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Granny Danger

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Lovely.  Two fools using the same trope.
How else would you explain Scotland backing off from Indyref2 except for the ineptness of Wee Nicola and her idiot pals?

So inept they trousered 250,000 more votes than in the previous Holyrood election [emoji38]
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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

No need to express outrage.  Dugs returning to their own vomit is a weel kent phenomenon.

Thankfully the sensible people of Scotland realise The SNP are a caustic group of single-issue nonentities.

Er... except those voting dugs used to vote elsewhere just a few years ago and have come over to pastures new in great numbers. Mind, the SNP majority was meant to be impossible. Add to that, when was the last time a party in the UK, or Europe maybe?, got 50% of the vote?

Here's a wee history lesson for ye:


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13 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:


So inept they trousered 250,000 more votes than in the previous Holyrood election emoji38.png


Simply not the point, china.  We all know Scotland has backed off from the notion of a second referendum.  This is true.  My take is that it's down to the SNP's ineptness.  How would you try and explain it?

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Simply not the point, china.  We all know Scotland has backed off from the notion of a second referendum.  This is true.  My take is that it's down to the SNP's ineptness.  How would you try and explain it?

"Not the point"

Are you seriously trying to argue that a party which is becoming MORE popular with the electorate is somehow being judged as "inept" by the same electorate?

You're either thick, drunk or trolling. Personally I suspect all three.
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4 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

Are you seriously trying to argue that a party which is becoming MORE popular with the electorate is somehow being judged as "inept" by the same electorate?


Of course.  There is no other way to explain why the major party's main principle is being eschewed by the sensible voters.

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26 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

And which part do you take issue with?  Sorry to put you on the spot.  I know you're not used to it.


I've already explained your abject stupidity to you. Without the use of finger puppets I'm genuinely unsure what more I can do. 

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Every time I read one of Kinky's night time posting sessions it gets a bit more irate and ill-tempered than the last. Reads like someone going through some kind of personal crisis tbh - a tough read.

14 hours ago, Fide said:

My Mrs often brings her up in conversations about why people vote Tory.  She's a prime example of the moronic, gullible, susceptible people who vote Tory, blissfully unaware that the Tory's hate them.

ETA: The woman is a prime example, not my Mrs :lol:

Dont underestimate the actual appeal of the Tory's hating them. The only working class Tory I've known was from some godforsaken Northern English town, worked in a shop (that I doubt paid him over the minimum earnings allowance) and would barely ever shut the f**k about his ambition, hard work and hatred for tax.

He was basically preparing his political views for the day he becomes a socially mobile squillionaire and being a Tory fud was part of that 'aspiration'. The fact that the Tories hate him was probably the whole deal.

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14 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Think i read somewhere she is now a Labour party activist and a massive corbynista

Well at least the thick c**t is making slow progress.

Voting for a party who will cut her benefits, to voting for a party who will abstain on any votes resulting in the tories cutting her benefits. Splendid. 

If there's one thing I've learned from a few years in Welfare Rights it's that full-time mummies and pensioners don't like being told that Tax Creds and State Pension are Benefits. Lovely. 

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I am a catholic (although not practicing), I went to a catholic school, both my parents are catholics.

My school experience for someone who didn't support ra shellick was the fucking pits. Some of the teachers were worse than the pupils, with the worst of it being wear yer sellick tap tae school on the day of the Seville Uefa Cup game. If my experience of going to a catholic school, both primary and secondary, is the standard for them then I'm guessing then they would be by and large total bigot factories across the board. If you want your child to have a religiously orientated education then you should have to pay for it, IMO.

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Thing is, she did nothing wrong, the cameras have caught her mouthing something, after a load of whataboutery, someone on twitter has assumed what Black said, and the media have ran with it.

Can almost guarantee worse has been said in the chamber and never picked up.

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Thing is, she did nothing wrong, the cameras have caught her mouthing something, after a load of whataboutery, someone on twitter has assumed what Black said, and the media have ran with it.

Can almost guarantee worse has been said in the chamber and never picked up.

It's pretty tame given some of the extreme abuse that black has had from britnats since being elected.
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