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The joke thread: a thread for camaraderie and hilarity

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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went camping in the country, In the middle of the night Holmes nudged Watson awake and said, "Watson, what thought comes to you as you look up at the night sky?"

Watson said, "Well, Holmes, I see the thousands of stars that cover the heavens and bear witness to the magnificence of God's creation, and I realise how small and insignificant we are, and yet the fact that God is still mindful of us fills me with wonder. What thought comes to you?"

And Holmes replied, "That somebody has stolen our f*ck*ng tent!"

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Two posh Kelvinside women meet up in a less than salubrious city centre cafe. A waitress approaches them and enquires  "Whit are youse wantin'"?

Could we have two teas please, with milk and sugar? replied one woman.

"And could I have mine in a clean cup, please," said the other

5 minutes later the waitress returns..... "Two teas", she says, "Now which wan of youse asked fur a clean cup"?  


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A worldwide survey was conducted by the UN.

The only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?"

The survey was a huge failure.

In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant.

In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant.

In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant.

In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant.

In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant.

In South America they didn't know what "please" meant.

And in the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

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An Inverurie couple were holidaying in New York and were having a coffee in a cafe. An American guy, overhearing their accents asked where they were from.

"We're from Scotland", hubby replied...."Fits he sayin', fits he sayin'" said his wife, who was a little hard of hearing.

"He's asking where we are from", said hubby

The American guy pipes up again....."Yes, I could tell you are Scottish, I just wondered whereabouts in Scotland"

Before he could reply, his wife pipes up again..."Fits he sayin', fits he sayin"

"He's asking whereabouts in Scotland" says hubby

He then turns to the American and says "We're from a small town not far from Aberdeen called Inverurie"

The American is astonished - "I've been to Inverurie several years ago," he says, "I remember that town very well because it was where I had the worst sexual experience of my life"

"Fits he sayin', fits he sayin'" pipes up the wife yet again.

"He says he kens ye," replies a somewhat exasperated hubby.


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Guy goes to the doctor with an embarrassing problem - "It's like this, doctor, whenever I go for a pee, it tends to come out of the sides of my willie and basically going all over the place. It's really embarrassing whenever I go to a public toilet as I often end up spraying the person standing next to me"

"Let's have a look then" says the doc, so the guy unzips his fly and puts his willie on the table. The doctor peers down and takes a close look at it.

"Ah", he says, I can see the problem here. "Your willie's covered in little perforations"

"Can you do anything to sort it out" asks the guy. "Yes", says the doctor, "I want you to make an appointment to go and see this guy" he says, handing him slip of paper. "Okay" says the guy, I'll do that, is he a specialist or something?

"Not really", says the doc "He's a clarinet player, "he'll teach you how to hold it properly" 


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