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When will indyref2 happen?



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Ayr exile thinks the white paper was a manifesto for Scotland forever [emoji23][emoji23]

The Yanks are still shooting each other over the constitution written two hundred years ago. Maybe we could do the same.
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What city is that in his avatar?

But yeah Mintermind is one of the boys that does nothing but slag the place. Can’t be too many other countries with such a large number of its population with that mindset.

I like Glasgow, Scotland and Britain. What a peculiar post.
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38 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

But yeah Mintermind is one of the boys that does nothing but slag the place. Can’t be too many other countries with such a large number of its population with that mindset.


It's weird, isn't it?    You would think they'd be highlighting all the positive things happening in Scotland to support the case for the union.    Instead, the latest argument seems to be 'Growth in Scotland is worse than rUK/most of Europe'  so we must maintain the union.    I don't like the 'Yes voters are more Scottish' type, but there's a section of No voters who are genuinely anti-Scottish.   Most of them have a ST for Ibrox, and have ordered the new England tap for the WC.  

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It's weird, isn't it?    You would think they'd be highlighting all the positive things happening in Scotland to support the case for the union.    Instead, the latest argument seems to be 'Growth in Scotland is worse than rUK/most of Europe'  so we must maintain the union.    I don't like the 'Yes voters are more Scottish' type, but there's a section of No voters who are genuinely anti-Scottish.   Most of them have a ST for Ibrox, and have ordered the new England tap for the WC.  

The silent majority really don’t have to do a thing. We voted for Scotland to stay in Great Britain and, like it or not, it’s for the bitter losers last time out to explain how, based on flimsy economic arguments entirely centred on a finite resource, Scotland will somehow become a shortbread tin utopia.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be needing to get your facepaint on to go and stand on the M8 bridges this afternoon with your swivel-eyed separatist buddies to celebrate the Declaration of Arbroath or Bannockburn or whatever its for. All the best.
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2 hours ago, Mastermind said:

We voted for Scotland to stay in Great Britain


Great Britain is an island, you f*cking moron. Don't you even know the name of the country you live in?

Additionally, the referendum question made no mention of Great Britain or the United Kingdom, so I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make.

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The silent majority really don’t have to do a thing. We voted for Scotland to stay in Great Britain and, like it or not, it’s for the bitter losers last time out to explain how, based on flimsy economic arguments entirely centred on a finite resource, Scotland will somehow become a shortbread tin utopia.


Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be needing to get your facepaint on to go and stand on the M8 bridges this afternoon with your swivel-eyed separatist buddies to celebrate the Declaration of Arbroath or Bannockburn or whatever its for. All the best.


Yet again we get a Yoon fud blethering piss about lack of resources and as he says flimsy economic arguments. I just wish these people would explain where they get their information, and tell us how we are doing so well at the moment in our precious, precious union.




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2 minutes ago, bob the tank said:


Yet again we get a Yoon fud blethering piss about lack of resources and as he says flimsy economic arguements. I just wish these people would explain where they get their information, and tell us how we are doing so well at the moment in our precious, precious union.


We voted for Scotland to stay in Great Britain though. Like it or not.


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The silent majority really don’t have to do a thing. We voted for Scotland to stay in Great Britain and, like it or not, it’s for the bitter losers last time out to explain how, based on flimsy economic arguments entirely centred on a finite resource, Scotland will somehow become a shortbread tin utopia.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be needing to get your facepaint on to go and stand on the M8 bridges this afternoon with your swivel-eyed separatist buddies to celebrate the Declaration of Arbroath or Bannockburn or whatever its for. All the best.

The year was 1320
In the abbey of Arbroath
When the sons of sovereign Scotland
First took their solemn oath

For freedom well endeavour
For Liberty we’ll strive
To England no surrender
Whilst 100 true Scots survive

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12 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


The year was 1320
In the abbey of Arbroath
When the sons of sovereign Scotland
First took their solemn oath

For freedom well endeavour
For Liberty we’ll strive
To England no surrender
Whilst 100 true Scots survive



Until our leaders sell the nation

To clear their debts 

Loot the Empire

And send their sons to Eton.


Edited by welshbairn
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2 hours ago, bob the tank said:


Yet again we get a Yoon fud blethering piss about lack of resources and as he says flimsy economic arguments. I just wish these people would explain where they get their information, and tell us how we are doing so well at the moment in our precious, precious union.




The Britnats lost the right to “demand answers” about Scottish withdrawal from the UK when they blindly  accepted (in some cases even actively supported) withdrawal from the EU based on the fantasies and vague promises of a cadre of far-right (and far-left) nutcases.

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The silent majority really don’t have to do a thing. We voted for Scotland to stay in Great Britain and, like it or not, it’s for the bitter losers last time out to explain how, based on flimsy economic arguments entirely centred on a finite resource, Scotland will somehow become a shortbread tin utopia.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be needing to get your facepaint on to go and stand on the M8 bridges this afternoon with your swivel-eyed separatist buddies to celebrate the Declaration of Arbroath or Bannockburn or whatever its for. All the best.
There is nothing right with this post. Just a paragraph of random unionist buzzwords.

Mastermind [emoji23][emoji23]
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On 06/04/2018 at 23:52, lichtgilphead said:

Did you actually listen to her talk or the Q&A session after her talk where that specific not-quite-verbatim quote is taken from? 

The full verbatim quote was "I'm actually not kidding on. I hated the White Paper. I remember going round and saying to folk - ignore it! The point is that it can be totally different and  that's what I think we have to offer people. We have to be able to say to folk  'Look! It's not gonna be this union diet, you know like Diet Coke, onwards. It's going to be different. This is the point of us having powers- that we're able to decide what direction we go in"

Hardly the same as the implcation as in the Herald, is it?

Personally, I also disliked parts of the White Paper - as a beliver in a Scottish republic, I'm hardly likely to support the bit where it said we should  retain the monarchy. Does that mean that I believe that the independence plan is a 'crock of shit' too?

I also note that the Herald somehow managed to miss the main part of the talk where Mhairi set out her views on the archaic practices in Westminster, where 650 MP's (on £70K salaries) can be sitting around for hours to decide whether or not here are 20 people in the chamber when there are obviously hundreds of them present.

Apparently, if one of them chooses to pretend to believe that there are fewer people there, it must go to a formal vote. This charade is further drawn out if someone (usually a Tory, apparently) refuses to leave the voting lobbies after the vote. Apparently, the Speaker has to send someone in to chase him out with a sword. Obviously this cuts into the already limited time for debate.

Can I remind everyone that the Unionists  have the cheek to hold this up as an example of a modern democracy?

If anyone is interested in seeing what was actually said, look here. Mhairi starts her talk at just after 00:33;30  and the "I hate the white paper" section starts at 01:43:45

You started off by making some good points. Decided to switch off when the blame Westminster card got played

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