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When will indyref2 happen?



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5 hours ago, McSpreader said:

It's not flippancy and I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I can only assume it's because you've taken a stance against me.

I'm used to that on here tbh. Aggressive responses are the stock in trade for  the majority of Nationalists.

I absolutely do not like the SNP in Holyrood fucking up this country root and branch, buying off the middle class votes with little incentives whilst letting the poorer in society stagnate. But I make no secret of that.

And of course I'm fully aware of the horrors of the Troubles. 

You are a Tory, you couldn't give the shiniest of shites about the poorest in society. 

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6 hours ago, Weesiecodal said:

THIS is the reason I accused you of flippancy. This kind of "Oh well, they've done it before, they can do it again, never mind, let's get on with what WE want" kind of attitude. Like it's no biggie, like if it fails, it will be because they're not trying hard enough. 

For the greater good of whom? Certainly not for the greater good of the people living in NI. Not for the ordinary folk who have become used to a more peaceful way of life, wandering up the street to their local shop for bread and milk without rifle-toting soldiers milling around. They were beginning to forget the almost daily occurrence of terrorist kidnappings, shootings, assaults and killings. They were beginning to slip way from the fear that their teenage sons and daughters would be sucked into the world of republican/loyalist hatred and "join the fight". They were beginning to move past the fear of going to large gatherings and always wondering if it will be safe, where would be the best place to stand in case something happens? 

But it's still there, under the surface. There ARE still kidnappings and shootings going on. There are still neighbourhoods that Catholics or Protestants wouldn't feel comfortable walking through, and it wouldn't take a huge amount to fire it all up again. 

And your answer is to carry on, because you, NI, didn't really vote to stay in the EU - it was a UK vote, not a four nation vote. So, I understand your concern, but that's the way it is...... now move along! 


As for your personal accusations - if you read back my posts, you'll see I'm not a nationalist, I'm not an SNP supporter, I haven't at any point been aggressive towards you, and I hadn't taken any stand against you. I haven't insulted you at any time, or belittled your opinion in any way. If people can't debate without getting into personal insults then I'm not interested in getting involved. I left the playground a long time ago.

I was genuinely putting forward points highlighting Westminster's complete disregard for the smaller nations. However, I see now how foolish I've been. Sorry for wasting your time. Carry on as normal 

I take on board everything you say. 

It's easy to be a bit sensitive on here because of the amount of vitriol dished out.

I'm not at all flippant and don't agree with your conclusion that you didn't belittle my opinion by saying it was flippant because that is exactly what you did.....not that I'm bothered. just pointing it out ,like!

No-one wants NI to slip back to those dark days. You're not doing yourself any favours by suggesting that anyone would want that. 

The point I made wasn't that it was 'no biggie' but that  there is hope......You seem a bit hyper sensitive on this issue and in case you dont realise this is a forum with about 10 people on it, not national fucking TV so wind it in, eh!


7 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:

I am also astonished at your flippancy towards the NI situation. However I know you are old enough to know better.

You seem astonished all the time !

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I'll answer your points in reverse. So, as I thought, you need to let the phone know exactly where you are to be able to get the information within 3 clicks. Now many people may not have concerns about big companies being able to track your every move through phone apps but personally this is a step too far. There is almost complete naivety and ignorance about personal security which is astonishing from a population which prides itself on being tech savvy. Nobody cares about their personal data until someone clones it and wipes their bank accounts. That is one of many reasons why I use a mobile phone from the dark ages.
That last sentence would be fine if there was an option for the doddery fuckers like me but sadly we are progressively moving towards a society where if you don't have a smartphone then you can't function. IMO that sort of "my way or the highway" nonsense I personally think is a bad thing because it is not inclusive but you may have a different opinion. I value my independence and freedom and have no desire to conform to the smartphone fad. I am not alone.
Don't think of me as a luddite though. I am far from that. Many years ago (mid to late 90's) in a previous career I used to design software for mobile phones. People are sleep walking (or I should really say "sheepwalking") into a personal security nightmare as that daft b*****d in the news found out when Uber started routinely texting his wife his location leading her to finding out he was having an affair. Now you may think he deserves it but I would say that you were missing the big picture. Young people have a habit of doing that sadly.

Maybe the daft b*****d shouldn't have ordered a taxi from his wife's phone to take him to his bit on the side.
Big picture indeed.
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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'll answer your points in reverse. So, as I thought, you need to let the phone know exactly where you are to be able to get the information within 3 clicks. Now many people may not have concerns about big companies being able to track your every move through phone apps but personally this is a step too far. There is almost complete naivety and ignorance about personal security which is astonishing from a population which prides itself on being tech savvy. Nobody cares about their personal data until someone clones it and wipes their bank accounts. That is one of many reasons why I use a mobile phone from the dark ages.

That last sentence would be fine if there was an option for the doddery fuckers like me but sadly we are progressively moving towards a society where if you don't have a smartphone then you can't function. IMO that sort of "my way or the highway" nonsense I personally think is a bad thing because it is not inclusive but you may have a different opinion. I value my independence and freedom and have no desire to conform to the smartphone fad. I am not alone.

Don't think of me as a luddite though. I am far from that. Many years ago (mid to late 90's) in a previous career I used to design software for mobile phones. People are sleep walking (or I should really say "sheepwalking") into a personal security nightmare as that daft b*****d in the news found out when Uber started routinely texting his wife his location leading her to finding out he was having an affair. Now you may think he deserves it but I would say that you were missing the big picture. Young people have a habit of doing that sadly.


You have done EVERY job that suits every argument you have. Enjoy your brick though, I'm sure google will be gutted they can't follow you about.

Edited by AUFC90
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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Why don't you ask me directly?

Do electronic devices at bus stops track your every move?

Or are you so desperate to get what you want exactly when you want it and have it without paying that you'll whore your personal details to whoever wants to pay the company who owns the phone app?

Their lives are so vacuous and empty that they will sell their soul for  coat themselves with the veneer of relevance. 

Social media and technology does that for them.  As does ScotNationalism.

It's why they all need to have the same opinions and be told what to think, like sheep.


Edited by McSpreader
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Aye because THAT is the point.
For supposedly tech savvy people you really are coming across as naive and ignorant in your use of these devices.

No you're right.
Don't use a smartphone because some dopey c**t got caught getting his dick wet with someone that wasn't his wife.
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I'll answer your points in reverse. So, as I thought, you need to let the phone know exactly where you are to be able to get the information within 3 clicks. Now many people may not have concerns about big companies being able to track your every move through phone apps but personally this is a step too far. There is almost complete naivety and ignorance about personal security which is astonishing from a population which prides itself on being tech savvy. Nobody cares about their personal data until someone clones it and wipes their bank accounts. That is one of many reasons why I use a mobile phone from the dark ages.

That last sentence would be fine if there was an option for the doddery fuckers like me but sadly we are progressively moving towards a society where if you don't have a smartphone then you can't function. IMO that sort of "my way or the highway" nonsense I personally think is a bad thing because it is not inclusive but you may have a different opinion. I value my independence and freedom and have no desire to conform to the smartphone fad. I am not alone.

Don't think of me as a luddite though. I am far from that. Many years ago (mid to late 90's) in a previous career I used to design software for mobile phones. People are sleep walking (or I should really say "sheepwalking") into a personal security nightmare as that daft b*****d in the news found out when Uber started routinely texting his wife his location leading her to finding out he was having an affair. Now you may think he deserves it but I would say that you were missing the big picture. Young people have a habit of doing that sadly.





You cannot be serious?


What's the difference between firing up a PC to find out or sitting in your house and using the internet on your phone to find out then? Or do you go to Internet cafes you maniac?


I can barely sleep at night knowing my location is being monitored by o2.

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6 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:




You cannot be serious?


What's the difference between firing up a PC to find out or sitting in your house and using the internet on your phone to find out then? Or do you go to Internet cafes you maniac?


I can barely sleep at night knowing my location is being monitored by o2.

Oh he's serious alright :lol: I also think that he thinks that you give your bank details to every app you purchase :lol:

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41 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

You have done EVERY job that suits every argument you have. Enjoy your brick though, I'm sure google will be gutted they can't follow you about.

People who claim to have done a particular job to try to win an argument have severe psychological issue.

This is a professional assessment as I was a clinical psychologist for a couple of years.


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