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Granny Danger

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21 hours ago, Harambe Legion said:

You really are an idiot. Probably get your tired quips and stereotypes from Mock the Week.

Americans are supposedly "inbred" yet here are the consanguinity rates:


Not to mention that cousin marriage is completely banned in 24 out of 50 states and mostly banned in 31.

Maybe read a book for once you dribbling moron.

To elaborate and clarify.
That table is taken from an article "Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs"
Which explains why the map shows data for  lots of Middle eastern and north aftrican countries but leaves a lot of the world blank as the other countries are blank. 

For the purposes of that paper "cousin Marriage" includes 2nd Cousins while laws in the US against consanguineous marriage generally allow 2nd cousins but draw the line at first cousin.The fact that in some states such a marriage can't by definition exist may mean that there are many Texan or Dakotan first cousins involuntarily living in sin and artificially lowers the overall level for the USA this may, by itself, explain the appearance of Canada in a higher band than the USA.

Furthermore the figures for the rest of the world are there to put the Arab world numbers into perspective so the chances are that less effort was taken to get them all spot on. 

People occasionally breeding with second cousins is unlikely to be a problem but when it becomes commonplace in a population over generations then there can be serious issues. This may be why highly populated states with an already diverse gene pool don't see the need to legislate on this but out on the sparsely populated prairies they do

And finally, but also anecdotally, The mother of a friend of mine married their first cousin late in life long after her children were grown up. The couple seemed very happy together till he died 10 years later.

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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55 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:


This is purely nonsense plucked out of thin air. There is no reason to suppose this. We know from British experience and studies that high levels of inbreeding are present among the Pakistani immigrants in the UK although it is less than in Pakistan. This gives strong credence to the idea that it is a cultural thing far more common there than in the United States. 

williemillersmoustache's lazy Guardian readers comments section style stereotyping still makes him look uninformed.

You are correct that the increased risk is relatively small in a one off. 3-7%. 

It's not necessarily about "highly populated states" as the example of Pakistan shows. Pakistan has a large population but they choose to do it for cultural reasons causing serious problems.

When I suggested that they probably haven't gone to as great lengths to get accurate data for the rest of the world I was chiefly addressing the comparisons that were being made between America and Canada and that surely doesn't seem too nonsensical.

In most countries this isn't a big enough issue for serious research to be done into it. Pakistan as you point out is one where this is clearly a big enough issue their source for that data seems to be  http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/3/463.short where 50% of the mother's in the study were in a consanguineous marriage.Whether it's correct to treat that study as a representative sample of Pakistan in general is hard to say without going past the paywall other studies have come back with lower, but still high, figures: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-biosocial-science/article/div-classtitleconsanguinity-and-inbreeding-coefficient-in-tribal-pashtuns-inhabiting-the-turbulent-and-war-affected-territory-of-bajaur-agency-north-west-pakistandiv/2DBE276DB5D01F689762C80204903552

And when I referred to highly populated "states" I was referring to US States as opposed to countries although the variations between them will be far lower than between countries. Essentially I was talking about slight regional differences within relatively homogenous cultures.

Whether we're comparing the Karachi with the Tribal North west of Pakistan, Manhattan with Appalachia, Or Cairo with the western desert the idea that people marry their cousins more often in smaller isolated communities shouldn't be too ridiculous.

But we've got sidetracked. 

your basic point that there's a lot of bits of the world with more inbreeding than the united states is valid

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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Netanyahu wants an Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter pardoned.  If anything he should have been tried for murder.

Any pretence of Israel's support for a peaceful and just solution to the Palestinian crisis will be laid bare by a minimal sentence or a pardon.


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Benefit claimant in using benefits on something other than gruel shocker.


This is where we are, daytime television presenters vilifying someone because they dared to buy a couple of bottles of prosecco at Christmas.

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Just now, jmothecat said:

Benefit claimant in using benefits on something other than gruel shocker.


This is where we are, daytime television presenters vilifying someone because they dared to buy a couple of bottles of prosecco at Christmas.

that's f**kin terrible. why didnae you buy it for them 

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6 minutes ago, jmothecat said:

Benefit claimant in using benefits on something other than gruel shocker.


This is where we are, daytime television presenters vilifying someone because they dared to buy a couple of bottles of prosecco at Christmas.

If they don't realise that Cava is better than Prosecco then they deserve all the criticism they get.


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It isn't! There are superb Cavas (e.g. Juve & Camps) that are as good as, or better than, Champagne.
There are some great English alternatives to Champagne, such as Nyetimber, too.

There are some superb Cavas that are better than the mediocre champagnes that are generally near their price bracket.

I reckon that the Crémants of Alsace and Burgundy are generally the best value cut price alternatives to champagne.

but it's all a matter of taste.

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There are some superb Cavas that are better than the mediocre champagnes that are generally near their price bracket.

I reckon that the Crémants of Alsace and Burgundy are generally the best value cut price alternatives to champagne.

but it's all a matter of taste.

Euromuck? Down with this sort of thing!
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3 hours ago, jmothecat said:

Benefit claimant in using benefits on something other than gruel shocker.


This is where we are, daytime television presenters vilifying someone because they dared to buy a couple of bottles of prosecco at Christmas.

Don't worry, Fruitbat Carter will be round the This Morning studios tomorrow to sort the smarty c**t out again.

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7 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Bollox. He made it perfectly clear within seconds of the start of that video that he wasnt annoyed about what she spent it on so why are you bullshitting?

He was annoyed by her gloating about the "gift" from other taxpayers. Rightly so. Millions of people work bloody hard and pay taxes from their own pocket to help these people. If you claim benefits and you dont want people to think you are human filth you could at least have the decency to not fucking gloat about how much you are getting.

Trying way too hard :lol:

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Bollox. He made it perfectly clear within seconds of the start of that video that he wasnt annoyed about what she spent it on so why are you bullshitting?
He was annoyed by her gloating about the "gift" from other taxpayers. Rightly so. Millions of people work bloody hard and pay taxes from their own pocket to help these people. If you claim benefits and you dont want people to think you are human filth you could at least have the decency to not fucking gloat about how much you are getting.

Oh of course, everyone who gets benefits should stay in their box and never make a joke or a comment but sit there kissing the feet of taxpayers.

There's a clear 'us and them' attitude coming in where benefit claimants are vilified constantly and portrayed as sub-human. If I faced that sort of barrage of criticism from the media then I would want to make defiant comments too.
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$3500 on Christmas presents for 4 kids, one of whom is a 19 year old adult? That's the outrage.
Teach your kids values instead of spending a wad of cash you don't have to make yourself feel better for being a bad mom the rest of the year.

I couldn't agree more. I've been amazed at how much folk spend on their kids (job or no job).

And they tell you with pride - like it proves how good a parent they are. It actually does the exact opposite.
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