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Granny Danger

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3 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

FFS, this is frightening.

No wonder this sort of stuff happens in NL if this is the level of attention the electorate pays to local events.

Here's a quick selection of the saga:








I'm going to hazard a guess that both of the warring factions now running as independents have been dishing out the lawyers letters to the media, hence the abrupt media blackout just as the shitstorm hits DEFCON1 with two renegade SNP factions & a renegade Labour faction standing candidates.

Which I nor anyone else ever did & the person claiming it later backpedalled on to no one's surprise - except perhaps you.

"Nobody called my boss m8, you might have got a little confused when you were desperate to get poor 8mile banned by sharing his PMs."

Feeling stupid yet? Again?

If you had really wanted to share this story, whatever it is, you could have easily summarised it and given us the gist in half the time it has taken to post all these links and associated rubbish.

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I suppose it's a start:

Crown Estate control transferred to Scottish government
Powers over the revenue and management of Crown Estate resources in Scotland have
been transferred formally to the Scottish government….
…Land Reform Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: "This is a historic day.
The management and resources of the Crown Estate now rest with the people of

Scotland and we have a genuine, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use them to change
the fabric of Scottish society, placing the needs of local and coastal communities at
the centre of our long-term planning for these considerable assets.
From today, decisions about both the day-to-day management and the future of the
estate will be taken in


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I suppose it's a start:
Crown Estate control transferred to Scottish government
Powers over the revenue and management of Crown Estate resources in Scotland have
been transferred formally to the Scottish government….
…Land Reform Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: "This is a historic day.
The management and resources of the Crown Estate now rest with the people of

Scotland and we have a genuine, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use them to change
the fabric of Scottish society, placing the needs of local and coastal communities at
the centre of our long-term planning for these considerable assets.
From today, decisions about both the day-to-day management and the future of the
estate will be taken in


I'm just waiting on the admission of that April Fool.
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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

The problem with politics is that there is no real entry barrier for people wanting jobs as councillors etc. Obviously we get a wider representation of people in those positions but we are always at risk of people like Granny Danger and Reynard from being elected. I dont know how to stop that.

Why would you want that stopped. the problem at all levels of government is the absolute abundance of sellouts that get elected, Corbyn is for ever getting his past voting record used as a stick to beat him, I don't understand that, he should be commended for sticking to his principles not criticised, I know some will say his side can't moan about the others not voting with the party but an awful lot of the New Labour politicians talk the talk of soft left wingers and act/vote like right wingers, the general public really don't like duplicitous b*****ds and Labour have loads of them, that's what's fucked the Labour party more than anything else.

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Why would you want that stopped. the problem at all levels of government is the absolute abundance of sellouts that get elected, Corbyn is for ever getting his past voting record used as a stick to beat him, I don't understand that, he should be commended for sticking to his principles not criticised, I know some will say his side can't moan about the others not voting with the party but an awful lot of the New Labour politicians talk the talk of soft left wingers and act/vote like right wingers, the general public really don't like duplicitous b*****ds and Labour have loads of them, that's what's fucked the Labour party more than anything else.

The problem is the good Labour have achieved has come from compromise and by putting in positions of power people whose principles chime with the mainstream. I've never been keen on this idea that moderates are sellouts and radicals are principled. Moderates have principles too, but have a tendency to do what is necessary to achieve positive change and have principles that aren't at odds with mainstream thinking.

I don't think there is much point in unprincipled politics, but I'm just as unconvinced by the idea of politicians having nothing but their principles.

On the specific issue of Corbyn, his principles are often controversial, regularly inconsistent and I'm not sure he's even actually stuck to his principles that much. He's rebelled a lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's doing it out of principle. His problems are as much to do with his lack of political and leadership skills as they are his politics. When people bring up his voting record it isn't to attack him for being principled, but to highlight the hypocrisy of demanding loyalty when he has shown none.
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The problem is the good Labour have achieved has come from compromise and by putting in positions of power people whose principles chime with the mainstream. I've never been keen on this idea that moderates are sellouts and radicals are principled. Moderates have principles too, but have a tendency to do what is necessary to achieve positive change and have principles that aren't at odds with mainstream thinking.

I don't think there is much point in unprincipled politics, but I'm just as unconvinced by the idea of politicians having nothing but their principles.

On the specific issue of Corbyn, his principles are often controversial, regularly inconsistent and I'm not sure he's even actually stuck to his principles that much. He's rebelled a lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's doing it out of principle. His problems are as much to do with his lack of political and leadership skills as they are his politics. When people bring up his voting record it isn't to attack him for being principled, but to highlight the hypocrisy of demanding loyalty when he has shown none.

You must get frustrated when the so called achievements of the Blair / Brown era are not recognised by most folk with left wing tendencies.

The nhs and the welfare state; these are achievements. They were not created through compromise.
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1 hour ago, jmothecat said:


The problem is the good Labour have achieved has come from compromise and by putting in positions of power people whose principles chime with the mainstream. I've never been keen on this idea that moderates are sellouts and radicals are principled. Moderates have principles too, but have a tendency to do what is necessary to achieve positive change and have principles that aren't at odds with mainstream thinking.

I don't think there is much point in unprincipled politics, but I'm just as unconvinced by the idea of politicians having nothing but their principles.

On the specific issue of Corbyn, his principles are often controversial, regularly inconsistent and I'm not sure he's even actually stuck to his principles that much. He's rebelled a lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's doing it out of principle. His problems are as much to do with his lack of political and leadership skills as they are his politics. When people bring up his voting record it isn't to attack him for being principled, but to highlight the hypocrisy of demanding loyalty when he has shown none.

You should join the SNP and when we have independence then I'll join ye in a left-leaning political party.

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On Saturday, April 01, 2017 at 20:01, mjw said:

Is there a reason it seems to be The Herald that is serialising this 'scandal'?
Having not bought a paper since the last referendum I'm sorry to say most of this has passed me by.


Which is a major part of the question wtf is going on. They seem highly anxious to devote large amounts of time whitewashing one councillor who has already been shown to be not above abusing the system themselves for personal gain, whilst vilifying every other. Do they have relatives working for The Herald group? Were they acting as a snout within the SNP for the Newsquest group (which might explain why the SNP were happy to deselect them even after clearing all allegations made against them)? But most of all, why the complete radio silence from the rest of the press over what looks almost the perfect political story?

Elsewhere, another press open goal is being ignored. Renfrewshire's Labour deputy provost is standing against his party's chosen three candidates, under no designation (not even as "Independent"). The first the public knew was when the candidates were announced, Renfrewshire Labour seem to be in no hurry to expel him, they even still have him listed as one of their councillors on their website.

It would be all well if he was a complete unknown, but this is the guy who was headlines all over the place after he was caught pishing in someone's garden when canvassing during the Holyrood elections last year. It begs the question, has he been told to stand as a fake independent by HQ in the hope of taking the third allocated seat?

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

23 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

If these figures are to be believed, this amounts to a loss of 30p a day at the bottom and a gain of 90p a day at the top.

This graph is a classic example of abuse of statistics. The vertical axis scale is designed to make it look like a massive movement of money from the poorest to the richest which it clearly isnt. Its the reason why statistics on their own should never be relied on to provide proof of anything.


30p a day.  You could feed a family of four on that!

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

30p a day.  You could feed a family of four on that!

Stuart Dickson certainly used to claim he fed his family on subsistence levels of cash while having about a 20 room package with Sky..

f**k, he'd have livened this place up with Brexit & Trump.

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50 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Watching Panorama on the people behind Le Pen. Bit worrying Nazis getting hold of the French nuclear arsenal.

They've already got the biggest one.

BTW I'm taping it to watch later so no spoilers.

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Further council election whatthefuckery this time down in East Renfrewshire. No, Ad Lib's not standing for the Lannister Party, but a certain Robert Malyn he stood against on THAT night in May 2015 is now standing for the Social Democratic Party in Newton Mearns & Neilston. Maylin had been the advisor to David Coburn MEP - UKIP Scotland's Fat Controller - until March 2015 after saying on Twitter that appointing John Major to renegotiate Britain's terms in Europe was as sensible as making Stephen Hawking captain of Britain's synchronised swimming team.

There had been a threat for several months that a block of Kippers were going to jump ship, disilliusioned with the Scottish branches preference for Orange, Masonic closet Tory bigots was somewhat off putting to Eurosceptics up north, even if the previous "good old days" had meant taking in holocaust deniers such as Alistair McConnachie despite repeated warnings. Last year, UKIP's Weegie branch chair, Sarah Devenney, publicly quit saying that the party in Scotland - unlike elsewhere - was run entirely by Coburn diktat thanks to Farage not trusting the Jockos. UKIP responded that the party was better off without them.

However it appears Devenney's supporters & others with an eye for the main chance have parachuted themselves into the tiny English/Welsh SDP, proffering themselves as a Scottish branch on a plate, & appear to be a touch better organised than their Kipper counterparts, most of whom have been left to flounder on their own organising their own electoral campaigns & leaflets - such as the hapless Jamie Robertson in Shettleston, which the SDP candidate Steven Marshall has Devenney running the show for him. Strange however that Devenney appears not to be running herself, perhaps to avoid the charge that the SDP in Scotland stands for the Sarah Devenney Party.

Aberdeenshire has a single SDP candidate in Kincardine - the Kipper candidate at the last GE David Lansdell -  but the entire Kipper contingent there have vanished. Oh hang on, he was the entire of the Kipper contingent in Outer Aberdeenshire - the rest being confined to Aberdeen.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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