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Victory speech


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H_B is wrong on The White Paper. It included the Article 48 nonsense that was ruled out emphatically by the European Commission and European Council Presidents. Chapter 6 said

"The Scottish Government has proposed an 18-month period between the referendum and independence, which we believe is realistic for the terms of Scotland’s independent membership of the EU to be agreed and all the necessary processes completed. It also provides sufficient time for the Scottish Government to undertake the necessary legal and institutional preparations for independent EU membership.

"The Scottish situation is sui generis. There is no specific provision within the EU Treaties for the situation where, by a consensual and lawful constitutional process, the democratically determined majority view in part of the territory of an existing member state is that it should become an independent country.

"Article 49 of the Treaty of the European Union provides the legal basis, and defines the procedure, for a conventional enlargement where the candidate country is seeking membership from outside the EU. As Scotland joined the EU in 1973 this is not the starting position from which the Scottish Government will be pursuing independent EU membership. Article 49 does not appear to be the appropriate legal base on which to facilitate Scotland’s transition to full EU membership.

"The alternative to an Article 49 procedure, and a legal basis that the Scottish Government considers is appropriate to the prospective circumstances, is that Scotland’s transition to full membership is secured under the general provisions of Article 48. Article 48 provides for a Treaty amendment to be agreed by common accord on the part of the representatives of the governments of the member states.

Article 48 is therefore a suitable legal route to facilitate the transition process, by allowing the EU Treaties to be amended through ordinary revision procedure before Scotland becomes independent, to enable it to become a member state at the point of independence.

Full independence and automatic EU Membership in only 18 months? Unbelievable!
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of many reasons why I could never have gone into politics. In politics you generally have to be magnanimous and say things like "my honorable friend" and so on. My victory speech would have been very similar to yours, probably with the addition of both middle fingers.

Then the media accuse you of calling people your friends.

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Then the media accuse you of calling people your friends.

I've also eaten at a McDonald's within the last year so there's no way I could hack it in Westminster.

No surprise to see Bishop Briggs still overheating and blue-screening on here, the guy's a humorless fantasist.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More reason for the yes brigade to wallow in glorious failure. Maybe get it transcrypted onto a tshirt, fancy canvasses or even mugs perhaps

On saying that it would need to be as a tattoo for the latter as you'd have to have been a mug to vote for anything which involved that arse piece

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More reason for the yes brigade to wallow in glorious failure.

You have a point. 56 (or 55 if you're a pedant) out of 59 MPs and a 30 point lead in the Holyrood polls is about as glorious as failure gets.

I'll chalk you up as yet another permaseething Britnat.

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No I don't give your lot that much thought on a weekly basis. It is more pleasing waking up knowing that more than 55% of your fellow countrymen think the same way you do...

I am astonished to learn that it doesn't bother you and you don't give it much thought. A lot of your fellow unionists claim the same.

Funny that.

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Because it's patently pish.

Your average Unionist is utterly raging with Scotland's political awakening.

This certainly comes through from the absolutely raging ones who whine incessantly about "the SNP dividing Scotland". Their tacit belief that even having a *say* on Scotland being a sovereign state or a region of the U.K. was something awful says a great deal about their insecurities.

They genuinely appear to think that, prior to Scotland electing the SNP to Holyrood, we were all completely satisfied British nationalists who would never question the sovereignty of Westminster or Scotland's divine status as a wee "proud" minority region of the great "one nation" state.

When questioning the status quo leads to panicked complaints about "division" threatening conformity, it's really time to question who it is that's actually "brainwashed".

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What I find laughable is throughout the whole referendum build up Salmond repeatedly asked Darling that should the referendum result in a Yes vote would the No campaign move on, accept and work together in the future to strive to make it a better place, the SNP was always quick to beat them with his lack off/Slow response

Now fast forward one year and after a No vote we have the Yes campaigners, mostly SNP with a few others thrown in who will not work with anyone else and will not accept the fact that a majority 55% voted No

Hypocrisy has reached a whole new level

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What I find laughable is throughout the whole referendum build up Salmond repeatedly asked Darling that should the referendum result in a Yes vote would the No campaign move on, accept and work together in the future to strive to make it a better place, the SNP was always quick to beat them with his lack off/Slow response

Now fast forward one year and after a No vote we have the Yes campaigners, mostly SNP with a few others thrown in who will not work with anyone else and will not accept the fact that a majority 55% voted No

Hypocrisy has reached a whole new level

Magic innit?


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What I find laughable is throughout the whole referendum build up Salmond repeatedly asked Darling that should the referendum result in a Yes vote would the No campaign move on, accept and work together in the future to strive to make it a better place, the SNP was always quick to beat them with his lack off/Slow response

Now fast forward one year and after a No vote we have the Yes campaigners, mostly SNP with a few others thrown in who will not work with anyone else and will not accept the fact that a majority 55% voted No

Hypocrisy has reached a whole new level

I thought the snp were trying to work with corbyn and labour to provide an effective opposition to the tories at wm?

And to be fair the fact that the Scottish electorate turned Scotland yellow in the may election suggests your gripe about not moving on should really be with the Scottish people.

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I thought the snp were trying to work with corbyn and labour to provide an effective opposition to the tories at wm?

And to be fair the fact that the Scottish electorate turned Scotland yellow in the may election suggests your gripe about not moving on should really be with the Scottish people.

I could also have sworn that Nicola Sturgeon offered to support a Labour government to block the Tories out if Ed Miliband somehow managed to win more seats than the Tories. The glorious Labour leader, however, said he'd rather a Tory government than lead one which relied on SNP support to get legislation through. Good old Ed, hammering a nail into his own party's coffin.

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She may have offered to work with the Labour but labour did not get elected.

Will Gnasher work with the Tories to reach a compromise and try to make it a brighter future??

Nah didn't think so

^^^ playing the (wo)man with disgusting nicknames.

Vile Cyberbritnat.

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She may have offered to work with the Labour but labour did not get elected.

Will Gnasher work with the Tories to reach a compromise and try to make it a brighter future??

Nah didn't think so

What compromise?

The tories are hell bent on fucking over the unions and the poor and couldn't give a f**k about the snp or Scotland.

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