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When will indyref2 happen?



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This almost slipped by unnoticed.  

So, what exactly would you anticipate from this Tory government, given powers to unilaterally alter the devolution settlement.  I'm sure it's all perfectly benign.



Edited by Crossbill
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Wonder if it would be possible for all devolved administrations to join together in an act of non-cooperation with the UK government over the Great Repeal Bill? 

I know that the N.I parliament is not operating at the moment, but could be in a matter of weeks and Sinn Fein  would be sympathetic to the Scottish government request to hold legal referendum.

Wales Assembly is Labour led but joining with N.Ireland and Scotland would put huge pressure on May, especially during Brexit negotiations. And the Welsh FM has said the will of the Scottish parliament should be up held.  


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I know that the N.I parliament is not operating at the moment, but could be in a matter of weeks and Sinn Fein  would be sympathetic to the Scottish government request to hold legal referendum.


The 'Billy Boys' will not like this.
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"without the Scottish oil... little England doesn't have much to sell"

And Theresa May thinks the Yanks are dying to do business with Brexit Britain...


Edited by Crùbag
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Good article that.

"Let's be clear what GERS would demonstrate if we applied it elsewhere: GERS would show that if the Netherlands, for example, lost its sovereignty and became a region of the UK, its economy would become weaker... However, (mainly) London would benefit substantially, which means the Dutch would gain the joy of being lectured about why the UK's 'pooling and sharing' is so important to a basket case like them"


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2 hours ago, Silvio said:

Does the Scottish parliament have the power to call a snap election? 

I think it's a fixed term Parliament, I'm not sure if there's any specific circumstances (e.g. Inability to agree on a budget) that can trigger an election.  Westminster is also fixed term IIRC but all they need is a simple majority to introduce primary legislation to change that.


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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I think it's a fixed term Parliament, I'm not sure if there's any specific circumstances (e.g. Inability to agree on a budget) that can trigger an election.  Westminster is also fixed term IIRC but all they need is a simple majority to introduce primary legislation to change that.

Sturgeon could resign and the SNP could vote against any proposed new First Minister, triggering an election. But anything like that would be nuts. If the electorate are a bit fashed with referendums, forcing another election is hardly going to go down well.

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23 hours ago, Wasperoonie said:

I'm still a bit baffled, SNP say Scotland didn't vote for brexit, Tories say the UK overall did. Who is technically, legally, morally correct in this?

The British government is responsible for economic and foreign affairs.  We, not me personally, but Scotland as a whole, agreed to these terms and conditions when we voted for a devolved parliament and No in the referendum.

I don't agree personally with what is happening currently at a national level but I don't think Scotland as a whole has much ground for complaint here.  If you want to dictate your own economic and foreign policies you don't agree to remain part of the Union.  Simple as that.  That's what we did and we are now living with the repercussions of that terribly ill founded decision.

The focus should be on gaining independence, whether we are in or out of the EU.  I believe leaving the EU is a big enough change in circumstances to trigger a second referendum provided independence seeking parties hold on to government at Holyrood and keep the majority of Westminster seats.  The mandate is there.  We just have to wait now until such times as the British government negotiates a deal with the EU and everyone has a clearer picture of the state of affairs.

Right now however we are 10% divided in economic and foreign policy making.  We agreed to that and we just have to sup it up for the time being.


Edited by Ya Bezzer!
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23 hours ago, sophia said:

May interviewed by shredded wheat head ...


swh - The £350m on the bus

May - that was during the referendum, lots was said on both sides, now is the time to get on with the business (paraphrasing)


swh - Are you ruling out a Scottish referendum in principle

May - The SNP said "once in a generation" in 2014, so that's that


Its utterly incoherent, but I suppose now is not the time for me to get too upset that the Prime Minister is struggling so badly. 


Yes I spotted this last night but AN let her away with that inconsistency. He usually grills everyone else .My local election leaflet has Ruth Davidson quoting it as a "once in a lifetime" ,and then adds on decision in no quotes. I may be wrong but I am sure it was "opportunity" or "chance". It was a prisoner of a comment at the time but like many others ,I  had the holiday of a lifetime once in my early days but I have revisited holidays many times since then.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

I think it's a fixed term Parliament, I'm not sure if there's any specific circumstances (e.g. Inability to agree on a budget) that can trigger an election.  Westminster is also fixed term IIRC but all they need is a simple majority to introduce primary legislation to change that.


I think the WestminsterFT Act needs a 2/3 majority to overturn it, or the government of the day proposes a vote of No confidence which if lost on a simple majority, allows the main opposition party a period of time to persuade the Monarch that it can form a government. I am not sure if there is a time limit of 2 weeks but if they cant gain majority( or anyone else from the opposition benches), the monarch dissolves Westminster. Theresa May will not do the latter.

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4 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

I think the WestminsterFT Act needs a 2/3 majority to overturn it, or the government of the day proposes a vote of No confidence which if lost on a simple majority, allows the main opposition party a period of time to persuade the Monarch that it can form a government. I am not sure if there is a time limit of 2 weeks but if they cant gain majority( or anyone else from the opposition benches), the monarch dissolves Westminster. Theresa May will not do the latter.

I am happy to be corrected if wrong but there is no legislation in Westminster that requires a 2/3 majority or if there is that legislation in turn could be repealed by a simple majority.  

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

I am happy to be corrected if wrong but there is no legislation in Westminster that requires a 2/3 majority or if there is that legislation in turn could be repealed by a simple majority.  

Did not know that ; I am sure I heard it being discussed on the Daily Politics but it was A the BBC and Andrew Neill.

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According to Wikipedia but not the BBC

Section 2 of the Act also provides for two ways in which a general election can be held before the end of this five-year period:[2]

In either of these two cases, the Monarch (on the recommendation of the prime minister) appoints the date of the new election by proclamation. Parliament is then dissolved 25 working days before that date.

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