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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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i'm still not reading past macnamara, so i don't see your point.

plus i'm already ill disposed towards the author due to an earlier suggestion that the dons might interview Ray Mckinnon when the workshy twat still owes us a year's wages.

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2 hours ago, coprolite said:


that is bad.

macnamara for consistency?

I admit to not reading any further after that.


Yes, it's bad.

The stuff on McIntyre with us is just nonsense.  He didn't turn Queens around at all.  He inherited a side that had won the the third tier by a record breaking margin, sealing the title in March on a pitch banked with snow.  During that same season, Queens had won the Challenge Cup, beating the top two Championship sides and Rangers en route.

This pillock is not comparing what McIntyre did with what Johnston did in that season though.  Instead, because he's only counting performances in the top two divisions, he's comparing it directly with the disastrous Gus McPherson season that preceded it, as if the Johnston one never happened.  It's provided a wildly skewed picture.  Stubbs being rewarded for winning more in the Championship than Buthcher did in the top flight, is similarly flimsy.

If other aspects of his analysis are as flawed, I think that his work can be readily dismissed.

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Yes, it's bad.
The stuff on McIntyre with us is just nonsense.  He didn't turn Queens around at all.  He inherited a side that had won the the third tier by a record breaking margin, sealing the title in March on a pitch banked with snow.  During that same season, Queens had won the Challenge Cup, beating the top two Championship sides and Rangers en route.
This pillock is not comparing what McIntyre did with what Johnston did in that season though.  Instead, because he's only counting performances in the top two divisions, he's comparing it directly with the disastrous Gus McPherson season that preceded it, as if the Johnston one never happened.  It's provided a wildly skewed picture.  Stubbs being rewarded for winning more in the Championship than Buthcher did in the top flight, is similarly flimsy.
If other aspects of his analysis are as flawed, I think that his work can be readily dismissed.

This is all you need to know-he has John "Bomber" Brown above Tommy Wright for his time at Dundee, during which they were relegated.

I pulled he guy up on this on Twitter and he claimed Saints "have taken the wrong approach" during Tommy Wright's tenure. When I asked what more Wright could do beyond winning the cup, repeatedly finishing fourth, playing more youth system products than we have for decades and selling one for the thick end of £1m he stopped responding.

So far as I can tell the logic was that Wright has taken Saints backwards because Lomas finished third the season before Wright took over...
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He's the type of moron who sits in his room reading blogs about stats, thinks it easy so creates some convulted process based on nothing logical and then fires it out thinking he's brilliant. It's absolutely moronic and a true reflection of how you "prove" anything you want with stats if you twist them enough.

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More negative shite from the BBC...


Some absolute jobber who played for Rangers (RIP) nearly 10 years ago says he knows f**k all about Aberdeen but they're shite anyway and will get papped out in the next round.

How about talking up the game for once? FFS.

It's shite like this that is making me desperate for John Nelms to get on the SPFL board.
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19 hours ago, Steve McQueen said:

As much as I would welcome anyone, officially accredited or otherwise, to be able to apply more advanced stat observations to Scottish football, I'm not sure how the credibility of someone holds up when the list the best managers in Scottish football since 2011-12 and include the records of people if they were in a job prior to that point (see: Jim McIntyre, Dunfermline, 2007-12) and is still unable to include Tommy Wright or Alan Archibald in a top 20(!).

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I think the biggest indictment of this piece of pish is his supposition that the anti-**** wouldn't go for McInnes, nor the anti-**** go for Stubbs because of some previous link to the bigoted twins. Sill living in the dark ages much m80?

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Stuart McCall took 'Well to 3rd-2nd-2nd during that spell and doesn't get a look-in due to a "lack of positive goal difference", whilst John Brown is in there -  presumably on the strength of his "standing outside Ibrox shouting "whaur's the deeds!?"" stat. I'm not for a minute saying McCall is a world beater manager but to ignore him in the company on that list is odd. 

Still, it's a great School Holiday project - he'll probably get a sticker for that.

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Football needs less morons who use meaningless statistical analysis or watched Moneyball and now think they're experts on how it should work.

From my reading of Moneyball (and, indeed, reading interviews with Michael Lewis), the whole premise was finding inefficiencies in the transfer market by looking at undervalued statistics. Not "buy cheap, sell for a profit". An actual Moneyball approach won't work in football because, erm, there's significantly more variables in play than in baseball. There's a book out by a Wall Street guy who made some money betting on baseball - he makes the distinction between baseball and American football and how you can't apply the same methods to the two sports. It's the same for football. 

Get these c***s in the bin.

(that's not to say there isn't a place for statistical analysis in football, it's just that we don't need the pretend stuff from shit journalists) 

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On 24/07/2017 at 14:03, yoda said:

Football needs less morons who use meaningless statistical analysis or watched Moneyball and now think they're experts on how it should work.

From my reading of Moneyball (and, indeed, reading interviews with Michael Lewis), the whole premise was finding inefficiencies in the transfer market by looking at undervalued statistics. Not "buy cheap, sell for a profit". An actual Moneyball approach won't work in football because, erm, there's significantly more variables in play than in baseball. There's a book out by a Wall Street guy who made some money betting on baseball - he makes the distinction between baseball and American football and how you can't apply the same methods to the two sports. It's the same for football. 

Get these c***s in the bin.

(that's not to say there isn't a place for statistical analysis in football, it's just that we don't need the pretend stuff from shit journalists) 

This.  So much this.  For a while, the BBC match reports were unreadable because of this Jonathan Wilson type of jumped up churnalism. When it drifts onto fans forums, any proper discussion is moot because it's inarguable - an object lesson in blind logic. Some of them still are.  Moneyball was as much about statistical probability as it was baseball.  

It's also worth pointing out that Moneyball as a sporting proposition failed laughably, and the Oakland Athletics wasted arguably the best starting rotation ever assembled - Hudson, Zito and Mulder - by filling their starting lineup with slap-happy singles hitters. It wasn't until any of those players joined a properly run baseball team that they won anything.

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On 24/07/2017 at 09:07, Monkey Tennis said:

The flaws keep on coming.

It seems that the moment anyone with a little insight takes a closer look at any part of his analysis, it collapses.

There was a series on that site of who were statistically the best players from the development league last season.  It completely ignored any Ross County players, even though they won the DL last season.

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A sterling effort from Bingham tonight according to the live text updates on the BBC website.  He wins a penalty, then comes on as a sub to take the penalty and score.  I always felt they did things differently in Coatbridge ...


Also, on the subject of manager rankings, any system that doesn't have Canning in the top ten is fundamentally and obviously flawed, IMO.

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