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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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14 hours ago, 8MileBU said:


What, like you did? emoji1.png



Well not really: your contributions were simply too cretinous to be noticed at the time. Not sure you're desperately trying to draw attention to them again, like some sort of jakey Paxman. 

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3 hours ago, trainspotter said:

Walked past the merchandise van in Buchanan Street this morning, noticed their online link and decided to have a look.

Tacky beyond belief, and full of stuff perfect for the attention-seeking grief merchant in your life - a "Lest We Forget" hoodie, branded Poop Bag Holder (http://www.poppyscotlandstore.com/poppy-gifts/pets.html ) and poppy-stamped Titleist golf balls being particular lowlights.

Yep: there's an even tackier merchandise stall set up in the Oak Mall in Greenock - so much for the 'quiet dignity' of a poppy sufficing. 

Though I guess credit is due for somehow managing to be the most cringeworthy addition to that failed bin of a shopping centre; it's quite an achievement. 

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It's a simple mark of recalling how shite killing folk is and it's apolitical.

If it was truly apolitical, 99% of the predictable rhetoric from certain quarters wouldn't be happening. And I mean that to reflect the extremists on both sides of this debate.

It is political. Even proclaiming yourself to be a pacifist is a political stance.

There is a distinct lack of honesty in this whole squabble.
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4 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

I blame Lee Wallace

I asked this a couple of weeks ago over in the Quick Questions thread but never got a straight answer.

Why does Lee Wallace get such a pounding here? (No Kenneth Williams/Sid James photos please!)

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7 hours ago, trainspotter said:

Walked past the merchandise van in Buchanan Street this morning, noticed their online link and decided to have a look.

Tacky beyond belief, and full of stuff perfect for the attention-seeking grief merchant in your life - a "Lest We Forget" hoodie, branded Poop Bag Holder (http://www.poppyscotlandstore.com/poppy-gifts/pets.html ) and poppy-stamped Titleist golf balls being particular lowlights.

Do they have a Vest we Forget?

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2 hours ago, GordonD said:

So the game was played in March, but the day after a photo of the badge was posted here FIFA start investigating? Definitely a mole...


Was ran a couple of days ago to be fair.


The bearz not happy...


OlegKuznetsov 9,830
34,052 posts
Posted yesterday at 11:13 AM
On 01/11/2016 at 10:12 AM, BLUEDIGNITY said:
Fifa and uefa have always been ran with scum terrorist nazi ira sympathising corrupt shite ! They ban the poppy and this has been condoned . . .:sherlock:


Yes. Absolute fucking hypocrites. 

When you consider both decisions, it looks distinctly anti-British. 


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49 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Image result for lee wallace grass

Thanks for that.

So he reported it to the ref when he got back inside? You'd have thought it it actually happened he'd have reported it to the police - it's not as if it would have been hard to find one.

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1 hour ago, 8MileBU said:

No, they weren't, just corrected your ridiculous calculation of salary and asked you to explain what 'an ordinary britnat soldier' was...

Instead of the ludicrous deflection, just answer the question.


Ordinary britnat sodjer = sub educated gun happy Unionist Orange cawk.


Happy to help...hope they all die...overpaid cuntos....cut the pensions....killers....


Etc etc... Hashtag etc.

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2 hours ago, 8MileBU said:

No, they weren't, just corrected your ridiculous calculation of salary and asked you to explain what 'an ordinary britnat soldier' was...

Instead of the ludicrous deflection, just answer the question.


Yes it was. It's fairly self-explanatory: a soldier is paid to 'defend' the British nationalist state. So a Britnat soldier then.

The fact that the British state hasn't actually had to defend itself against any credible threat since 1945 means that they are not in fact selfless heroes, but rather mercenaries doing it for the cash.

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12 hours ago, renton said:

Yes, futility. For all the strategic necesssity of defending the low countries, the cost ended up out of all proportion to the gains. You can look at social attitudes of the time, the frustration stemming from a lack of change in society, the lack of what might be termed the 'fruits of victory', the rise in socialism at this time, the eventual toppling of Haig's reputation after his death in '27,

So no actual proof that most British people thought the Great War had been futile. Just waffle about Haig's reputation. 

Trust me you can fight for something you believe in and still believe you commanders are clowns. Its almost a default setting for soldiers. 

And defending Belgium was not "strategic", not for the British people. It was moral. Sometimes you have have to fight for moral reasons. 


I would note that this whole thing never used to be an issue and has become more prominent as the years pass. What once was a quiet moment of respect is now something where public figures are pilloried if they aren't seen wearing poppies for two weeks prior, where you can now show your virtue signalling

On this thread people have been attacked for simply saying they donate to the Poppy Appeal. No problem for you. 

The right wing press have always been jingoistic twats (Foot/ Cenotaph). One of the big changes that has happened is the Poppy Appeal is no longer heart warming black and white pictures of cheeky chapies in the brodie helmets and a fag in their mouth off to a battle no one has heard off in a campaign no one remembers.

Now its pictures of young men and women in their Mark 6 helmet and a follow up of them in a wheel chair garnering sympathy for modern soldiers. 

Seeing the disabled young people as sympathetic is described as "drumming up support for modern wars" and your rather weird "fetish" comment. I can absolutely guarantee you most younger former soldiers in the UK do not feel "fetishised".


You people just do not want this generation of soldiers to be shown in a sympathetic light. 


and the populist alt right are now the centre of political gravity

Alt right is an alternative name for the up to date KKK style right in the US.



popular right wing paper is today rounding on the judiciary over brexit and outright called an established pillar of liberal democracy 'an enemy of the people'.

Pictures of disabled veterans from Iraq caused this?

Both the left and the right politicise poppies and use former armed service personnel and the poppies as proxies for their war on each other. Neither has the interests of the ex soldiers at heart. The main difference is that more right wing is mostly around the dead tree media and that is seen as more influential. 

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