tailed deer with an AK47 though.

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The core of the NRA are the gun manufacturers. They donate a lot of money to politicians in order to let laws like this through.

It's nothing about practicing the 2nd amendment. It's about getting selling guns.

Well, at least you're being more productive with your tin foil rather than using it in the oven or for burning heroin.

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