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M9 Crash near Stirling

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Wrong but good try anyway.

You are trying to pass yourself off as a police officer in the public domain. This should be legally verifiable?

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You are trying to pass yourself off as a police officer in the public domain. This should be legally verifiable?

Not trying anything unlike your not so good self.

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Not trying anything unlike your not so good self.

Prank phone calls and other fraudulent / deceptive electronic communications, where one might make a comment about a group that invites retaliation


Now are you a serving police officer, if so what is your divisional number?

Either that or I could waste the time of the stretched resources at the 101 call centre reporting a crime when there is no need.

You declared yourself a police officer in order the use your purported authority to steer the discussion, or invite retaliatory discussion, please provide proof of this authority.

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Now are you a serving police officer, if so what is your divisional number?

Either that or I could waste the time of the stretched resources at the 101 call centre reporting a crime when there is no need.

You declared yourself a police officer in order the use your purported authority to steer the discussion, or invite retaliatory discussion, please provide proof of this authority.

Try it if you wish.

Wasting Police Time is also a crime.

You never know it might even be me you speak to when you call!

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You are trying to pass yourself off as a police officer in the public domain. This should be legally verifiable?

Going by his posts that should probably be "legally certifiable".

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Try it if you wish.

Wasting Police Time is also a crime.

No way you are a copper. You would know that I believe a crime has been committed due to the links provided ergo no court would prosecute and any police action against myself could well be perceived as harassment esp given your last post.

If you were a copper you'd be more worried about getting a bollocking from your super for abuse of authority.

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Welcome to the spokesperson for all things Rangers/Northern Ireland and Orange Order.

One and a half out of two's not bad.

Evidence gathering skills still need a bit of polishing.

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No way you are a copper. You would know that I believe a crime has been committed due to the links provided ergo no court would prosecute and any police action against myself could well be perceived as harassment esp given your last post.

If you were a copper you'd be more worried about getting a bollocking from your super for abuse of authority.

What abuse of authority?

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Fourteen years service and quite correctly proud of it.

What have you done for your community in that time?

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What abuse of authority?

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Fourteen years service and quite correctly proud of it.

What have you done for your community in that time?

He hasn't been a policeman, afaik, so that's a plus, IMO.

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He hasn't been a policeman, afaik, so that's a plus, IMO.

That did make me laugh especially when what you consider is good for the community is bigoted marching bands which cause friction in decent communities.

Without the police your wee bands wouldn't be allowed to march.

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What abuse of authority?

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Fourteen years service and quite correctly proud of it.

What have you done for your community in that time?

I bet you were bullied at school.

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I bet you were bullied at school.

My god you really are pathetic.

Is that the best you can come up with?

The chant of a stroppy teenager caught with a bottle of Buckie.

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That did make me laugh especially when what you consider is good for the community is bigoted marching bands which cause friction in decent communities.

Without the police your wee bands wouldn't be allowed to march.

No police at our last parade. (Morning or evening.)

Swing and a miss, etc

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My god you really are pathetic.

Is that the best you can come up with?

The chant of a stroppy teenager caught with a bottle of Buckie.

Still hurts eh?

Feel sorry for your kids. The constant goading at school. Their mates calling you all the names under the sun. Having to change school every 4 years. Turning into the biggest pick in the school just to fit in. And above all not being able to admit it to you in case your over inflated idea of self worth gets dented and you hit the bottle again.

Nice work if you can get it.

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Police Scotland should never have been permitted in it's current form. There should have been 3 forces to start with but the SNP were keen to push this through. All officers knew that there were going to be serious issues with the IT as very little of it was compatible with what other force's were using at the concept. You created a force where one man was in charge and unfortunately he does not seem to realise that we police by public consent.

Rather than take best practices from other forces and implement them there has been an introduction of what was Strathclyde's polices introduced. Anyone who objects to this would appear to be transferred or side-lined onto a project. It has been fairly widespread that senior "Strathclyde" officers have been transferred into top positions at what were previous forces to ensure the Strathclyde policy adoption continues.

Doing away with local call centres etc was always going to be a recipe for disaster. As soon as you take away local knowledge you have issues.

Statutory holidays have now all but been eliminated but at the conception of Police Scotland where there was a local holiday officers from outside that area and who had no knowledge of the area were brought in to work to avoid extra holiday payments being made.

Officers working the street have bee drastically reduced. If the public knew how little were covering large areas then there would be an outcry. Before it was possible to telephone a police office and speak to a particular officer - that is no longer possible and all calls have to go through the 101 system. Many a problem could be resolved by a quick phone call to a local officer.

Last month I witnessed a car drive and knock down a cyclist. The cyclist got up and stood in front of the car but the driver drove at him and he had to jump out of the way or be struck by the car. In my day that was a serious offence but this matter was reported promptly to a passing police office who did not want to know and the cyclist was advised to report the matter at the local police office. It then took over 3 weeks for a officer to obtain a statement. Seriously is that how crime is now being treated. Probably easier to stop and search a couple of youths to keep the figures game going.

There a re many more issues that could be raised but I genuinely feel sorry for officers who are trying to keep their heads above water while other officers, in the name of progress, go off cycling with convicted criminals. Still I suppose it got Police Scotland some positive reaction from the media.

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Still hurts eh?

Feel sorry for your kids. The constant goading at school. Their mates calling you all the names under the sun. Having to change school every 4 years. Turning into the biggest pick in the school just to fit in. And above all not being able to admit it to you in case your over inflated idea of self worth gets dented and you hit the bottle again.

Nice work if you can get it.

Can you explain all that in English please?

My kids went to and still go to the same school they always went with the exception of the change to Secondary School.

Keep falling flat on your face as I'm really enjoying it.

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