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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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On 03/08/2023 at 04:17, O'Kelly Isley III said:

On the subject of ex-players migrating into journalism, it used to annoy me greatly that Pat Nevin was regarded as some sort of towering intellectual outlier because he visited galleries, read books with no pictures and liked indie music.

It was patronising to both Nevin and football supporters and appeared almost to confirm that football had to be dumbed down to retain its working class status.  Utter pish and why we get landed with language-manglers like Derek Ferguson.

Im about 2 hours into his narration of his book Accidental Footballer. Unenjoyable.

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Nevin is regarded as 'interesting' just because he stepped out of the heard mentality of footballers. I think a lot of people don't see how big a deal that is. Footballers grow up and live in a constant in-group mentality and they generally conform to the behaviour of the group. It's why so many of them are complete arseholes.

We've got a footballer in the family and his take on Nevin is that he must have one b*****d of a strong personality to have survived dressing rooms and prospered as a player while openly being different from the group.

I agree he's not nearly as interesting as made out. He's essentially a normal person with normal interests. But to do that as a footballer takes a level of confidence and self-assurance I think few people generally have.

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23 hours ago, Leith Green said:


23 hours ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:


Where to even start with this pish. f**k me.

"And the former Rangers striker is utterly convinced that was the wrong call as he believes both the product on the pitch and attendances in the stands suffered. "

We won the League Cup and our attendances barely changed during Sevco's ascent up the gingy bottle leagues. Can't say, as a St Mirren fan, that I gave a single f**k that Rangers were not in the top flight.


23 hours ago, BTFD said:

What a knicker-wetting fanny. Made even worse by the fact that England's fans boo literally everyone else's anthem at Wembley, as he'll be well aware of.

Presumably he had some trenchant criticism of the Craig Brown/Libya/Morocco fiasco too, rather than just knee-jerk forelock tugging.


21 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I dread to think what else he said in this interview if this is one of the highlights.

The same c**t that wanted the names made public of those that voted against Sevco starting as a newco in the top flight, he comes across as a jolly decent guy until his mask slips where oldco/newco Rangers are concerned, then you see what a total c**t he is. He absolutely knew if it was made public those voting, and their family members, would be subjected to threats of violence, and this was purely him going for intimidation tactics on those voting. The Raith chairman who spoke publicly against them joining the league in the 2nd tier got death threats against him, and his family, but McCoist didn't give a flying f**k about the same thing happening to others.  

*edit. Sorry thought Ally was McCoist, didn't read the pish and just noticed Alex Ferguson on the link. Just uninformed drivel from him then.

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4 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

Nevin is regarded as 'interesting' just because he stepped out of the heard mentality of footballers. I think a lot of people don't see how big a deal that is. Footballers grow up and live in a constant in-group mentality and they generally conform to the behaviour of the group. It's why so many of them are complete arseholes.

We've got a footballer in the family and his take on Nevin is that he must have one b*****d of a strong personality to have survived dressing rooms and prospered as a player while openly being different from the group.

I agree he's not nearly as interesting as made out. He's essentially a normal person with normal interests. But to do that as a footballer takes a level of confidence and self-assurance I think few people generally have.

Fair assessment, would agree with all that, though his book frequently dips into Alan Partridge needless-to-say-I-had-the-last-laugh territory, before he quickly walks it back saying he doesn’t think he’s superior to anyone else when he clearly does.


I’m only two hours in of an 11 hr narration and he must have listed all the things he’s interested in and how different he is about 30 times.

The only glimmer of humility so far was when he compared Brian McLair’s medals to his and jokingly acknowledged McLairs were superior.  I hope there’s more of that. I already know you are successful and somewhat interesting, that’s why I bought your book so you can rein it in a little.

Incase anyone is interested, he likes The Cure and reading big books.


As far as Ferguson…


I would suggest “at the end of the day” the health of the game is derived around making sure all teams have to abide by the same rules and punishing any team who doesn’t.

Edited by Luddite
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27 minutes ago, Luddite said:

Fair assessment, would agree with all that, though his book frequently dips into Alan Partridge needless-to-say-I-had-the-last-laugh territory, before he quickly walks it back saying he doesn’t think he’s superior to anyone else when he clearly does.


I’m only two hours in of an 11 hr narration and he must have listed all the things he’s interested in and how different he is about 30 times.

The only glimmer of humility so far was when he compared Brian McLair’s medals to his and jokingly acknowledged McLairs were superior.  I hope there’s more of that. I already know you are successful and somewhat interesting, that’s why I bought your book so you can rein it in a little.

Incase anyone is interested, he likes The Cure and reading big books.


As far as Ferguson…


I would suggest “at the end of the day” the health of the game is derived around making sure all teams have to abide by the same rules and punishing any team who doesn’t.

What Ferguson means is he never bothered finding out because his mind was made up based on his prejudice.

Good manager in his day, was well done by the time he retired and is practically doolally now.

Nevin is a wee p***k.

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7 minutes ago, Dunty said:


The whole article is a bit weird anyway, but clearly someone who has never been to a Hearts game is telling everyone what you have to do to be a proper Hearts fan.



Good trolling article. It accurately makes hearts fans out to be utterly tragic. 

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On 14/09/2023 at 08:25, VincentGuerin said:

I agree he's not nearly as interesting as made out. He's essentially a normal person with normal interests. But to do that as a footballer takes a level of confidence and self-assurance I think few people generally have.

I think this is a perfect summation of him. I heard him interviewed by Colin Murray a wee while back and he was asked about the time at Chelsea where he stood up for his teammate who was being racially abused by his own fans, and Murray pointed out that there were all of these big characters and so-called hardmen in the squad who were too afraid to confront them, and it was instead left to the quiet guy to do it. Nevin basically said he'd have packed in football if he'd had any repercussions for doing it too.

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Listen, I actually refuse to believe that a sentient, functioning human being comes up with the word salad that is Kenny Miller writes for you in the Sunday Mail. I will ROAR that Keith Jackson COULD be ghost writing it as surely no one else on the planet could be that imbecilic, not even Miller.

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