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Cumnock Chronicle


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Had the Chronicle delivered earlier this evening and read through the usual match reports from Saturday. Would like to make all you folks who don't have access to this weekly local paper aware of the local bias from some reporters toward Cumnock. Last Saturday Talbot beat them 3-1 in at Townhead, this weeks football report in the local rag gave the usual game of two halves, then had Cumnock the dominant team in second half. Best part was the last paragraph which stated " Cumnock started the game slowly but the signs from the second half were promising and point towards a very successful season and a way back into the top league". Oops, wee update from tonights results, Lugar 1, Cumnock 0. Can't wait to read next weeks match report, these guys need to get real.

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Wait... You're accusing the Cumnock Chronicle of being biased in favour of Cumnock?

Well, colour me stunned.

Ok, put it this way, the Chronicle serves a broad area down here with its coverage, so therefore should be unbiased, same way as national rags should also be. Anyway, its hilarious when you read that last paragraph and then find out tonight they lost to Lugar, well done Lugar.

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Ok, put it this way, the Chronicle serves a broad area down here with its coverage, so therefore should be unbiased, same way as national rags should also be. Anyway, its hilarious when you read that last paragraph and then find out tonight they lost to Lugar, well done Lugar.

Yup,a real thigh-slapper ernie. :unsure2:

Ps. Are you gettin out much at present,bud? :huh:

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Last paragraph in the Chronacle was fairly accurate.

Next weeks last paragraph will tell you Lugar upset local

rivals Cumnock in the Ardagh Glass Cup beating them 1-0.

But that's football, roll on next Saturday..

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home team bias is hardly surprisjn as chronicle take reports and pictures from home team websites' the chronicle donteven have an office in the district

Oh dear,it's startin' to look like ernie boy hasn't really thought this through. :(


Let's just hope that no smarty mentions another' chronic 'effort. :)

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For those who have never had the pleasure (?) of meeting ErnieR, he is unmistakable if you are at a game at Talbotia

He is the guy with the right hand which appears as if it has been bathed in Bisto , due to him continually shit stirring

It is all about opinions - he thinks Cumnock will struggle and not get promoted

The reporter thought there were encouraging signs

Everybody will have opinions, but, this is Ernie boy doing his auld denial bit again, which for the benefit of other posters on here is because he is a Cumnock man by birth and is trying to do the St Peter thing and denying it ........... Gie us a break.......... Even St Pete chucked it after 3 goes and didnae make a lifetime mission

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For those who have never had the pleasure (?) of meeting ErnieR, he is unmistakable if you are at a game at Talbotia

He is the guy with the right hand which appears as if it has been bathed in Bisto , due to him continually shit stirring

It is all about opinions - he thinks Cumnock will struggle and not get promoted

The reporter thought there were encouraging signs

Everybody will have opinions, but, this is Ernie boy doing his auld denial bit again, which for the benefit of other posters on here is because he is a Cumnock man by birth and is trying to do the St Peter thing and denying it ........... Gie us a break.......... Even St Pete chucked it after 3 goes and didnae make a lifetime mission

And how did I know my auld freen would be on here to give his usual anti - Ernie bash, kind of shows you that Ernie boy is always on his mind, think he loves me really.

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He can't be a halfwit.

The halfwits are still supporting Scumnock.

At least he had enough sense to see flaws in his ancestors.

My good man, just to clear things up here re my personal life and place of birth which Bul boy seems to know better than me, and it appears he takes great delight in posting on here his much misaligned thoughts of me being born in his home town. I was born in 12 Milne Avenue in my Grandads house, so end of story, Ernie is an Auchinleckian, and my Father was a tapsider from the Birnie, cant get anymore heritage than that.

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My good man, just to clear things up here re my personal life and place of birth which Bul boy seems to know better than me, and it appears he takes great delight in posting on here his much misaligned thoughts of me being born in his home town. I was born in 12 Milne Avenue in my Grandads house, so end of story, Ernie is an Auchinleckian, and my Father was a tapsider from the Birnie, cant get anymore heritage than that.

It's gonny take the Douglas-Hamiltons quite a while to recover from this,ernie. :huh:

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