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Granny Danger

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In exactly the same way as someone in English that refers to the move in chess where you take a pawn that has just moved two spaces by cutting in behind it with another pawn as "en passant" is not speaking French just because those two words come from French.

Ffs if they’re no speaking French then whit language are they speaking.

If in a post I say Gracias or Merci or Danke am I no speaking a foreign language.


Nice to see casual racism towards the Native Americans. Keep it up.

Again ffs.

You look at any old time western movie and you will see and hear plenty of examples of that.


Yes. It's quite one thing to speak with a dialect and occasionally to say things like "naw" or "aye", but if you were saying things like "thocht" instead of "thought" I would look for the first opportunity to get away from you.
Well it looks like we will never meet socially in a pub, café or wherever.


Like, maybe thirty to fifty years ago that was true. Almost everyone I know under 40 does not speak broad Scots and deviates from Standard English no more than anyone living in Bradford, Gateshead, Cornwall, Liverpool or Birmingham.

But by your own admission you mix with the ’upper classes’ of Scottish society, the wannabe English and dinnae mix wi’ the plebs.


People from Scotland, who speak Scots, I genuinely find irritating, but for the older generation out of politeness I adopt a live and let live approach.
That is fucking pitiful and it’s no often I swear.

Whit dae ye dae when your canvassing door tae door?

Dae ye tell them tae speak English ye peasants.

People who deliberately contort their vocabulary to emphasise how authentically Scottish they are on a football forum are sad fucks with a chip on their shoulder.

I'm a Scot living for over three score & ten years in my ain country.

Why should I no write and speak in Scots.

Whaur am I contorting my vocabulary.


I'll repeat this so that it sinks in.

There are three political figures (I ken there's mair) who I consider proper c**ts.

Gordon Brown, Peter Hain & Alistair Carmichael.

You will be pleased tae ken that there is now a fourth.

There is one guid Scots word which encompasses the four o' ye.



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People from Scotland, who speak Scots, I genuinely find irritating, but for the older generation out of politeness I adopt a live and let live approach.

People who deliberately contort their vocabulary to emphasise how authentically Scottish they are on a football forum are sad fucks with a chip on their shoulder.



And your use of language on here isn't entirely designed to emphasize anything about the way you see yourself, is it?


The phrase 'sad fucks with a chip on their shoulder' could have been invented for you at times.

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1. Ffs if they’re no[t] speaking French then wh[a]t language are they speaking.

2. If in a post I say Gracias or Merci or Danke am I no[t] speaking a foreign language.

3. You look at any old time western movie and you will see and hear plenty of examples of that.

4. Well it looks like we will never meet socially in a pub, café or wherever.

1. English.

2. Since none of those words have been adopted into the vernacular of English or any of its dialects, or Scots, then respectively Italian, French and German. This is not the same as someone using a phrase that has been incorporated into our language to mean something specific from another one. 

3. Yes, and it's racist to call them Red Indians.

4. Praise Jeebus.


But by your own admission you mix with the ’upper classes’ of Scottish society, the wannabe English and d[on't] mix wi[th] the plebs.

I never said that. I said my family was an integrated part of the Scottish middle class. I did not say that I "don't mix with the plebs".


That is fucking pitiful and it’s no[t] often I swear.

Wh[a]t d[o] y[ou] d[o] when your canvassing door t[o] door?

D[o] y[ou] tell them t[o] speak English y[ou] peasants.

No, because they all speak near impeccable English or at most do it with an accent or with occasional dialect.


I'm a Scot living for over [seventy] years in my [ow]n country.

Why should I no[t] write and speak in Scots.

Wh[ere] am I contorting my vocabulary.

Because even the most rabid Nats I know speak impeccable English and your contortions add absolutely nothing to intelligibility and make you look like a fool.

You are contorting your vocabulary literally in every instance in this reply where I have had to insert square brackets when quoting you.


I'll repeat this so that it sinks in.

There are three political figures (I k[now] there's m[o]r[e]) who I consider proper c**ts.

Gordon Brown, Peter Hain & Alistair Carmichael.

You will be pleased t[o] k[now] that there is now a fourth.

There is one g[oo]d Scots word which encompasses the four o[f] y[ou].



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And your use of language on here isn't entirely designed to emphasize anything about the way you see yourself, is it?

No, the way I use language is instinctive to me. And it's consistent and intelligible to anyone with a proper education.

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And your use of language on here isn't entirely designed to emphasize anything about the way you see yourself, is it?


The phrase 'sad fucks with a chip on their shoulder' could have been invented for you at times.


Surely Rabbie was thinking o' Ad Lib when he wrote

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us

To see oursels as others see us!

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Surely Rabbie was thinking o' Ad Lib when he wrote

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us

To see oursels as others see us!

Bit of a slip there, Little William.

I think you'll find that Robert (he never went by Rabbie) used the variant "ither" and not "other".

Maybe you're a Sassenach-loving turncoat after all?

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No, the way I use language is instinctive to me. And it's consistent and intelligible to anyone with a proper education.


They should attach magnets to you, the persistent attraction of your head to the interior of your arsehole would cause you to spin so fast, I reckon they could power 5,000 homes off of it.

Edited by renton
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No, the way I use language is instinctive to me. And it's consistent and intelligible to anyone with a proper education.

language is simply a means of communication not an academic exercise. His chosen means is 100% intelligible to every single person in the country. You are simply very ignorant and a self loathing snob, that's the problem here not his language.

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language is simply a means of communication not an academic exercise. His chosen means is 100% intelligible to every single person in the country. You are simply very ignorant and a self loathing snob, that's the problem here not his language.


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They should attach magnets to you, the persistent attraction of your head to the interior of your arsehole would cause you to spin so fast, I reckon they could power 5,000 homes off of it.


I wish I had thocht o' that. :lol:


language is simply a means of communication not an academic exercise. His chosen means is 100% intelligible to every single person in the country. You are simply very ignorant and a self loathing snob, that's the problem here not his language.


Thank you for that.

He is a sleekit snob who is slavish, servile and sick.

Oh and he's also a useless c**t.

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do you have a problem understanding It?

No, I understand it. I merely pointed out the statement is false.

You just look down your nose at Scotland and at working class people, that's what this is about, your prejudices. You are a truly vile person.

It's got nothing to do with class. There is nothing about being working class that compels someone to type the word "thocht" instead of "thought" on their keyboard or "dinnae" instead of "don't" in order to emphasise how SCOTTISH!!!1111ELEVEN they are.

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No, I understand it. I merely pointed out the statement is false.It's got nothing to do with class. There is nothing about being working class that compels someone to type the word "thocht" instead of "thought" on their keyboard or "dinnae" instead of "don't" in order to emphasise how SCOTTISH!!!1111ELEVEN they are.

Who said that's why he does it? He is simply typing how he speaks and in a way he knows everyone can understand perfectly, it's 100% as valid and legitimate as your chosen means of communication. And referring to him as a backwards peasant betrays your true feelings, you look down on working class people it's undeniable, by your own words.

I think your complete lack of morals, honesty and decency as well as class puts him in a much better position to be looking down on you tbh, he's a better person than you.

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Who said that's why he does it? He is simply typing how he speaks and in a way he knows everyone can understand perfectly, it's 100% as valid and legitimate as your chosen means of communication. And referring to him as a backwards peasant betrays your true feelings, you look down on working class people it's undeniable, by your own words. I think your complete lack of morals, honesty and decency as well as class puts him in a much better position to be looking down on you tbh, he's a better person than you.


He really is turning into a nasty little individual.


Good job his party is a political irrelevance.

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He really is turning into a nasty little individual.


Good job his party is a political irrelevance.

I think he's quite obviously someone who didnt have a good upbringing, your parents are supposed to help you develop qualities as a person and imbue values etc, hi complete lack of class, decency, honesty, morals and compassion suggest they failed him very badly.

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Who said that's why he does it? He is simply typing how he speaks and in a way he knows everyone can understand perfectly, it's 100% as valid and legitimate as your chosen means of communication. And referring to him as a backwards peasant betrays your true feelings, you look down on working class people it's undeniable, by your own words. I think your complete lack of morals, honesty and decency as well as class puts him in a much better position to be looking down on you tbh, he's a better person than you.

You really need to read some Marx.

Peasants are not part of the working class (proletariat).

Plenty of "valid and legitimate" things are pathetic and backwards.

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You really need to read some Marx.Peasants are not part of the working class (proletariat).Plenty of "valid and legitimate" things are pathetic and backwards.

Once again you call him a peasant and backwards for speaking scots, you really don't know when to stop digging do You? We all know what peasants are and we can all see what kind of vile a person you are. No amount of pedantry will deflect from that.

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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