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Dundee to play Celtic in the US.

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This is the sort of thing that I'd expect myself to be absolutely dead against, but actually I'm sort of warming to the idea. Folk are always going on about finding new ways to market our game and make it interesting, and while this isn't the route I'd go down, it would definitely spark interest. Regardless of what people think, it definitely will attract attention, and I'd say that a neutral supporter would probably be much more likely to watch Dundee v Celtic live from Boston than Dundee v Celtic live from Dens Park. That can't really be a bad thing for any of the parties involved.

It should never be imposed on any clubs who don't want to be involved, but in this case it seems as though Dundee have suggested it and Celtic are happy to go along with it. It doesn't seem to be an SPFL or SFA initiative, nor does it seem to have been imposed by TV companies. The only people really losing out are the fans of Dundee and Celtic. However, I reckon a Celtic game probably attracts fewer home fans than most other Dundee games, and Celtic fans are p***ks anyway so I don't care about them. Dundee will probably compensate their fans by reducing season ticket prices or giving them a free cup game or something anyway.

The SPFL should only give permission for it to go ahead on the condition that the vast majority of the money made from it is added to the prize pot to be shared amongst all the clubs.

This. I look forward to one less game at Dens (which I resent having to go to) against them and a slight season ticket reduction. It does feel like someone will do this sort of thing eventually so I'd rather we take advantage of it and get a bit of media attention than someone else.

As long as it's not going to make a loss (which I'd doubt considering our US owners have been planning to fund a pre-season trip there since they arrived) then the worst it can be is a pub quiz question in years to come. This won't lead to a regular outsourcing of competitive games or anything like that.

Question: Is Paul McGowan allowed in the US?

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Everyone on here bangs on about the lack of promotion in our game.

Someone tries to promote the game abroad (good on Dundee BTW) everyone loses the plot says it's a bad idea.

This can only be good for the game in Scotland. If it meant me losing a home game on my season ticket I'd be okay with that and of course the Dundee fans could be compensated in some way.

Punters on here are total hypocrites .

You say this, but why aren't we trying to promote the game in Scotland ffs? Why are we selling ourselves (and let's be honest it is designed to be a plastic paddy fest, let's make no mistake) to the States when we can't sell it to punters on our own door step?

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As a one-off it would be interesting. There would be a lot of intrigue to it. However come the day people would see it for what it is - Dundee v Celtic.

As a regular thing I'd be surprised if it didn't die on its arse very soon. It's Dundee pushing it, so presumably they want to be involved every season. Outside Celtic and Rangers there's not a game they could sell out with Scotland - including their own derby.

Celtic fans living in the USA would clearly be interested, but would it win new fans? Unlikely. The NFL sells at Wembley because it's bigger than any Gridiron game in the UK. Would a Major League Soccer game held in England be as big a deal though? Likewise, is Dundee v Celtic bigger than what the Americans already have in their own league? They have Gerrard and Lampard and we're trying to sell them Paul McGowan and Scott Brown.

I don't follow the NFL, but my mate was down at Wembley recently for a game, and the big thing for him was enjoying the whole experience - the pre-match stuff outside the ground, to the whole razzmatazz they do inside before and during games.

The Scottish football experience is shite. If it's better in America it'll be because the hosts will know what they're doing, not Dundee or Celtic.

I'd suggest a better idea would be to improve the product for Scottish fans first, make going to Scottish grounds more enticing. Not hosting random games in the USA for little or no long term benefit.

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Everyone on here bangs on about the lack of promotion in our game.

Someone tries to promote the game abroad (good on Dundee BTW) everyone loses the plot says it's a bad idea.

This can only be good for the game in Scotland. If it meant me losing a home game on my season ticket I'd be okay with that and of course the Dundee fans could be compensated in some way.

Punters on here are total hypocrites .

What a load of horseshit.

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Think it's a shite idea, just as it was shite when Chris Robinson was suggesting Hearts play Celtic in Australia. If you want to showcase the league take games over outwith the league or create a Supercup to be played elsewhere, Cup winners V League winners.

League games should be played in Scotland, and this would effectively switch to a home game for Celtic. The only plus side I could see would be if it went ahead, maybe the folk in charge of the SPFL would realise how superior the match day experience is in the States and they could bring a new idea or two back with them.

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Pointless exercise. Even if it does raise the profile of the game slightly, Doncaster et al are so fucking incompetent that they would fail to capitalise on it.

I really fail to see the point though. Surely it's going to cost Dundee a substantial amount to fly over there and accommodate the players etc?

That's it for me. If it was done by the Premier League down South, I could see there being opposition, but it would undoubtedly be done well due to the massive marketing machine they have in place there. For us, it'll be done incredibly poorly, and probably just show Scottish football up for being even poorer than it currently is. The vast majority of Americans already think football's a shit game compared to their own sports - is letting, as mrcat said, the Real Dundee Blue Conquerers and the Glasgow Irish Celts do tepid battle in an American city really going to bring that much benefit to the game in this country?

If they really want to entertain this idea, I wouldn't start with a league game, and particularly not this league game. Take the top 4 over for a friendly tournament next pre-season, market it well, and see how it's attended. If there's an appetite for it, then consider putting on a league game.

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I can see the immediate attraction for Dundee and Celtic in holding this game. Dundee will be given a small wad of cash, presumably sufficient for the board to justify stiffing their fans. Celtic will get to feed their delusions as a global brand and may make an extra few quid in merchandising sales. That's the extent of it though. The notion that benefits will accrue to the rest of the Scottish game, or to the two participants in the long term, is fanciful in the extreme.

Against these meagre rewards there's the obvious harm that it does in undermining the only really important customers of Scottish football, which is the fans who go to games in Scotland, and particularly those who buy season tickets.

Thankfully Dundee fans are notoriously gullible hoors, so the damage is probably minimised on that score.

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Think it's a shite idea, just as it was shite when Chris Robinson was suggesting Hearts play Celtic in Australia. If you want to showcase the league take games over outwith the league or create a Supercup to be played elsewhere, Cup winners V League winners.


This would be a better idea. If they were perhaps suggesting the top 2 in Scotland, or league and cup winners, went and faced the MLS equivilant in a mini-tournament, then that might be interesting.

It could be a regular thing - every two years in USA, the other years we host them in Scotland.

That sort of thing would be far better than sending them a random league fixture and expecting the bemused Americans to be more interested in it than New York v La Galaxy.

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I think I'm one of the only Dee fans who thinks this is a good idea.

The proposed game will take place next season so it would have to result in some form of reduction/incentive for our season ticket holders.

There is also massive potential that the club would be in a position to raise a large amount of cash from this. Our owners know the market in the US. I'm not for one minute suggesting that we are some kind of brand, let alone a global brand (we leave that world famous ridiculousness to our near neighbours) but for one game, the club may stand to benefit substantially. I for one could handle not seeing us get pumped by Celtic at Dens for one game next season. If this goes ahead the positives would far our way the negatives.

The board are entrepreneurs, that's how they have made their money. I'm certain this isn't some back of a fag packet plan..

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The jealousy and seethe at the box office dealings of Dundee FC is as pleasing as it is predictable.

If your clubs toe the line we'll maybe involve you in our global matches at some point and basically clear your debts for you. If you don't we'll ensure you are cut out the deal completely. We are that powerful.

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