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the facebook warriors of justice

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The woman in the original story has now been found guilty of being a lying fat ugly cow.


Had wondered if she was simply two sandwiches short of a picnic rather than an avaricious fabulist.

Then read that she had been flogging her story.

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Can they charge her with making up an imaginary friend to pin the blame on?

And they fell for that? Was she not forced to name this "friend" who should have then been questioned in court?
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“She had not been threatened by this person, but she wanted this person to be her friend. She did not realise it was a criminal offence to sign a false witness statement.”

OK, so she avoided jail "by a whisker". How about billing the sow for the cost of this trial, police time and everything else. It'll be up to her if she wants to ask this alleged person to go halvies on the fine. Might send a message to the next vacuous attention hoor who thinks shit like this is a good idea.

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