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5 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

SNP defence in Irvine today and Labour in Renfrew.

Any local knowledge as to what will happen?

Renfrew South and Gallowhill was caused by the death of Eddie Grady, one of the local Labourite "families" who see the council seats as family heirlooms. Grady was an atypical Labourite oxygen thief who did the sum total of fk all to those that he was supposed to serve, and was Deputy Finance Convenor.

Mark Dougan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - Scottish Yoof Parliament member. Bit of an embarrassment to local Labour, who thought he was one of them.

Edward Grady - Scottish Labour Party - son of the previous waste of space: thinks the seat is his "inheritance".

Jim Paterson - Scottish National Party (SNP)

Ross Stalker - Scottish Liberal Democrats - c**t beard weirdo that used to run the Flip Flops campaigns up north... you know, where they did so well last time out.

If Labour lose this one, expect them to be massacred in the council elections next year - the area's full of doddering old muppets that will vote for Labour no matter what, but if they're pissed off enough to switch their vote or stay at home, it could be the sign the local "red blazer families" are heading for extinction. They got back in last time on the back of anger over nursery closures, didn't heed the warning of losing power in the first place, went right back to the usual "contacts for pals" dodgy practices, and locals took their revenge on Dougie two years back. 

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18 minutes ago, Cream Cheese said:

I'm a bit lost on this process. Can somebody explain to me how this is even possible?


This is a nice summary of how STV makes this possible. 



The result from Irvine West shows that there are plenty of voters who are willing to switch from LAB to CON, and back again for second preference.  Looks strongly like a 'Union first' vote.  I suspect this will be played out in all elections for the foreseeable future (just as it was in the Scottish Parliamentary elections) where there will be a coalescing of unionist support behind whoever is best placed to challenge the SNP.



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12 minutes ago, Crossbill said:


This is a nice summary of how STV makes this possible. 



The result from Irvine West shows that there are plenty of voters who are willing to switch from LAB to CON, and back again for second preference.  Looks strongly like a 'Union first' vote.  I suspect this will be played out in all elections for the foreseeable future (just as it was in the Scottish Parliamentary elections) where there will be a coalescing of unionist support behind whoever is best placed to challenge the SNP.



Talk about desperate. A lot of devil handshaking going on then.

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This is a nice summary of how STV makes this possible. 



The result from Irvine West shows that there are plenty of voters who are willing to switch from LAB to CON, and back again for second preference.  Looks strongly like a 'Union first' vote.  I suspect this will be played out in all elections for the foreseeable future (just as it was in the Scottish Parliamentary elections) where there will be a coalescing of unionist support behind whoever is best placed to challenge the SNP.



Norn Ireland model emerging
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2 hours ago, Crossbill said:


This is a nice summary of how STV makes this possible. 



The result from Irvine West shows that there are plenty of voters who are willing to switch from LAB to CON, and back again for second preference.  Looks strongly like a 'Union first' vote.  I suspect this will be played out in all elections for the foreseeable future (just as it was in the Scottish Parliamentary elections) where there will be a coalescing of unionist support behind whoever is best placed to challenge the SNP.



It's not really surprising that some folk will vote for 'the union' rather than on a left/right position but I assume they will be in the minority.  I think there will be some folk who will vote for anyone other than X.  That said if it took the labour candidate to get to the 6th stage to get elected that would surely suggest there was not a vast amount of direct switch overs from Tories to Labour.

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17 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

Renfrew South and Gallowhill was caused by the death of Eddie Grady, one of the local Labourite "families" who see the council seats as family heirlooms. Grady was an atypical Labourite oxygen thief who did the sum total of fk all to those that he was supposed to serve, and was Deputy Finance Convenor.

Mark Dougan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - Scottish Yoof Parliament member. Bit of an embarrassment to local Labour, who thought he was one of them.

Edward Grady - Scottish Labour Party - son of the previous waste of space: thinks the seat is his "inheritance".

Jim Paterson - Scottish National Party (SNP)

Ross Stalker - Scottish Liberal Democrats - c**t beard weirdo that used to run the Flip Flops campaigns up north... you know, where they did so well last time out.

If Labour lose this one, expect them to be massacred in the council elections next year - the area's full of doddering old muppets that will vote for Labour no matter what, but if they're pissed off enough to switch their vote or stay at home, it could be the sign the local "red blazer families" are heading for extinction. They got back in last time on the back of anger over nursery closures, didn't heed the warning of losing power in the first place, went right back to the usual "contacts for pals" dodgy practices, and locals took their revenge on Dougie two years back. 

Great summary of the candidates here, everyone according to you is a total moron with the obvious exception of the fantastic SNP candidate. This is typical of the "one party state" mentally of Nationalist supporters. No matter who they are or what they believe in if they stand for the SNP then they are the best candidate. The biggest moron here mate is you with your weird cult we are always right attitude.

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Great summary of the candidates here, everyone according to you is a total moron with the obvious exception of the fantastic SNP candidate. This is typical of the "one party state" mentally of Nationalist supporters. No matter who they are or what they believe in if they stand for the SNP then they are the best candidate. The biggest moron here mate is you with your weird cult we are always right attitude.

The only place up for grabs here in the biggest moron competition is runner up.
You're way out in front and won't be caught.
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12 minutes ago, North Terrace Gazza said:

Great summary of the candidates here, everyone according to you is a total moron with the obvious exception of the fantastic SNP candidate. This is typical of the "one party state" mentally of Nationalist supporters. No matter who they are or what they believe in if they stand for the SNP then they are the best candidate. The biggest moron here mate is you with your weird cult we are always right attitude.

And this is typical of the sore loser mentality of Britnats. You'd think they'd be better at losing elections given all the practice they've had recently.

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19 minutes ago, North Terrace Gazza said:

Great summary of the candidates here, everyone according to you is a total moron with the obvious exception of the fantastic SNP candidate. This is typical of the "one party state" mentally of Nationalist supporters. No matter who they are or what they believe in if they stand for the SNP then they are the best candidate. The biggest moron here mate is you with your weird cult we are always right attitude.

You're taking this really well I see.

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38 minutes ago, North Terrace Gazza said:

Great summary of the candidates here, everyone according to you is a total moron with the obvious exception of the fantastic SNP candidate. This is typical of the "one party state" mentally of Nationalist supporters. No matter who they are or what they believe in if they stand for the SNP then they are the best candidate. The biggest moron here mate is you with your weird cult we are always right attitude.

You're not representative of the Unionist mindset in any way.  And in no way is your bandwagon jumping description of SNP supporters as a cult in any way ironic.

No siree Bob.


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6 hours ago, North Terrace Gazza said:

Great summary of the candidates here, everyone according to you is a total moron with the obvious exception of the fantastic SNP candidate. This is typical of the "one party state" mentally of Nationalist supporters. No matter who they are or what they believe in if they stand for the SNP then they are the best candidate. The biggest moron here mate is you with your weird cult we are always right attitude.

Wind your neck in - I didn't mention the SNP candidate because he's so vanilla. In that respect, it's what made him the only realistic choice for the voters with at least two braincells to rub together, especially in an area that's become a by word for corruption and cack-handedness at Cotton Street, exemplified by Councillor Terry Kelly - Scottish politics answer to Forrest Gump.

Paterson's one that's been trained by the routine party methods and structure which once upon a time were common to the Tories and old Liberal parties, but now only appear to survive in Scotland within the SNP.

If Scotland has found itself in a "one party state", it's largely because of the shocking manner Scottish party politics has allowed itself to crumble so it resembles the Welsh Premier League, only one professional outfit amid a string of decaying has beens and never would bes of ever decreasing relevance masked by deceptive flourishes of revivals and the occasional fashionable New Force which turns out to be a farce.

For the record, just about the only other candidate fit for the job was Dougan. He's got a lot of growing up to do, but he's at least an idealist who despises the manner Scottish Labour has run Scotland as a private fiefdom run on semi-feudal lines, and the cancerous politics and corruption which came with it. Probably in time he'll grow disillusioned with the Scottish Tories, who are certainly not his friends nor political allies. But time will tell.

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Wind your neck in - I didn't mention the SNP candidate because he's so vanilla. In that respect, it's what made him the only realistic choice for the voters with at least two braincells to rub together, especially in an area that's become a by word for corruption and cack-handedness at Cotton Street, exemplified by Councillor Terry Kelly - Scottish politics answer to Forrest Gump.

Paterson's one that's been trained by the routine party methods and structure which once upon a time were common to the Tories and old Liberal parties, but now only appear to survive in Scotland within the SNP.

If Scotland has found itself in a "one party state", it's largely because of the shocking manner Scottish party politics has allowed itself to crumble so it resembles the Welsh Premier League, only one professional outfit amid a string of decaying has beens and never would bes of ever decreasing relevance masked by deceptive flourishes of revivals and the occasional fashionable New Force which turns out to be a farce.

For the record, just about the only other candidate fit for the job was Dougan. He's got a lot of growing up to do, but he's at least an idealist who despises the manner Scottish Labour has run Scotland as a private fiefdom run on semi-feudal lines, and the cancerous politics and corruption which came with it. Probably in time he'll grow disillusioned with the Scottish Tories, who are certainly not his friends nor political allies. But time will tell.

Fair enough that's a better summary. I'm so fed up with everyone jumping on the SNP bandwagon and believing that all their candidates are the best candidates. Also it appears that to criticise "the party" is not allowed in this forum. But I will bow to your greater appreciation of all the candidates regardless of party.
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