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Roland B

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Saying your scared of sharks is ridiculous, of course your going to be afraid of them as they will eat you when in water.

The fear of snakes and spiders is a genuine fear of the beasts themselves without the poison they possess. I would probably rather be stuck in a room with a beast that could well kill me than 100 massive angry un poisonous spiders

How? Sharks won't always eat you just like snakes or spiders won't always bite you? :lol:

And poisonous or not spiders still put the fear into me

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1320 Lichtie's shark fears may be justified as 'experts' reckon Great Whites have arrived in Scottish Waters. Some twat like Ben Fogle has a dead whale in storage and plans to drag it behind a boat around Scottish coastal waters to see what decides to take a nibble.

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The fear that people talk about when talking about spiders and snakes is the animals themselves and the way they move, people fear spiders coz of all the legs and the unpredictable nature of them. The fear really isn't in the poison itself or the actual damage they can do to you

To say your afraid of sharks is simply due to the physical harm it can cause

Are you scared of ladybirds? Are you scared of basking sharks? It's a dichotomy! It's irrational.

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I'm not afraid of spiders at all, poisonous or otherwise- wouldn't like to share a bed with one but don't have a fear of them. Snakes, not so keen on but have held them in the past.

3 rows of extremely sharp teeth in large uneducated and primitive head does scare me (RIP Cilla), and seems more rational than a wee beastie.

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I'm not afraid of spiders at all, poisonous or otherwise- wouldn't like to share a bed with one but don't have a fear of them. Snakes, not so keen on but have held them in the past.

3 rows of extremely sharp teeth in large uneducated and primitive head does scare me (RIP Cilla), and seems more rational than a wee beastie.

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People with irrational fears or "phobias" really annoy me.

Heights i can understand as if you fall you could hurt yourself but these folk that are scared of house spiders, ants, wasps, bees, brown paper bags, get a fucking grip of yourself. I am convinced that 99% of it is attention seeking and if they were alone with the object of their "phobia" they wouldnt even be bothered.


Wasps are the fucking Devils work; serve no purpose but to cause pain and kill wee insects. Fucking hate them. Happily admit I run away if one comes too near me; f**k them.

Also the very basis of phobias are often irrational; doesn't make them any less of a phobia.

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Birds fucking terrify me. I was walking up Queen Street in Glasgow a few days ago and a big b*****d seagull started hovering right in front of me as I was walking past a bin. I completely froze, nearly greetin and everything :lol:. The b*****ds have been going mental at my work recently too - dive-bombing folk walking into the building, so I've used the disabled entrance a few times if I can hear them outside.

I also remember eating a Subway in George Sq and my girlfriend at the time kept throwing bits of her sandwich in front of me so hunners of pigeons would come. Cow.

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I'm also quite scared of clowns - the reason people are scared of clowns is because you can see an expression etched on their face but can't tell what the clowns intentions are or how it is feeling so your brain goes into over load

I'm surprised we got so far into the thread before clowns came up. With me though, it isn't fear so much as an intense loathing. I'd happily batter the f**k out of clowns all day as long as I was confident they couldn't fight back. Nothing irrational about that, imo.

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I had a massive fear of death for years to the point it was affecting and controlling my life.

I spent forever constantly looking for help online, appointments with speaking to people that just couldn't understand my unique and specific fear with death and then one day about 6 month ago I read my exact fear in a book.

I panic'd immediatley, spent a night in a mental hospital and missed my work. I went back to work the week later and was deciding what lie to tell my boss to cover for being off and a little bit mental.

I decided to tell him the truth and the things he said to me genuinely has cured my fear or atleast made me forget it.

I now fear nothing at all and it feels amazing not having something hanging over you or making you scream and cry like a complete baby.

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Birds fucking terrify me. I was walking up Queen Street in Glasgow a few days ago and a big b*****d seagull started hovering right in front of me as I was walking past a bin. I completely froze, nearly greetin and everything :lol:. The b*****ds have been going mental at my work recently too - dive-bombing folk walking into the building, so I've used the disabled entrance a few times if I can hear them outside.

I also remember eating a Subway in George Sq and my girlfriend at the time kept throwing bits of her sandwich in front of me so hunners of pigeons would come. Cow.

Get a fucking grip of your life.

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