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Yet another US shooting

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Lots of Americans complain about Muslims refusing to adapt to the customs and traditions of the country they're living in but when one of them does something as quintessentially American as loading up on Assault rifles and going on a murderous rampage they complain even more.

It's just not fair

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Lots of Americans complain about Muslims refusing to adapt to the customs and traditions of the country they're living in but when one of them does something as quintessentially American as loading up on Assault rifles and going on a murderous rampage they complain even more.

It's just not fair



If only someone could deliver that post to the Donald Trump camp.

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Lots of Americans complain about Muslims refusing to adapt to the customs and traditions of the country they're living in but when one of them does something as quintessentially American as loading up on Assault rifles and going on a murderous rampage they complain even more.

It's just not fair

In this case the ones that complaint about Muslims are the ones that are supporting him here.

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What? People don't have some sort of natural right to immigrate to the USA. If such immigration results in people here having to change their culture or way of life, then the immigration should stop rather than us having to change.

This post is comedy gold. History not your thing?

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Actually they're not.

All that is highlighting is that the U.S. has huge social problems that they're not interested in tackling. Rather they think large scale incarceration, more guns and the death penalty are the answers though there is plenty of evidence to show that none of these are a solution to the problems.

Ok, let's do this. Apparently you think I'm an idiot. Let's hear your ideas. We can ignore my first two points and just deal with the political reality of a UK or Aussie style gun ban.


Design a system in which you can go into the black part of St. Louis and a small white town in Idaho to confiscate their guns. I don't want to hear about the Australian situation where nice Aussies across the whole country lined up politely to turn in their weapons. I want specifics.


1. St. Louis. Remember, large percentages of the black people here hate cops. The rest are scared to cooperate openly with the police. We just had a situation in this city where a cop tried to stop a giant of a man robber minutes after his robbery. The robber punches cop in the face, tries to grab his gun, attempts to run away, and then attempts to charge the cop. The cop shoots said robber as he is sprinting towards said cop. Dozens of people who witness the incident, including people who were mere feet away go on tv and say the cop shot the robber as his hands were up saying don't shoot. Many people repeat these claims under oath in front of a grand jury. No witness speaks in the media with a different story other than the cop. Many other witnesses under oath back up the cops story. All physical evidence backs up the cop. Robber's finger print on gun. Bruising on cops face. The forensics of the shooting shows that the robber is advancing towards the cop with his hands down. This is all announced. Days of riots and looting follow, accompanied by chants of "Who do we want? Darren Wilson! How do we want him? Dead!" Cop loses his dream job and now lives in hiding. Remember, this all happened because a cop shot one black robber who was trying to kill the cop. Radical black nationalists like the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam will pour into any town in which riots start. So, we are going to disarm some of the most violent gangs in the world who inhabit these neighborhoods how?


2. Idaho town. 90% of the people here own guns and consider it an essential right and part of their culture. The local sheriff ran for election on a specific platform of not cooperating with any federal attempt to ban guns. Thousands of heavily armed "patriots" are waiting around the country to head to the first town that the federal cops try to disarm. The state national guard consists of mostly conservative gun owners, so they are useless. The state legislature and governor are making noise about secession if federal agents enter their state. We are going to disarm this town how?


Now, let's repeat the process across thousands of communities on a continent sized country with hundreds of millions of people. :)



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This post is comedy gold. History not your thing?

The American nation started when the first English settlers showed up in Virginia and Plymouth, and then when the first African slave ships arrived. Those are the three Genesis points.


I did notice in history class what happened when a group of people on this continent experiencing demographic decline came into contact with a group of people experiencing a demographic explosion. It was a certainly an extreme case of the problems that can arise for the original folks as it's terribly hard to entirely erase a culture from an whole continent, but it happened in this case.

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The American nation started when the first English settlers showed up in Virginia and Plymouth, and then when the first African slave ships arrived. Those are the three Genesis points.

I did notice in history class what happened when a group of people on this continent experiencing demographic decline came into contact with a group of people experiencing a demographic explosion. It was a certainly an extreme case of the problems that can arise for the original folks as it's terribly hard to entirely erase a culture from an whole continent, but it happened in this case.

So basically you're saying people did have a God given right to immigrate to the US and near enough wipe out a race before, but now that it's you that lives there people no longer have this God given right to immigrate?


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Can't believe Yank Mike still gets bites. How thick do you need to be to buy what he says?


Not very.  He's comfortably the best troll on this site.  He's got the balance between believability and insanity spot on.

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So basically you're saying people did have a God given right to immigrate to the US and near enough wipe out a race before, but now that it's you that lives there people no longer have this God given right to immigrate?



Most countries that were European colonies do the same.

Australia is probably the worst for it. Racists fucks.

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Dunno if its been mentioned yet but they are saying the Guy who shot up the nightclub was a closet homosexual, His ex mentioned it a few days ago but now it seems theres more info to suggest that was the case. If its true i can only imagine he would have had a huge identity crisis and with it conflicting with his religion it must have left him very confused. Not saying that this justifies his actions but its clear there is more to this than him being a ISIS supporter or your average exremist nutcase. I'd imagine most trump supporters will simply label him terrorist and continue thier anti Islam doctrine.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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It's been mentioned. He also liked to get very drunk. Not a classic Muslim fundamentalist.

Clearly he was racked with guilt and self-loathing and in his desperate final moments he attempted to pledge allegiance to Daesh in some pathetic attempt to gain redemption.

Pretty pointless anyway as, as I understand it, pledging allegiance to Daesh only really counts for anything if you're in the Caliphate when you do it.

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If he's a troll, then there are about fifty million trolls in America that have similar views.

All trolls, apparently!

What is it, 6 months to go to the US election and your average leftie still refuses to try to understand pro-gun shit and especially the Trump phenomenon :lol:

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