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[*]Sitting down for a piss (if you are a male)

[*]Men who add flavoured syrup to a coffee.

[*]Men who drink Lattes/Cappucino's/Soy Lattes/Chai Tea Latte/Chai Tea/Green Tea/Peppermint Tea.

[*]Referring to square sausage as Lorne/Slice/Flat

There it is, my Beastly list of shame.

I marked myself as a sit down pisser. I do this if I get up through the night as I leave the bathroom light off. (bathroom fan makes a hoor of a racket) I pee normally the rest of the time.

I actually combine the next two, I occasionally put syrup in my latte, not sure if this halves the Beastliness involved or doubles it. (probably the latter)

I don't agree with the last point, it's called Lorne, any packet of the stuff in supermarkets or the wee label in my local butcher calls it such. However, in the spirit of the thread, I will accept the point.

BEAST score: 12.

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Do the folk that stand up to wipe never ask themselves why the toilet roll isn't at head height?

You don't need to be a contortionist to meerly rock to the side to wipe.

Must have arses like a Rorschach tests...

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I think he just fucked off of his own accord when someone worked it out. In fact, seeing the stuff about the Adam Johnson case today reminded me, they were similar ages

This forum's searching capacity is horrendous, so I'd presume turboshandy's last post was made at some point after January 2015. Some digging later and it was yourself who did the maths: or at least pointed it out. Effectively, they got together when he was 27/28 and she was 16/17.

I should also add that this actually happened in January 2015 and it appears he's since deleted the post and never been seen on the board again. A wise move. "A few eyebrows raised" ffs.

I remember posting in the thread but just wasn't sure if he was banned for it or fucked off himself.

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And why in the name of God would your wallet have a zip?

Mine has a stud. He keeps it in his pocket 8)

Surely referring to oneself in the third person should have been included. The behaviour of utter perverts, as just evidenced.

Edit: or, I suppose second person too.

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