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Wilko. Tell me what alias i am? And as for being shite. Take a wee look at your posts. I'm not an alias but you are certainly a victim of bullying, if you need a bosie, Pm me.

My posts? Ten times the standard of yours pal, i'm no sure who you are yet but you're defo an alias

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Fide, I will certain take your advice. Thanks, my skin is kinda greasy. You are certainly a supporter of bullied people. Not like the others on here! I'm just trying to stop self harming buddy and appreciate your support.

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Fide, I will certain take your advice. Thanks, my skin is kinda greasy. You are certainly a supporter of bullied people. Not like the others on here! I'm just trying to stop self harming buddy and appreciate your support.

Anytime, you fat fucker.


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Wilko. Tell me what alias i am? And as for being shite. Take a wee look at your posts. I'm not an alias but you are certainly a victim of bullying, if you need a bosie, Pm me.

Another point how would you know other posters call me wilko if you weren't an alias.

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I was often a victim of bullying when I went round my mates house. His dog would often jump up on me and bark in my face, on occasions I was even bitten. It was very traumatic but the dog is now dead, it was ran over by a Renault Clio.


No I can't, really I can't. The hymn books are digging into my fingers and giving my chin a rash


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Ok wilkinson 6678 or whatever your name is! I said already I've been a long time lurker. Your point is?

What sub forums have you been lurking in then? I doubt you lurk much in the alloa thread or indeed probably the whole championship sub forum which I spend most of my time. The fact that a lurker would remember a nickname like wilko is bullshit aswell

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