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RISE - The "Scottish Syriza"


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On 12/28/2017 at 09:47, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Loki is the Scottish version of that Hillbilly Elegy tosser from a few months back who idiots thought 'explained Trump/Brexit' - useful because he's an authentically working-class person who happens to say the things that the biggest wankers in the commentatorsphere agree with.

Loki has had a go at the 'middle classes' and their comfort and ignorance. He's now a Scotsman columnist FFS... and his tweets are admired by JK Rowling's beast-friend Brian Spanner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've followed McEnaney a few times intermittently on Twitter but I always end up unfollowing him. I agree with a lot of what he tweets and he has a pro-Yes/anti-SNP stance which interests me but there's just something about him I find a bit irritating.

Fast becoming the most insufferable one on scotpol after Loki - some decent views, but has a massive smug face and is a patronising guy. Suspect he’ll go a bit Tompkins in the future and go from RISE to more right-wing (though I believe he’s not a member of the party anymore anyway).

He’s got his own book coming out as well - expect 5/5 reviews from the commentariat.
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  • 4 weeks later...

What’s everyone’s opinions on the latest RISE-related Twitter stooshie? I’ve given up being on scotpol Twitter - too many people who think they’re more important than they are... though i do feel dissatisfied with the way the independence movement have headed in some fringes, which are becoming disturbingly louder. The smart majority in the SNP just need to keep governing competently... something in me doubts we’ll see RISE do, well, anything within a year or two once Corbyn and Leonard are found oot.

Think I need my break in Berlin this weekend.



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10 hours ago, NotThePars said:

What’s the latest RISE-related Twitter stooshie?

I need you get inside the mind of a Saor Alba da. We are away to go on a long journey.

Cat Boyd had the temerity to go on a union march to support equal pay claims for women at GCC.

She tweeted a photo of this.

These unions support the labour party.

Labour were in control of GCC and fought equal pay claims for years.

The SNP now run GCC

Therefore this is an anti SNP march.

That's it really.

I mean, there are more members of the SNP TU group than there are members of Scottish Labour but going on a union march = anti SNP.


Edited by invergowrie arab
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10 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

I need you get inside the mind of a Saor Alba da. We are away to go on a long journey.

Cat Boyd had the temerity to go on a union march to support equal pay claims for women at GCC.

She tweeted a photo of this.

These unions support the labour party.

Labour were in control of GCC and fought equal pay claims for years.

The SNP now run GCC

Therefore this is an anti SNP march.

That's it really.

I mean, there are more members of the SNP TU group than there are members of Scottish Labour but going on a union march = anti SNP.



More of this then? 



Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 11.43.58.png

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31 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

I need you get inside the mind of a Saor Alba da. We are away to go on a long journey.

Cat Boyd had the temerity to go on a union march to support equal pay claims for women at GCC.

She tweeted a photo of this.

These unions support the labour party.

Labour were in control of GCC and fought equal pay claims for years.

The SNP now run GCC

Therefore this is an anti SNP march.

That's it really.

I mean, there are more members of the SNP TU group than there are members of Scottish Labour but going on a union march = anti SNP.


It's really that cat Boyd is tweeting anti SNP stuff and claiming those pointing out labours hpocrisy are opposed to equal pay for women, ie lying.

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14 minutes ago, mjw said:

It's just another Cat Boyd on twitter thing.
Post something,someone challenges the tweet and Cat starts calling everyone anti something or other.
Tedious as f**k to be honest.

I had no idea who she was until I saw her on QT saying she didn't bother her hole to vote, which concluded my interest in the things she has to say.

As usual your media profile as an indy supporter is directly proportional to how often you criticise the SNP/Scottish Government. 

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  • 5 months later...

Nae RISE-related per-se but national secretary Connor Beaton resigns from the SSP - with a blog post which doesn't paint Colin Fox and the party in general in too guid a light -



Irony overload from one of the most tedious guys on Scottish Twitter (which a smug photo) and ex-RISE candidate here -


Edited by Sunrise
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15 hours ago, Sunrise said:

Nae RISE-related per-se but national secretary Connor Beaton resigns from the SSP - with a blog post which doesn't paint Colin Fox and the party in general in too guid a light -



Irony overload from one of the most tedious guys on Scottish Twitter (which a smug photo) and ex-RISE candidate here -



Yeah, the Socialists tearing themselves apart again... As to that smug photo, I almost hate the guy for that photo alone. His tweets don't help though.

He last had a go at the 'zoomers' who are protesting about the BBC. This from a member of RISE who berated diners in McDonalds and drove around Glasgow in a transit van screeching 'vote RISE'.

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9 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:

I was a member but didn't bother renewing as for a party of activists, it felt like a whole lot of inaction.

I'd still vote for them if I hop back over for the independence life, mind.


My mate stopped paying his dues like two years ago but still gets invited to everything. I don't think they're too organised tbh.

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