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Hardly relevant in relation to the matter of the historical continuity of the club being fully recognised from 1872.

what is your opinion on how a guilty verdict at the fraud trial featuring all the shysters who Frankensteined the current version of the club.

Would this affect the (big) house of cards basis that the theoretical 'historical continuity', 'unbroken timeline', 'full recognition'* depend on?

*all these bullpoop concepts only surfaced AFTER the CVA failed of course.

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Entirely relevant I'd have thought. There's a problem with the seamless continuity narrative, if apparently there were two clubs on the go at one point. Could you address that problem please?

What problem would that be? The fact as it stands at this moment in time is that various bodies have recognised the full continuity of the club, therefore your insistence that the continuity of the club is not seamless is also not relevant, simply because the historical timeline has been declared by those bodies that it remains unbroken.

There is no problem for me to address, the problem lies with people who can't or won't accept the historical timeline of the club is accepted, simply because of their hatred of a football club and the support of that club. Now if those various bodies had declared that this was a new club then as far as i'm concerned that decision would have been accepted by myself. The transfer of SFA membership from old company to new company signifies that the club is one and the same from 1872.

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Yeez are fuckin deed as a dodo ya crackpot.

no we're not, I would rather be in this situation than the one we were in before admin you bigot, we are far stronger now and will be far stronger than we were before admin, you just continually post nonsense which completely flouts and ignores the true facts, because your hatred of rangres has clouded your vision and ability to accept true facts about RFC. Next season we'll be back at the top of Scottish Football almost fully debt free, with our youth academy, philosophy, team and full club and manager and board revitalised. Ha ha it worked out well for us

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no we're not, I would rather be in this situation than the one we were in before admin you bigot, we are far stronger now and will be far stronger than we were before admin, you just continually post nonsense which completely flouts and ignores the true facts, because your hatred of rangres has clouded your vision and ability to accept true facts about RFC. Next season we'll be back at the top of Scottish Football almost fully debt free, with our youth academy, philosophy, team and full club and manager and board revitalised. Ha ha it worked out well for us


new club entered Scottish League in 2012. Never been in top flight, so can't get back there.

'almost fully debt free'???

Ashley getting his loan repaid then?

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What problem would that be? The fact as it stands at this moment in time is that various bodies have recognised the full continuity of the club, therefore your insistence that the continuity of the club is not seamless is also not relevant, simply because the historical timeline has been declared by those bodies that it remains unbroken.

There is no problem for me to address, the problem lies with people who can't or won't accept the historical timeline of the club is accepted, simply because of their hatred of a football club and the support of that club. Now if those various bodies had declared that this was a new club then as far as i'm concerned that decision would have been accepted by myself. The transfer of SFA membership from old company to new company signifies that the club is one and the same from 1872.

Ah, you choose to address this problem by utterly ignoring it and simply closing your eyes to the logical flaw it inserts into the narrative you cling to.

I do not believe for one moment that you have an innate respect for the views of the bodies you cite and would accept their verdicts, even if they did not coincide with your preferred reading of this. I think you're lying about it, quite possibly to yourself.

I don't hate you Youngsy, but I will admit to a degree of pity.

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new club entered Scottish League in 2012. Never been in top flight, so can't get back there.

'almost fully debt free'???

Ashley getting his loan repaid then?

aye like I explained previously,as soon as

we get promoted this season Rangers' income will increase by at least 3 million quid every season for TV money increasing + League table prize money increasing, and then you have multi millions potentially europe prize money we can win every year in top of that. So all of these loans are only until then when we start paying them off.

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Bill Struth quote "Our very success, gained you will agree by skill, will draw more people than ever to see it. And that will benefit many more clubs than Rangers. Let the others come after us. We welcome the chase. It is healthy for us. We will never hide from it. Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers."

his prophecy came true for our club.

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what is your opinion on how a guilty verdict at the fraud trial featuring all the shysters who Frankensteined the current version of the club.

Would this affect the (big) house of cards basis that the theoretical 'historical continuity', 'unbroken timeline', 'full recognition'* depend on?

*all these bullpoop concepts only surfaced AFTER the CVA failed of course.

unbrocken timeline? What stage did they join the Scottish Cup again?
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aye like I explained previously,as soon as

we get promoted this season Rangers' income will increase by at least 3 million quid every season for TV money increasing + League table prize money increasing, and then you have multi millions potentially europe prize money we can win every year in top of that. So all of these loans are only until then when we start paying them off.

Old Club was rolling in all sorts of revenues, cheating EBT enhanced player recruitment capabilities, OF loaded TV deals, vast Season ticket sales....

.... and died of bankruptcy.

Your amphetamine-like enthusiasm is almost endearing, but I don't see anything to suggest New Club will be any different. Glib and Shameless Liar's priority is G&SL - not Rangers Mark2

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good for you ken, the only reason Aberdeen has improved is because you have been lucky to receive and hoover up a larger share of tv money than usual while Rangers were demoted. That was basically the fair share rangers were actually due that the SPFL shafted us out of that you's are receiving. as soon as we get promoted this season Aberdeen will start receiving less TV money. look at the table in this link below of TV money distributions last season and you will see, that your club have been really lucky to hoover RFC tv money when we were actually the most watched scottish club onTV.


this picture is further evidence that as soon as Rangers are back in the Premiership, our income will increase massively and we will pay off all of these soft loans etc. Because as well as receiving a fair share of that TV money in the Premiership, we will also be receiving Premiership prize money for winning the league or being 2nd, and Europe prize money too. we owe 12 mil maximum by the end of this season and it'll be paid off as soon as we get promoted within 3 seasons 100%, the 5mil ashley loan proaably doesn't have a deadline until 10 years too so that's not exactly choking us.

Rangers club use real accountants, not fans who listen to mad phil. Essentially, those accountants have a master plan that will 100% ensure this debt is cleared becasue they know about the club's income and outgoings far more than any fans do. And there is no way these accountants would be so poor to mismanage the money now, there simply isn't .. unless you are simply hoping for that to happen you may as well forget about that.

Celtic also have multi millions debt more than RFC and depend on qualifying for Europe to pay it off and also for their massive wage bill. CFC accountants are smart enough to know you can take on a few million debt sometimes when your club has the means to pay it off with their income in a couple years by financially forecasting their income and seeing that they can in fact pay it off in 2 years etc.

Edited by MRF-LCC-RFC
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good for you ken, the only reason Aberdeen has improved is because you have been lucky to receive and hoover up a larger share of tv money than usual while Rangers were demoted. That was basically the fair share rangers were actually due that the SPFL shafted us out of that you's are receiving. as soon as we get promoted this season Aberdeen will start receiving less TV money. look at the table in this link below of TV money distributions last season and you will see, that your club have been really lucky to hoover RFC tv money when we were actually the most watched scottish club onTV.


this picture is further evidence that as soon as Rangers are back in the Premiership, our income will increase massively and we will pay off all of these soft loans etc. Because as well as receiving a fair share of that TV money in the Premiership, we will also be receiving Premiership prize money for winning the league or being 2nd, and Europe prize money too. we owe 12 mil maximum by the end of this season and it'll be paid off as soon as we get promoted within 3 seasons 100%, the 5mil ashley loan proaably doesn't have a deadline until 10 years too so that's not exactly choking us.

Rangers club use real accountants, not fans who listen to mad phil. Essentially, those accountants have a master plan that will 100% ensure this debt is cleared becasue they know about the club's income and outgoings far more than any fans do. And there is no way these accountants would be so poor to mismanage the money now, there simply isn't .. unless you are simply hoping for that to happen you may as well forget about that.

Celtic also have multi millions debt more than RFC and depend on qualifying for Europe to pay it off and also for their massive wage bill. CFC accountants are smart enough to know you can take on a few million debt sometimes when your club has the means to pay it off with their income in a couple years by financially forecasting their income and seeing that they can in fact pay it off in 2 years etc.

Your income will increase by 3 or 4 million but, given that you're already on loans in November this season, that extra money isn't going to make a significant difference to the company's solvency. And remember what happened to that company called Rangers last time they depended on European money.

I still think you're a ringer.

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Timisoara were refused a licence to play by their F.A., that didn't happen to Rangers, Rangers had their SFA membership transferred from old company to new company, ensuring full continuity of the club's historical timeline. Under advisement from the European Club Association UEFA accept that the continuity of Rangers from 1872 is fully recognised. All of this is fact, so therefore no matter how much you and others argue against it, the recognition as the one club from 1872 is accepted as such by various football authorities.

FC TIMIŞOARA were refused a UEFA club licence, as were the current Rangers.

You really do like to revise the facts don't you.

"The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has dismissed an appeal by Romanian club FC Timişoara against a UEFA decision regarding the three-year rule, which is an important feature of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations."

"Pursuant to this rule, clubs are not allowed to change their legal form or structure in order to obtain a licence, simply by 'cleaning up' their balance sheet while offloading debts onto a new entity that might potentially go bankrupt – thus harming creditors (including employees and social/tax authorities) as well as threatening the integrity of sporting competition. "

Clubs are not allowed to change their legal form or structure on order to obtain a licence.

"Any such alteration of a club's legal form or structure is deemed to be an interruption to its membership of a UEFA member association"

Edited by stonedsailor
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at least the DA provides a credible argument instead of trying to just laugh over every fact which backs up the truth.

Your income will increase by 3 or 4 million but, given that you're already on loans in November this season, that extra money isn't going to make a significant difference to the company's solvency. And remember what happened to that company called Rangers last time they depended on European money.

I still think you're a ringer.

1) RFC will never depend on Europe money again as it's not guaranteed you receive it unless you qualify, CFC depend on qualifying for cash but we don't, we rely on Season Ticket money and income from SPFL, and euro money is a bonus. that will be the status quo in the premiership too.

2) yes we are on loans just now, but that is what King meant by overinvesting to get us out of the championship, which is happening, the loans will tide us over until we start receiving multi millions every season again (next season onwards) in prize money from SPFL and TV money, Euro money will be a bonus to that. It is a guaranteed fact that the multi millions which are going to pour into Rangers in the next 5 years from them, ST money, investments from the boards, listing on stock exchange again in a couple years too etc, will be more than enough to pay off the soft loans. and will pay them off. and we will have been took to the top of Scottish Football again with no debt and fully sustainable.

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Your income will increase by 3 or 4 million but, given that you're already on loans in November this season, that extra money isn't going to make a significant difference to the company's solvency. And remember what happened to that company called Rangers last time they depended on European money.

I still think you're a ringer.

I think he is too.

There are bursts of articulacy among the nonsense. I suspect the work of Snafu, but either way, the table cited is interesting.

What it shows is that the distribution of the TV deal is much improved since oldco days. Back then, it was carved up to ensure the OF got the vast bulk of it, through the guise of prize money, whereby 1st and 2nd got similar large sums before a massive drop to 3rd and a gentle downward curve thereafter that of course ceased when you reached position no 12, with nobody outside the top flight receiving a penny.

Now, unless Rangers win the League, they'll receive much less than £2m - hardly enough to address current rates of losing money.

Europe would bring in some, but not huge sums unless they make the kind of progress that would cost a lot of money to bring about.

The bottom line is that top flight membership is not really enough to bring in the kind of money needed.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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