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Granny Danger

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2 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

Some day when Labour MPs who speak out against anti-Semitism are described as enemies of the party leader. 

They said f**k all when a Labour prime minister was waging an illegal war.


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57 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

That’s the sort of response from someone who has no response.

Anyway f**k off im watching the football.


Changing the subject when caught bonny is shitebaggery.


You f**k off, the second half of this shite is about to start.

Edited by NewBornBairn
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Theresa May is having a brief hiatus in the Brexit shit storm; it won’t last long and she will soon have to deal with the fallout.
It’s an opportune time for Corbyn’s enemies* to go on the attack over an issue that no one can really class as topical.
* Was it Churchill who mad the comment about those on the benches across from you are the opposition; those on the benches behind are the enemy?
Corbyn’s biggest enemies are still those in his own party who don’t want a socialist in charge.
Aliens do exist and they'll almost certainly use UFOs. Unless you think that intelligent life in far flung galaxies travel around in Boeing 747s. [emoji6]
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12 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Theresa May is having a brief hiatus in the Brexit shit storm; it won’t last long and she will soon have to deal with the fallout.

It’s an opportune time for Corbyn’s enemies* to go on the attack over an issue that no one can really class as topical.

* Was it Churchill who mad the comment about those on the benches across from you are the opposition; those on the benches behind are the enemy?

Corbyn’s biggest enemies are still those in his own party who don’t want a socialist in charge.


Corbyn may describe himself as a socialist, but he surrounds himself with mad batshit crazy communists.

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13 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Theresa May is having a brief hiatus in the Brexit shit storm; it won’t last long and she will soon have to deal with the fallout.

It’s an opportune time for Corbyn’s enemies* to go on the attack over an issue that no one can really class as topical.

* Was it Churchill who mad the comment about those on the benches across from you are the opposition; those on the benches behind are the enemy?

Corbyn’s biggest enemies are still those in his own party who don’t want a socialist in charge.


Theresa May has looked more statesmanlike precisely because she is able to talk about something other than Brexit.
A lot of European countries realised that what happened in Salisbury could have occured in Strasbourg, Stuttgart or Stockholm or numerous other places whose name does not start with an "S".
The UK's problem with Russia is everyone's problem with Russia.
The EU have also had the chance to say "look, this is the benefit is being part of the club."

Jeremy Corbyn's response was weak.  If he was not going to be supportive of the government, then he should have been forcefully suggesting some other course of action.  But he never seems forceful.
"Not sure you are doing the right thing here."
"So what would you do?"
"Not sure but not this."

He just never does enough to really convince anyone that he really wants to be prime minister and he is already in his dream job..
He likes to tell Theresa May that "people are suffering" but some people think it would be better if they could do something about it.

I agree with Jeremy Corbyn on a lot of things but he constantly comes across as weak, weak, weak - even compared to Theresa May!

This issue of anti-semitism is ridiculous.  People in the Labour Party who are anti-Jewish should be expelled from the party as Hitler-loving fascist pigs.
Racism is racism is racism.

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I think it would be quite nice to have a pm who wasn't forceful, and who wasn't aggressive.

I'd also like a pm who wasn't always sure of the best course of action.

I think too many people in Britain (and the western world) have been convinced that this is what leadership is all about.

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3 hours ago, pandarilla said:

I think it would be quite nice to have a pm who wasn't forceful, and who wasn't aggressive.

I'd also like a pm who wasn't always sure of the best course of action.

I think too many people in Britain (and the western world) have been convinced that this is what leadership is all about.

So you want a leader who has no idea what they’re doing?


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26 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

So you want a leader who has no idea what they’re doing?



Bertrand Russell summed it up.


The fundamental cause of the trouble in the modern world today is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.


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The sad thing is that many folk see “strength” and “decisiveness” as being the key qualities of political leadership regardless as to how bad the quality of the decision making is.

To take that a step further back, it may be because only a tiny proportion of folk take any more than a cursory interest in politics. Sadly that will not change.


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If Jeremy Corbyn really wants to be prime minister then he needs to act the part.

"Regarding Russia, what would you do?"
"Well I wouldn't do what they have done."
"Never mind what anyone else might do - what would you do?"

He doesn't need to be a strong leader.
He doesn't need to make that decision on his own.
He can discuss it with his colleagues or anyone else for that matter.

Then when a consensus is reached - he can be the spokesman and say "This is what we suggest."

Maybe this is what he is already doing but it doesn't come across like that.
More like he has turned up without his notes and saying "This Russia business - it really is a puzzle - isn't it."

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2 hours ago, Londonwell said:

So you want a leader who has no idea what they’re doing?


How could any one human being possibly know the right course of action for every single eventuality an entity as complex and massive as a fucking country has to undertake on a daily basis?  

Proper mature sensible intelligent leadership is consultation and delegation.  That was a fucking brilliant point pandrilla made and an absolutely moronic reply from you, illustrating his point perfectly.

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20 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

How could any one human being possibly know the right course of action for every single eventuality an entity as complex and massive as a fucking country has to undertake on a daily basis?  

Proper mature sensible intelligent leadership is consultation and delegation.  That was a fucking brilliant point pandrilla made and an absolutely moronic reply from you, illustrating his point perfectly.

Settle down, I know what he meant and was half jesting. 

In an ideal world you would have someone who is competent but also had the qualities you describe (Basically not being a massive p***k).

You’re really uptight following the end of your pro football career. 

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It's not it's a valid comparison.
War that causes millions of deaths vs. being a member of a facebook group where a couple of people out of the many members are anti-semites.
What's the worse crime that deserves to be bravely called out. 

Aye, let’s ignore anti-semitism because worse things have happened.

And anyway, the vote for the war in Iraq was 16 or so years ago. A lot of those making a stand against this vile anti-semitic element of the Labour Party weren’t in Parliament then.
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6 minutes ago, BerwickMad said:

Aye, let’s ignore anti-semitism because worse things have happened.

And anyway, the vote for the war in Iraq was 16 or so years ago. A lot of those making a stand against this vile anti-semitic element of the Labour Party weren’t in Parliament then.

Aye let’s ignore the c***s that supported Blair and his illegal war because it happened 16 years ago.

The Labour Party is in a dark place because of c***s like you.


Meanwhile British pro-Zionist Jewish groups are trying to use the existing public attention to box Corbyn into a corner.  He needs to tell them to get to f**k.


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Aye let’s ignore the c***s that supported Blair and his illegal war because it happened 16 years ago.
The Labour Party is in a dark place because of c***s like you.
Meanwhile British pro-Zionist Jewish groups are trying to use the existing public attention to box Corbyn into a corner.  He needs to tell them to get to f**k.

Yes, let’s ignore it when talking about anti-semitism in the Labour Party because it has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s whataboutary.

Being called a c**t by someone with as vile opinions as you means absolutely nothing to me.
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